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研究生: 黃揚清
Yang-Ching Huang
論文名稱: 以3D列印製備腸道動態模擬系統並用於評估胃部排空物質對腸道細胞的影響
Preparation of the 3D Biomimetic Intestinal Model and Its Application in Evaluation of the Effect of the Gastric Empty Liquid on the Intestinal Cells
指導教授: 高震宇
Chen-Yu Kao
口試委員: 羅俊民
Chun-Min Lo
Yi-Ping Chuang
Pin-Chuan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83/0/97
中文關鍵詞: 幽門螺旋桿菌羅伊氏乳桿菌阿莫西林人類結腸癌細胞模擬腸道系統
外文關鍵詞: Helicobacter pylori, Lactobacillus reuteri, Amoxicillin, Caco-2, Simulated intestinal system
相關次數: 點閱:374下載:0
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  • 幽門螺旋桿菌 (H.pylori) 為一存在於胃腸道黏膜上的彎曲桿狀革蘭氏陰性微需氧菌,目前許多文獻已說明感染幽門螺桿菌與消化性潰瘍、淋巴瘤、胃癌等消化道疾病的發病機制有關,目前對於幽門螺旋桿菌的治療以服用克拉黴素 (Clarithromycin)、阿莫西林 (Amoxicillin)、甲硝唑 (Metronidazole) 等口服抗生素輔以質子幫浦阻斷劑多重療法為主要治療方法。本實驗室近年來已成功開發出胃部動態模擬系統,用以了解益生菌對H.pylori的抑制情況,及在動態模擬系統下添加Amoxicillin與益生菌共同抑制幽門螺旋桿菌,觀察其抑制情形效果。然而,由於胃的排空效應,這些益生菌與抗生素也會影響到腸道系統,然而目前尚缺少這樣的評估系統。本研究所開發的模擬腸道系統中,主要利用人類結腸癌細胞 (Caco-2) 作為研究對象,由於此細胞在體外長時間培養後會自發分化,分化後的微絨毛結構、細胞表面刷狀邊界、細胞間緊密連接、分泌水解酶等型態與正常腸細胞具有相似特徵,因此時常被用以體外模擬腸道上皮細胞的模型。因此本研究目的在利用3D列印技術開發出一簡化腸道動態模擬系統,以藉此了解在經過模擬胃部排空後,幽門螺旋桿菌、益生菌、抗生素等物質對於腸道細胞Caco-2的影響。
    研究結果顯示在動態胃模擬系統中,投入1000 mg/L的抗生素Amoxicillin Sodium對於幽門螺旋桿菌的抑制有最佳的結果,抑制率為93.16%。而再進一步添加益生菌羅伊氏乳桿菌 (L.reuteri) 共同抑制幽門螺旋桿菌的實驗中,以組別1000 mg/L Amoxicillin Sodium+7ml OD1.0 L.reuteri達到最佳的抑制效果,抑制率達到99.85%,顯示在1000 mg/L Amoxicillin Sodium 的幫助下,隨著益生菌的添加,抑制率會隨之上升。Caco-2已成功培養出分化完整的細胞單層,其單層膜的跨膜上皮電阻 (Transepithelial electrical resistance, TEER) 值、Phenol red滲透性數值(Papp)、分化特性酶活力 (ALP activity、SUC activity) 皆達一定數值。而後投入靜態腸模擬系統,觀察各處理組對腸道上皮屏障功能之效果,發現抗生素Amoxicillin sodium與幽門螺旋桿菌會使腸道細胞存活率分別下降了5.2%和7.7%,顯示兩者在流入腸道環境中,可能會對細胞造成一些損傷;另外也觀察到益生菌羅伊氏乳桿菌在模擬系統當中不會對細胞有損害,在動態腸道模擬系統方面,已成功將細胞單層培養於動態腸道模擬反應槽中,細胞存活率可達79.5%。

    Helicobacter pylori is a curved rod-shaped gram-negative microaerophilic bacteria that exists on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Currently, many literatures indicated that infection with Helicobacter pylori is related to the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer, lymphoma, gastric cancer and other digestive tract diseases. Nowadays, the main treatment for H.pylori is taking different therapy that is antibiotics such as Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin, Metronidazole used with proton pump inhibitor.
    In recent years, our laboratory has successfully developed a gastric dynamic simulation system to understand the inhibitory effect of probiotics on H.pylori, and added Amoxicillin and probiotics to jointly inhibit H.pylori under the dynamic simulation system to observe the inhibitory effect. However, these probiotics and antibiotics still affect the intestinal system due to the gastric emptying effect and an assessment system is currently lacking. Among them, Caco-2 is a human colon cancer cell. Since this cell will spontaneously differentiate after a long-term culture in vitro, the differentiated microvilli structure, cell surface brush-like border, intercellular tight junction, secreted hydrolase and other types are closely related to intestinal cells. For this reasons, Caco-2 cell lines are usually used as a model to simulate intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop a simplified intestinal dynamic simulation system using 3D printing technology to understand the effects of H.pylori, probiotics, antibiotics and other substances on intestinal cells Caco-2 after simulated gastric emptying impact.
    The research results showed that in the dynamic gastric simulation system, 500 mg of antibiotic Amoxicillin Sodium had the best effect on the inhibition of H.pylori, with an inhibition rate of 93.16%. In the experiment of further adding probiotics L.ruteri to inhibit H.pylori, the group 500 mg Amoxicillin Sodium+7ml OD1.0 L.reuteri achieved the best inhibitory effect, and the inhibition rate reached 99.85%, which showed that in 500mg Amoxicillin Sodium With the help of probiotics, the inhibition rate will increase. Caco-2 has successfully cultured a fully differentiated cell monolayer. The transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) value, Phenol red permeability value (Papp), differentiation characteristic enzyme activity (ALP activity, SUC activity) of the monolayer membrane have been successfully cultured all reach a certain value. Then put it into the static intestinal simulation system to observe the effect of each treatment group on the intestinal epithelial barrier function. It was found that the antibiotics Amoxicillin sodium can decrease 5.2% survival rate of intestinal cells and H. pylori can decrease 7.7% survival rate of intestinal cells. It showed that both Amoxicillin sodium and H.pylori are flowing into the gut environment, possibly causing some damage to the cells. Successfully, in the dynamic intestinal simulation system, the cell survival rate can reach 83.4% by culturing the cell monolayer in the dynamic intestinal simulation reaction tank.

    摘要 I Abstract III 致謝 V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XI 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2.1 幽門螺旋桿菌 (Helicobacter pylori, H.pylori) 3 2.1.1 現今對幽門桿菌的抗生素治療方式 6 2.1.2 現今對幽門桿菌的益生菌治療方式 7 2.2 阿莫西林 (Amoxicillin) 9 2.3 羅伊氏乳桿菌 (Limosilactobacillus reuteri, L.reuteri) 11 2.4 人類結腸腺癌細胞Caco-2 13 2.4.1 Caco-2 CaBBe1 14 2.5人體消化道特性 15 2.5.1 人體胃部特性與排空現象 15 2.5.2 人體腸道特性 18 抗生素對腸道環境的影響 20 2.6 現今體外腸道模擬系統 21 第三章 實驗材料與方法 24 3.1 實驗設計 24 3.1.2 實驗架構 25 3.2 實驗藥品與設備 26 3.2.1 實驗藥品與材料 26 3.2.2 實驗儀器設備 28 3.3 幽門螺旋桿菌體外抑制試驗 29 3.3.1 幽門螺旋桿菌和羅尹氏乳桿菌的菌液培養與保存 29 3.3.2 幽門螺旋桿菌和羅尹氏乳桿菌的菌液保存 29 3.3.3 人工胃液 (Simulated gastric juice, SGJ) 製備 29 3.3.4 選擇培養基 (Selective medium) 製備 30 3.3.5 添加Amoxicillin trihydrate和Amoxicillin sodium於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制試驗 31 3.3.6 添加Amoxicillin sodium和L.reuteri於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制試驗 32 3.4 Caco-2細胞單層 33 3.4.1 Caco-2細胞培養 33 細胞培養基配置 33 細胞活化 33 細胞繼代 35 細胞凍存 35 細胞計數 36 3.4.2 Caco-2細胞單層製備 37 3.4.2 Caco-2細胞單層完整性測定-跨上皮電阻 (TEER) 37 3.4.3 Caco-2細胞單層通透性測定-Phenol red (Papp) 38 3.4.4 Caco-2 細胞單層分化特性 39 Caco-2細胞單層鹼性磷酸酶測定 (ALP activity) 39 Caco-2細胞單層蔗糖酶測定 (SUC activity) 41 3.4.5 細胞存活率分析-Alamar Blue Assay 43 3.5 體外腸道細胞生長平台建立 45 3.5.1 人工腸液 (Simulated intestinal juice, SIJ) 製備 45 3.5.2菌株Condition medium的製備 45 3.5.3 靜態模擬評估排空物質對腸道系統影響之試驗 46 3.5.4 動態模擬腸道系統 47動態模擬腸道系統製作設計 47動態模擬評估排空物質對腸道系統影響之試驗 50 第四章 結果 51 4.1 幽門螺旋桿菌體外抑制試驗 51 4.1.1 添加Amoxicillin trihydrate於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制試驗 51 4.1.2 添加Amoxicillin sodium於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制試驗 53 4.1.3 Amoxicillin trihydrate與Amoxicillin sodium於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori抑制情形之比較 54 4.1.4 同時添加Amoxicillin sodium和L.reuteri於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制試驗 55 4.2 Caco-2 細胞單層 58 4.2.1 Caco-2細胞單層完整性測定 59 4.2.2 Caco-2細胞單層通透性測定 60 4.2.3 Caco-2 細胞單層分化特性 62 Caco-2細胞單層鹼性磷酸酶測定 62 Caco-2細胞單層蔗糖酶測定 64 4.3 體外模擬排空物質對腸道系統之影響 65 4.3.1 靜態模擬評估排空物質對腸道系統試驗 66 4.3.2 動態模擬評估排空物質對腸道系統試驗 67 第五章 討論 68 5.1 抗生素Amoxicillin於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori抑制評估 68 5.2 同時添加Amoxicillin sodium和L.reuteri於動態模擬胃部環境對H.pylori的抑制評估 70 5.3 Caco-2細胞單層通透性測定 71 5.4 Caco-2細胞單層鹼性磷酸酶測定評估 71 5.5 體外模擬排空物質對腸道系統影響評估 72 第六章 結論 74 未來展望 75 參考文獻 76

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