簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 吳俊賢
論文名稱: 區域能源最佳調度之研究
Study of Optimal Regional Energy Dispatch
指導教授: 張宏展
Hong-Chan Chang
口試委員: 郭政謙
Cheng-Chien Kuo
Hung-Cheng Chen
Horng-Ching Hsiao
Tsair-Rong Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 電力調度區域能源二氧化碳雙目標規劃改良型粒子群演算法
外文關鍵詞: power dispatch, regional energy, carbon dioxide (CO2), dual objective planning, improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO)
相關次數: 點閱:359下載:5
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  • 傳統大型發電系統對台灣整體電力系統扮演重要地位,但也排出過量影響環境及人體健康物質(二氧化碳、二氧化硫與氟化物..等),因此為了達成兼顧成本及符合二氧化碳減量之雙重目標,可將區域能源之汽電共生系統視為最佳選擇。汽電共生系統(Cogeneration System)可同時產生蒸汽與電力,在工業廠區內如需要大量蒸汽及電力時,可由決策者依自身要求興建符合之汽電共生廠,並可就近供應蒸汽與電力於製程廠,以免除能源輸送之損失。本文探討考量各種二氧化碳效應因素下與電力最佳調度間策略關係,利用引進多項指標方式,如成本對二氧化碳排放抵換曲線(Trade-off Curve)與二氧化碳減量之增量發電成本曲線(Incremental Cost for CO2 Reduction Curve, ICCR Curve)藉以評估二氧化碳對經濟調度之影響。綜合上述指標,更進一步利用單、雙目標規劃之方式,並滿足決策者需求下,建立二氧化碳影響下之電力調度規劃,使決策者能兼具環保與經濟因素之議題。並利用改良式粒子群演算法配合編碼方式來助於避免提早收斂及快速求得高品質之最佳電力規劃解。總結來說,以南部某煉油之汽電共生系統進行模擬測試,並針對背壓式蒸汽渦輪機及抽汽冷凝式渦輪機混合系統之高壓、中壓製程蒸汽和電力需求考量,且由尖峰、半尖峰、離峰三種情境下之研究結果得知,其調度結果確實能夠有效考量二氧化碳減量及碳價交易對於能源成本之影響,並達到兼顧環保與經濟之目的。

    Conventional large-scale power generation systems are crucial in the overall power system in Taiwan. However, these systems emit excessive amounts of substances that negatively influence the environment and human health, e.g. carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and fluoride (F). Thus, to achieve both cost and carbon reductions, cogeneration systems are deemed the optimal choice for generating regional energy. Cogeneration systems can simultaneously generate steam and electrical power, and customized cogeneration power plants can be established according to the specific requirements of policy makers for industrial complexes that require large amounts of steam or electrical power. These cogeneration plants can then provide steam or electrical power to nearby processing plants, thereby preventing power transmission loss. Considering the various effects of CO2 emissions and their strategic relationship with optimal power dispatch, this study used numerous indicators, e.g. CO2 emission trade-off curve and an incremental cost for CO2 reduction curve to evaluate the influence that CO2 has on economic dispatch. In addition, by integrating the indicators and adopting single/dual objective planning methods, this study developed a CO2-influenced power dispatch plan that satisfies the demands of policy makers, accounting for both environmental and economic considerations. The improved particle swarm optimization (IPSO) method combined with coding proposed in this study further prevents premature convergence and facilitates the rapid calculation of a high-quality optimal power planning solution.
    In this study, simulation tests were performed on a cogeneration system of an oil refinery in Southern Taiwan. These tests focused on the steam and electrical power requirements for the high- and medium-pressure processing of a hybrid steam turbine system (back pressure and extraction condensing). Three conditions were subsequently tested, namely, peak, semi-peak, and off-peak conditions. The findings of this study suggest that the dispatch outcomes effectively accounted for the influences that CO2 reduction and changes in carbon prices have on the overall power generation costs, thereby achieving both environmental protection and economic efficiency.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 II 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究步驟與目的 2 1.3 章節概述 3 第二章 區域能源之電力調度 6 2.1 簡介 6 2.1.1 汽電共生系統介紹 6 2.2 數學模型 8 2.2.1 高壓鍋爐成本函數 8 2.2.2 蒸汽渦輪發電機成本函數 9 2.3 目標函數 13 2.3.1 發電目標調度 13 2.3.2 二氧化碳排放模型 16 2.4 最佳化規劃限制條件 20 2.4.1 系統限制式 20 2.4.2 機組限制式 23 2.4.3 二氧化碳排放限制式 25 第三章 最佳化演算法與規劃 26 3.1 多目標規劃法 26 3.1.1 簡介 26 3.1.2 交談式最佳妥協法 28 3.2 粒子群演算法 36 3.2.1 簡介 36 3.2.2 典型粒子群基本工作原理 37 3.2.3 粒子群演算法流程 37 3.3 改良型粒子群演算法 41 3.3.1 簡介 41 3.3.2 加速度改良型粒子群 42 3.3.3 突變因子 44 3.3.4 擾動機制 46 第四章 碳排放評估下之電力調度 47 4.1 簡介 47 4.2 抵換曲線 47 4.3 完整問題-目標規劃 49 4.4 問題-目標模擬流程 50 4.5 改良型粒子群演算法的求解過程 53 4.5.1 編碼方式 53 4.5.2 解碼方式 53 4.5.3 電力調度之懲罰函數 56 第五章 模擬結果與討論 58 5.1 簡介 58 5.2 汽電系統離峰負載評估 59 5.2.1 離峰模擬 59 5.2.2 離峰分析討論 66 5.3 汽電系統半尖峰負載評估 68 5.3.1 半尖峰模擬 68 5.3.2 半尖峰分析討論 74 5.4 汽電系統尖峰負載評估 76 5.4.1 尖峰模擬 76 5.4.2 尖峰分析討論 83 第六章結論與未來展望 86 6.1 結論 86 6.2 未來展望 87 參考文獻 88

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