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研究生: 張世昌
Shi-Chang Chang
論文名稱: 循環類神經網路於連續式化工程序之動態模擬與製程導航系統開發
Development of dynamic simulation and process guidance system for continuous chemical process with recurrent neural network
指導教授: 李豪業
Hao-Yeh Lee
口試委員: 錢義隆
I-Lung Chien
Bor-Yih Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 熔融指數循環類神經網路程序增益一致性非線性模式預測控制機器學習
外文關鍵詞: Melt index, Recurrent neural network, Process gain consistency, Nonlinear model predictive control, Machine learning
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)於產品性質之動態預測,實現對品質之實時監控
題,本研究利用 RNN 模式設計虛擬 PID 控制器及 RNN 模式預測控制控制器
(RNN-based model predictive control, RNN-MPC)兩種控制算法,實現製程導航技
時間過長之問題。為確保製程導航系統之正確性,本研究針對RNN 模式之程序
增益(Process gain)方向性進行研究,並考慮實際程序與模式間的程序增益一致性
(Gain consistency),合理的設計類神經網路模式於參數估計時之目標函數,使建
本研究以實際高分子製程為案例,其中高分子產品之熔融指數(Melt index,
MI)為品質指標,而斷鏈劑(Chain modifier)添加量為品質控制之操作變數。因此,
將非線性 RNN 模式用於 MI 預測,製程導航系統用於斷鏈劑添加操作指引。結
果顯示,RNN 之 MI 模擬測試結果之平均絕對百分誤差(MAPE)為 5.4 %,且於不
同測試條件下之增益一致性為 100 %;製程導航系統之自動控制與實廠手動控制
策略相比,於各品別操作條件下,MI 與目標值之積分絕對誤差(IAE)平均約可下
降80 %,且於不同品別轉換情境下之轉換時間平均約可縮短約 31 小時。

The chemical process is in response to the end product needs, so there are standards for the control of product properties. However, online measurement of product properties often requires expensive costs or even cannot be performed online. Usually, sampling is performed manually at intervals of several hours. Therefore, it causes low sampling frequency of product properties, which greatly increases the difficulty of quality control. In addition, the production of many chemical processes often encounters the transition of product specifications or the disturbance, such as feed conditions and production rate changes during production. However, in the above situations, many manipulated variables used for quality control have no clear basis for adjustment. They are usually adjusted based on the experience of plant operator, resulting in long product transition time, waste of raw materials, or quality fluctuation when encountering disturbances.
Aiming at the problems arising from the measurement of product properties, this study uses the nonlinear recurrent neural network (RNN) model to dynamically predict product properties to realize real-time monitoring of quality and prediction of future trends, thereby improving the effectiveness of quality control. This work developed a virtual PID controller, and model predictive control based on the proposed RNN model, in order to deal with the operation problems (i.e. quality fluctuations and long transition time). To ensure the correctness of the process guidance system, this research studies the process gain direction of the RNN model, considers the process gain consistency between the actual process and the model, and reasonably designs the objective function in parameter estimation. This enables the training to consider the constraints of accuracy and actual physical constraints (i.e. process gain sign) at the same time, as well as avoiding the problem of misleading operation guidance.
This study takes the actual polymer process as an example, in which the melt index (MI) of polymer products is the quality index, and the chain modifier feed flow rate is a manipulated variable for quality control. Therefore, the nonlinear RNN model was used for MI prediction, and the process guidance system was used for chain modifier feed operation guidance. The results show that the average absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the MI simulation test results of RNN is 5.4 %, and the gain consistency under different test conditions is 100 %. The automatic control of the process guidance system is compared with the actual plant manual control strategy. Under the operating conditions of different grades, the integral absolute error (IAE) between MI and the target value can be reduced by about 80 %, and the transition time can be shortened by about 31 hours significantly in the different grade transition situations.

誌謝................................................................................................................................. i 摘要................................................................................................................................ ii Abstract ........................................................................................................................ iii 目錄................................................................................................................................ v 圖目錄........................................................................................................................ viii 表目錄........................................................................................................................... xi 第1 章 緒論............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 研究背景.................................................................................................... 1 1.2 文獻回顧.................................................................................................... 3 1.3 研究動機與目的...................................................................................... 22 1.4 組織章節.................................................................................................. 24 第2 章 非線性循環類神經網路模式.................................................................. 25 2.1 前言.......................................................................................................... 25 2.2 循環類神經網路模式概念...................................................................... 27 2.2.1 循環類神經網路模式之運算機制.............................................. 27 2.2.2 循環類神經網路模式之動態預測.............................................. 31 2.2.3 循環類神經網路模式之實時多步動態預測.............................. 35 2.3 循環類神經網路模式之建構.................................................................. 37 2.3.1 程序與模式間之開環增益一致性約束...................................... 37 2.3.2 循環類神經網路模式之參數估計整體流程.............................. 42 2.3.3 循環類神經網路模式之超參數及其優化流程.......................... 45 2.4 結語.......................................................................................................... 51 第3 章 製程導航系統.......................................................................................... 52 3.1 前言.......................................................................................................... 52 3.2 製程導航系統概念.................................................................................. 54 3.3 離散 PID 控制於導航系統之應用 ......................................................... 56 3.3.1 離散 PID 控制算法 ..................................................................... 56 3.3.2 PID 控制器之參數調諧 .............................................................. 59 3.3.3 非線性 PID 控制策略 ................................................................. 62 3.4 循環類神經網路模式預測控制於導航系統之應用.............................. 66 3.4.1 循環類神經網路模式預測控制概念與算法.............................. 66 3.4.2 循環類神經網路模式預測控制器參數...................................... 73 3.5 結語.......................................................................................................... 75 第4 章 循環類神經網路導航系統於高分子製程之應用.................................. 76 4.1 前言.......................................................................................................... 76 4.2 高分子製程.............................................................................................. 77 4.2.1 製程概述...................................................................................... 77 4.2.2 模式之輸入變數選擇.................................................................. 79 4.2.3 製程數據種類與前處理.............................................................. 88 4.2.4 實廠數據採樣頻率不一致.......................................................... 91 4.3 循環類神經網路於高分子製程產品 MI 之預測 ................................... 93 4.3.1 MI 預測模型的建立與其模擬結果 ............................................ 93 4.3.2 開環增益一致性結果.................................................................. 97 4.4 導航系統於高分子製程斷鏈劑添加量之操作指引............................ 100 4.4.1 控制器參數調諧結果................................................................ 100 4.4.2 閉環路下之離線模擬結果........................................................ 103 4.5 結語........................................................................................................ 110 第5 章 結論與未來展望.................................................................................... 112 5.1 結論........................................................................................................ 112 5.2 未來展望................................................................................................ 113 參考文獻.................................................................................................................... 114 附錄............................................................................................................................ 117

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