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論文名稱: The Identity Change of Indonesian students in Taiwan
The Identity Change of Indonesian students in Taiwan
指導教授: 陳淑嬌
Su-chiao Chen
口試委員: 張瓊文
Chiung-Wen Chang
Yu-Fen Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 認同轉變文化適應出國進修在台就讀團體互動停留時間
外文關鍵詞: Identity change, acculturation, study abroad, study in Taiwan, group interaction, length of stay.
相關次數: 點閱:525下載:31
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  • 近年出國進修的國際學生人數大幅成長。國際學生向來選擇像是美國、英國或是澳洲等以英語為母語的國家,到了21世紀,國際學生開始轉往部分亞洲國家,臺灣是其中之一。本研究的目的為調查在臺印尼學生的認同轉變,採用的研究方法兼具質化與量化,量化研究有109位參與者,質化研究則為10位,在2015年10月至2016年3月透過訪談和開放式問卷的方式蒐集資料。本研究使用的研究工具為研究者改編自Zea, Asner, Birman, &Buki (2003)、Berry’s (2005)、以及Yu and Wang (2011)等學者關於文化適應策略與認同轉變的學說。研究結果顯示,赴臺就讀的印尼學生中文能力不足、傾向與其他印尼學生相處,因此仍強烈保有身份,在台時間對中文能力以及行為模式僅有些微影響。總而言之,印尼學生滿意在臺生活。

    In recent years, the number of International students who study abroad have significantly increased. Traditionnally, they study in English countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, or Australia. However, they have been changing their directions to some countries in Asia since the turn of century. Taiwan is one of the target countries for international students. This study aims to investigate the identity change of Indonesian students in Taiwan. This study used quantitative and qualitative research. For quantitative research, the total participants were 109 students and for qualitative research, the total participants were 10 students. Data were collected from October 2015 to March 2016 by using open-ended questionnaire and interview. The instrument used in this study was modified from some previous scholars such as Zea, Asner, Birman, & Buki (2003), Berry’s (2005), and Yu and Wang (2011) about the acculturation strategy and identity change. The results of the study show that Indonesian students in Taiwan still strongly maintain their identity due to their low Mandarin proficiency and their preference of interacting with other international students. The length of stay in Taiwan was found only to have slight influences on their Mandarin proficiency and behaviour patterns. Overall, they are satisfied with their lives in Taiwan.

    ABSTRACT .................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT..........................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS…..............................................................iii LIST OF TABLES………………………………………….........……...............v LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………................................vi CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and motivation of the study…………………………............1 1.2 Purpose and research questions………………………......................4 1.3 Significance of the study………………………………………...............5 CHAPTER II : LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Identity theory………………………..................................................6 2.2 Study abroad and identity change…………………….....................15 CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research design…………………………..................................20 3.2 Participants……………………….......................................21 3.3 Instruments of the study....................................................................25 3.4 Data collection...............................................................27 3.5 Data analysis………………………………………….................................28 CHAPTER IV: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Cultural identity .................................................. 29 4.2 Language proficiency ................................................34 4.3 Language attitude .........................................................................38 4.4 Language use and behaviours .........................................40 4.5 Group interaction ...................................................46 4.6 The length of studying of Indonesian students in Taiwan .............49 4.7 Factor of identity change............................................55 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION 5.1 Summary of finding ..................................................56 5.2 Implication .........................................................57 5.3 Limitation of the present study and suggestion for future study......58 References...............................................................59 Appendix A Questionnaire .........................................................................70 Appendix B Semi-structured Interview ....................................75

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