簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 莊彰銀
Chang-ying Chuang
論文名稱: 兩岸ECFA協議下台灣家電廠商競爭策略之個案研究
Competitive Strategy of the Taiwanese Home Appliances Manufacturers under the ECFA between Taiwan and China
指導教授: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
口試委員: 葉瑞徽
Ruey-huei Yeh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: ECFAFTAWTO五力分析SWOT競爭優勢策略家電產業
外文關鍵詞: ECFA, FTA, WTO, Five Forces Analysis, SWOT, Competitive Advantage Strategy, Home Appliances Industry.
相關次數: 點閱:738下載:6
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  • 隨著經濟全球化的快速發展,在WTO組織規範下各國為維持國內經濟成長、提升國內產業競爭力、擴大市場規模,因此紛紛推動雙邊FTA之簽署,成立自由貿易區。台灣於2002年加入WTO原本可以依據WTO組織規範與各會員國簽訂FTA,但因台灣之特殊國際地位及中國大陸北京政府之干涉,致使我國無法與主要貿易夥伴簽訂FTA,加入各個經濟區域整合組織,有被邊緣化之危機。由於兩岸貿易的快速增長,中國大陸已成為我國最大貿易出口國,對我國經濟發展扮演重要的角色。由東南亞國家組成之東南亞國協組織,為擴大區域經濟整合,而推動所謂「東協加三」及「東協加五」,把中國大陸、日本、韓國、印度、紐西蘭及澳洲均涵蓋在內,卻獨缺台灣。對我國經濟發展影響甚重,將對我產品輸往中國及其他亞洲國家將造成不公平競爭。而影響我國加入此區域經濟組織的關鍵角色則為中國,在政治現實下必須先與中國大陸簽訂相關協議,方有機會加入此區域經濟組織,不被邊緣化。
    本研究之結論認為,台灣家電產業的優勢在於高品質的生產技術、靈活的生產彈性及產品功能創新能力上;相較於大陸的大規模經濟量產,日韓的開發技術領先,因應ECFA之簽訂,在競爭策略上宜採差異集中策略,以差異化、創新功能的產品拉開市場區隔,以彈性的生產能力,少量多樣,以提高客製化能力避開價格競爭。在市場行銷上,以在地優勢鞏固及掌握通路,同時配合多品牌行銷策略,擴大產品佔有率。同時應考慮多家公司合併之可能以產生綜效,增強競爭力。 外銷上應運用優勢與大陸及國外大廠策略聯盟,走出台灣放眼全球市場。

    In the latest decade, the economy and trade has been globalized, thus, lots of countries had signed the FTA and built the Free Trade Zone with their neighbor countries or their trade partners in order to keep continuous economic growth in their domestic market, to increase the competitive-
    ness of their industries and expand the market scale as well under the WTO’s regulation. Taiwan had joined the WTO in 2002 and should have the right to sign FTA with all members of WTO, but actually Taiwan couldn’t do it because of the interference and obstruction came from China. As the result of this condition has made Taiwan be isolated from its relative area economy organizations.

    The economy and trade had been growing rapidly in past ten years between Taiwan and China. China has been the No. 1 trade export country of Taiwan now. China also has been included in the “ASEAN”
    organized by the South East Asia Countries and the other countries such as Japan, Korea, India, New Zealand and Australia will be included in this “ASEAN” too in the near future except Taiwan. That will cause unfair trade competition if we want to export products to China and other Asian countries and will make a serious impact for Taiwan’s economy.
    China is still an enemy of Taiwan in political side, but he also plays the key role in Asian economy organizations. If Taiwan wants to join the relative Asian economy organizations, Taiwan needs to sign the relative agreement with China firstly and then has the chance to join the others. Therefore, the first research of this thesis will try to find why Taiwan has to sign the “ECFA” with China instead of FTA and what are the impacts, influences, advantages and disadvantages to Taiwan all industries if Taiwan sign the agreement.

    Taiwan Home Appliances Industry is a Taiwan basic industry since 1930 and is always under government’s p protection. Nearly all the Home Appliance makers focused its sales and operation in Taiwan domestic market. Since Taiwan is a small market, most of Home Appliances companies are medium or small operation with less competitiveness in comparison with Japanese, Korean and Chinese makers.

    After Taiwan signing the “ECFA” with China, Taiwan needs to reduce the import duty and open the market to China, in this case, China cheaper Home Appliances may enter into Taiwan market and that will cause a serious price competition and will lead to Taiwan existing Home Appliances companies lose the market even getting loss to close.

    The second research of this thesis will analyze the outside and inside of the industry competitive environment by the theory of Poter “Five Forces Analysis” and “Competitive Advantage Strategy” and find the competitive advantages of Taiwan Home Appliances Industry and find the best competitive strategy. Furthermore, we will take a representative Home Appliances Company as a case study, by analyzing its internal and external advantages and disadvantages in “SWOT” theory to find its countermeasures to face and overcome the impacts and competition coming from Chinese makers after signing “ECFA” agreement.

    The conclusions of this research are; we found the advantages of Taiwan Home Appliances Industry having best manufacturing technology
    ,flexible production plan and innovation design on product functions. The best competitive strategy is to adopt the “Differentiation and Focus Strategy”. To make the market segment by differentiation products and innovation design products functions, to get rid of the price competition by customized production, to get the market sharing by multi-brand strategy and control the sales channels, to increase the competitiveness of company by merging some Home Appliances Companies, to expand the export market by the strategy alliance with Chinese makers or other foreign big Home Appliances companies.

    目錄 論文摘要...............................................................................…..I Abstract ................................................................................….II 誌謝.............................................................................……….. V 目錄.....................................................................................…VI 圖目錄........................................................... ......................VIII 表目錄..................................................................................VIII 第壹章 緒論1 第一節 背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的3 第三節 研究方法4 第四節 研究流程4 第貳章 文獻探討6 第一節 何謂ECFA6 第二節 與中國大陸簽訂ECFA之原因...9 第三節 ECFA可能之主要內容12 第四節 ECFA對台灣之衝擊與影響分析13 第五節 ECFA 對台灣之利弊得失分析16 第六節 ECFA 對台灣家電業之影響分析19 第七節 策略分析與管理理論21 第參章 產業分析26 第一節 家電產業的定義與範疇26 第二節 家電產業的相關技術與供應鏈27 第三節 台灣家電產業之現況分析及未來發展方向29 第四節 台灣家電產業之五力分析43 第肆章 個案研究48 第一節 個案公司簡介48 第二節 個案公司SWOT分析55 第三節 個案公司之競爭策略分析59 第四節 個案公司目前之經營問題61 第五節 個案公司在面對ECFA協議下即將面臨之問題63 第六節 個案公司之因應對策64 第伍章 結論與建議66 第一節 結論66 第二節 建議69 第三節 研究限制與後續研究之建議71 參考文獻73 附錄一 個案公司訪談名單與綱要75 附錄二 台灣家電廠商因應ECFA 協議之競爭策略訪談內容76

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    三. 網站資料

    經濟部網址 : http://www.moea.gov.tw/
    基智網網址 : http://www.funddj.com
    經濟部國際貿易局網址 : http://www.trade.gov.tw/
    財團法人國家政策研究基金會網址: http://www.npf.org.tw/
    台灣綜合研究院網址: http://www.tri.org.tw/
    台灣智庫網址: http://www.taiwanthinktank.org/chinese
    財政部統計處網址 : http://www.mof.gov.tw/
    台灣經濟研究院產經資料庫網址: http://TIE.tier.org.tw/
    天下雜誌網址: http://www.cw.com.tw
    北方網網址: http://enorth.com.cn
    聲寶公司網址: http://www.sampo.com.tw
    公開資訊觀測站網址 : http://mops.tse.com.tw/