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研究生: 許嘉桐
論文名稱: 應用於吊扇之兩相感應電動機驅動器研製
Development of two-phase induction motor drive for ceiling fans
指導教授: 黃仲欽
Jonq-Chin Hwang
口試委員: 連國龍
Kuo-Lung Lian
Sheng-Nian Yeh
Chuan-Sheng, Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 兩相直流-交流功率轉換器單極性正弦脈波寬度調變控制電壓不相等控制峰值電壓補償控制
外文關鍵詞: two-phase DC-AC power converter, unipolar SPWM control, unbalanced two-phase voltages control, the compensation of peak voltages
相關次數: 點閱:339下載:0
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  • 本文旨在研製家電吊扇用之數位化驅動系統。配合使用兩相直流-交流功率轉換器,實現兩相感應電動機的控制,進而提高運轉的效率。在硬體電路方面,使用P 型與N 型金氧半場效電晶體之功率開關並結合閘極驅動電路,完成功率轉換器的電力電路,以省去傳統功率轉換器之上臂隔離電源。在控制策略方面則有以下之特色:(1)運用單極性正弦脈波寬度調變控制,提高電壓使用率;(2)採用電壓不相等控制策略,以對稱比例係數( kb )的調整,提高電磁轉矩及降低轉矩漣波成分,減少噪音;(3)運用峰值電壓補償之控制策略,提高其運轉效率。
    本文採用低成本之16 位元數位信號處理器dsPIC30F6015 完成兩相感應電動機驅動系統。其中運用單極性正弦脈波調變控制,電流總諧波失真率為3.80%,較雙極性正弦脈波調變控制之4.12%佳。另外使用兩相電壓不相等控制策略,使兩相峰值不相等的電流達到相同之輸 出,其補償後的電流總諧波失真率為1.52%,較未補償之2.54%佳;此外當感應電動機之兩相電流相同時,還可獲得較高的運轉轉速。最後,作感應電動機的效率控制,使用峰值電壓補償的控制策略,在最高速140rpm(風速為0.8m/s)下使用峰值電壓補償策略的輸入功率為

    This paper focuses on developing a digitalized drive system for ceiling fans. The control of a two-phase induction motor can be realized by using two-phase DC-AC power converter which help to increase the overall efficiency of the system. As for the hardware setup, P-MOSFETs and N-MOSFETs combined with gate drivers are used to implement the power circuit of the power inverter so that no isolated power is needed to supply upper arms of traditional converter. The control strategies are as follows: Firstly, the voltage utilization rate can be increased by using unipolar SPWM control. Secondly, the electromagnetic torque can be increased while the torque ripple can be reduced by adopting the compensation of unbalanced voltages and adjusting the symmetrical proportional constant, kb. The noises can be reduced accordingly. Lastly, the operating efficiency can be increased by using the control strategy of compensation of peak voltages.
    A low-cost digital signal processing device, dsPIC30F6015, is adopted to complete the two-phase induction motor system in this study. The total harmonic distortion of the current is 3.80% and 4.12% by using unipolar and bipolar SWPM control, respectively. Moreover, the control strategy of the compensation of unbalanced two-phase voltages is able to regulate the two-phase unbalanced output current so that same amount of current can be obtained. The total harmonic distortion of the current is 1.52% and 2.54% with and without compensation, respectively.
    In addition, identical two-phase currents of the induction motor will result
    in a higher rotational speed. Finally, the efficiency control of the induction motor uses the control strategy of the compensation of peak voltages. At the highest rotational speed of 140 rpm(wind speed 0.8m/s), the output power with peak voltage compensation is 22.20W which is lower than the output power of 23.56W without peak voltage compensation.

    中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 符號索引 VI 圖表索引 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機及目的 1 1.2 文獻探討 2 1.3 系統架構及本文特色 5 1.4 本文大綱 6 第二章 兩相感應電動機結構與數學模式 8 2.1 前言 8 2.2 感應電動機的結構與旋轉磁場原理 8 2.2.1 兩相感應電動機的結構 8 2.2.2 兩相感應電動機的旋轉原理 9 2.3 感應電動機之數學模式 12 2.4 感應電動機的參數量測 13 2.4.1 電阻量測 13 2.4.2 轉子堵住試驗 14 2.4.3 無載測試 15 2.5 結語 16 第三章 兩相直流-交流功率轉換器的模式與控制 17 3.1 前言 17 3.2 兩相直流-交流功率轉換器 17 3.2.1 電壓雙極性脈波寬度調變控制 19 3.2.2 電壓單極性脈波寬度調變控制 21 3.3 兩相感應電動機控制策略 26 3.3.1 弦式脈波寬調變控制及電壓不相等控制 27 3.4.2 電壓峰值補償控制策略 29 3.4 結語 31 第四章 實體製作與測試 32 4.1 前言 32 4.2 硬體電路 32 4.2.1 數位信號處理器介面電路 32 4.2.2 電壓回授電路與電壓異常保護電路 33 4.2.3 電流回授電路與過電流保護電路 34 4.2.4 閘極驅動介面與功率功率開關電力電路 36 4.2.5 返馳式直流-直流功率轉換器 36 4.3 控制軟體規劃 38 4.4 系統實測結果 40 4-4-1 兩相感應電動機與的運轉測試 40 4-4-2 兩相感應電動機電壓不相等控制的實測 41 4-4-3 兩相感應電動機的最佳效率控制運轉實測 47 4.5 結語 49 第五章 結論與建議 50 5.1 結論 50 5.2 建議 51 參考文獻 52 附錄 A 54 作者簡介 62

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