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研究生: 蘇福龍
Fu-Lung Su
論文名稱: 軟性印刷電路板應用於5G智慧手機之技術發展策略-以個案公司為例
Technology Development Strategy of Flexible Printed Circuit Board Applied to 5G Smartphone - The Case Company Study
指導教授: 袁建中
Chien-Chung Yuan
Shao-Ju Shih
口試委員: 耿筠
Yun Ken
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 軟性印刷電路板5G智慧手機動態競爭產品技術開發策略藍圖
外文關鍵詞: FPCB, 5G Smartphone, Competitive Dynamics Theory, Product Technology Development Strategy
相關次數: 點閱:517下載:0
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此研究範圍針對高頻軟板應用於5G智慧手機之發展進行分析。首先將透過文獻與產業分析5G智慧手機之市場形勢與趨勢,接續引用PEST、五力分析與動態競爭分析,掃描企業外部與內部環境,再進行SWOT分析與Cross SWOT對策,得出四個因素相互結合產生之策略。同時也分析軟板產品生命週期與BCG產品組合,最後依分析結果建構一套專屬的產品與技術策略與資源戰略規劃標準流程,以擬定未來三年產品開發策略藍圖T-Plan。

Flexible printed circuit boards are referred to as FPC. According to the statistics of MIC J2021, the largest market for the FPCB industry is smartphones, accounting for 73.8% of the total global FPCB sales. After the third and fourth generations of mobile communications, smartphones officially entered the fifth generation of mobile communications in 2019 (5G) applications, and the design of mobile phones continues to be thin and lightweight. Therefore, it relies more on the characteristics of high-density circuits and 3D bending assembly of FPC to meet the needs of 5G applications and thin structures.
Qualitative changes bring quantitative changes. 5G communication specifications will lead the development of FPC materials towards the trend of low transmission loss, creating a new application of 5G FPC transmission lines. Under this application, mobile phone and chip designers will rely more on the overall design of FPC manufactures, Performance simulation and testing capabilities will become a new competitive factor and a new round of competition for FPC manufacturers, so the trend of Evergrande, the large FPC manufacturer, will be clearer.
This research focuses on the development of FPC for 5G smartphone applications. First, we will analyze the market situation and trends of 5G smartphones through literature and industry, and then cite PEST, Five Forces analysis and Competitive Dynamics Theory to scan the external and internal environment of the enterprise, and then carry out SWOT analysis and Cross SWOT strategies to obtain a strategy based on the combination of four factors. Also, analyzees the FPC product life cycle and BCG product portfolio, and finally constructs a set of exclusive product and technology strategy and resource strategic planning standard process based on the analysis results to formulate the product development strategy blueprint T-Plan for the next three years.
In the future, this T-Plan will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis once a year, hoping to continue to meet market customers' demands for new FPCB products and enhance the company's operational competitiveness.
Keywords: FPCB, 5G Smartphone, Product Development Strategy, T-plan

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章、 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究對象 4 1.3 研究目的 5 1.4 論文架構 6 第二章、 文獻探討與產業分析 7 2-1. 軟性電路板產業鏈 8 2.1.1. 上、中、下游 8 2.1.2. 產業現況分析 10 2-2. 軟板發展概況 17 2.2.1 軟性電路板簡介 18 2.2.2 軟板材料發展 20 2-3. 軟板應用市場分析 26 2.3.1. 5G手機產業分析 26 2.3.2. 5G手機軟板應用趨勢 27 2-4. 分析工具 35 2.4.1. 總體環境掃描(PEST)分析 36 2.4.2. 五力分析 38 2.4.3. 競爭者分析 41 2.4.4. SWOT分析 43 2.4.5. 產品生命週期 45 2.4.6. BCG矩陣分析 47 2.4.7. 策略技術藍圖 50 第三章、 個案公司簡介 52 3.1. 公司里程碑 52 3.2. 競爭情形 54 3.3. 業務發展 55 第四章、 研究分析 56 4.1. 策略與佈局 56 4.1.1. PEST分析-企業外部環境 57 4.1.2. 五力分析-企業競爭力 59 4.1.3. 競爭者分析 63 4.1.4. SWOT分析-個案公司 70 4.1.5. 產品生命週期分析-智慧手機軟板 78 4.1.6. 高頻軟板產品組合與資源分配策略 81 4.1.7. 小結 91 4.2. 戰略與規劃-未來三年產品技術開發策略藍圖 91 第五章、結論與建議 93 5.1. 結論 93 5.2. 未來建議 95 5.3. 研究限制 95 參考文獻 96

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