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研究生: 曾靜怡
Jing-Yi Zeng
論文名稱: 旅遊攻略應用程式圖像與介面呈現型式之研究
Research on the Graphic Icons and Interface Presentation Styles of Travel Strategy Application
指導教授: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
口試委員: 陳詩捷
Shih-Chieh Chen
Chih-Hsiang Ko
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 旅遊攻略應用程式圖像設計使用者體驗介面呈現
外文關鍵詞: Travel strategy application, Graphic icon design, User experience, Interface presentation
相關次數: 點閱:201下載:10
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研究結果顯示:①簡潔大圖面功能型介面,信息醒目易讀,能減輕使用者瀏覽資訊的視覺壓力,在介面使用性最佳;②豐富小圖面分享型介面,內容豐富能激發瀏覽分享玩樂信息的慾望,但也由於內容豐富要尋找特定信息時,時間更長,使用性也有所下降;③手繪風格適用於休閒類應用程式,帶有個人色彩,趨向年輕群體,由於個性化設計,在使用中的時間稍長;④扁平風格相較其他風格更為清晰,且扁平色塊不易視覺疲勞,比較適合商業應用; ⑤漸變風格要做到醒目的同時要統一調性,介面背景弱化與圖像色彩的選擇是關鍵,同樣適用於商業運用。

Tourism is one of the indispensable activities for modern people to relieve stress and relax. With the continuous experience of citizens in mass travel, the increase in the number of tourists mainly from the younger generation has ushered in an era of self-guided travel with self-arranged itineraries. Therefore, a search and sharing platform for travel strategies has also emerged. In order to attract more friends to share travel experience and related information, a good service experience and the satisfaction of user needs will become the guarantee of market competitiveness. Therefore, this research study aims to conduct an in-depth discussion on the travel strategy application. Through the operation execution of the existing travel strategy application, we can understand the user's usability experience and needs during operation, transform it into the design basis of the verification experiment, and then conduct in-depth analysis, expect to provide better user experience and design experience, summarize and put forward feasible design suggestions.

This study consists of two parts : ①Exploratory investigation and pilot experiment: Analyze the functions and information architecture of the existing tourism strategy application based on the related theories of literature reviews, and prepare for the verification of the experimental sample design. ②Verification experiment: Based on the results of the pre-test research, the tourism strategy application interface design is simulated and verified, and a two-factor experiment between groups is carried out in 2x3 (interface structure presentation form x image style). First understand the basic information of the participants, and then they were assigned to perform operation tasks. Their task performances were measured. After which, they were invited to fill in the System Usability Scale and Question for User Interaction Satisfaction and accepted semi-structured interviews.

The results show that:①Concise and large-screen functional interface, the information is eye-catching and easy to read, which can reduce the visual pressure of users to browse information, and has the best usability in the interface; ②Rich small-screen sharing interface, rich in content can stimulate browsing, sharing and fun. The desire is for information, but also due to the rich content. When looking for specific information, the time is longer and the usability is also reduced; ③The hand-painted style is suitable for casual applications, with a personal color, and tends to young groups. Due to the personalized design, the task completion time is slightly longer; ④The flat style is clearer than other styles, and the flat color block is not easy to be visually fatigued, which is more suitable for commercial applications; ⑤The gradient style should be eye-catching while at the same time unifying the tone. The keys are weakening of the interface background and the choice of image color, and it is also suitable for commercial applications.

摘要 II ABSTRACT III 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 X 第 1 章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究架構與流程 2 1.4 研究的範圍與限制 5 第 2 章 文獻探討 6 2.1 數字背景下的插畫 6 2.2 圖像插畫於應用程式介面之發展 7 2.2.1圖形使用者介面(Graphical User Interface, GUI)發展 7 2.2.2 圖像設計風格於應用程式之發展 7 2.2.3 插畫在使用者介面(User Interface, UI)的優勢 10 2.3 旅遊攻略應用程式發展 12 2.3.1 生活服務類應用程式的需求層次 12 2.3.2休閒旅遊之動機 13 2.3.3旅遊業及旅遊攻略應用程式之發展 14 2.4介面之使用者體驗設計 16 2.4.1使用者認知性視覺資訊 16 2.4.2使用性工程 17 2.4.3使用者體驗 17 2.4.4使用性評估 18 2.5文獻小結 19 第 3 章 研究方法 20 3.1 研究進行步驟 20 3.2 研究方法 21 3.3研究架構與流程 22 第 4 章 前導性實驗 23 4.1 探索性研究 23 4.2 前導性實驗樣本 24 4.3 前導性實驗說明 26 4.3.1 前導性實驗設備 26 4.3.2 前導性實驗設計 26 4.4 前導性實驗受測者基本資料分析 28 4.5 前導性實驗結果與分析 29 4.5.1 前導性實驗操作任務之分析 30 4.5.2 前導性實驗操作任務之系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 40 4.6 前導性實驗結論與建議 40 第 5 章 實驗設計與驗證 42 5.1 驗證實驗說明 42 5.1.1 驗證實驗研究變項 42 5.1.2 驗證實驗原型製作 43 5.1.3 驗證實驗設計 47 5.1.4 驗證實驗受測者資訊 48 5.2 驗證實驗結果 51 5.2.1 任務操作績效分析 51 5.2.2 系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)分析 67 5.2.3 使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)分析 69 5.2.4 半結構式訪談結果 76 第 6 章 結論與建議 77 6.1研究結果 77 6.1.1 探索性調查與前導性實驗結果整理 77 6.1.2 驗證實驗之任務操作績效結果整理 78 6.1.3 驗證實驗之系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)、使用者互動滿意度量表(QUIS)結果整理 80 6.2 結論與建議 81 參考文獻 83 附錄 88


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