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研究生: 黃彥宏
論文名稱: 併購是奔向藍天白雲還是晴天霹靂的噩夢-以B公司為案例
mergeris a nightmare to the blue sky and white clouds or the blue sky - taking B company as a case
指導教授: 林義貴
Yi-Kuei Lin
口試委員: 紀佳芬
Chia-Fen Chi
Hung-Yi Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 37
中文關鍵詞: 工業電腦馬斯洛需求理論文化價值定位衝突管理風險管理
外文關鍵詞: industrial PC, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, position on cultural values, conflict management, risk management
相關次數: 點閱:427下載:5
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本文管理個案以博來科技股份有限公司為實例,為從事工業電腦產銷合一的中型企業,產品專注於主機板、平板電腦、準系統,以嵌入式系統的設計和製造,可運用於數位錄影機(DVR)、網絡應用存儲(NAS)和銷售點(POS)等。並為OEM / ODM客戶提供解決方案以幫助客戶實現其目標而努力。經過二十七年的淬煉,公司發展一路順遂,但在轉投資及併購領域上步履蹣跚,卻是跌跌撞撞及吃盡苦頭。當經營者思考公司未來發展方向及藍圖時,尤其在開拓及跨足未知市場所面臨的挑戰,是否經過周詳及審慎的評估是一大考驗。

The present management case is based on the Lex Computech Co., Ltd., a medium-sized enterprise specializing in manufacturing and marketing industrial PCs. The products include design and manufacture of motherboards, panel PCs, and barebones, whose embedded systems could be applied to the uses of Digital Video Recorder (DVR), Network Application Storage (NAS), and Point of Sale (POS). The company also provides OEM/ODM clients with custom-built solutions for realization of goals. Despite 27 years of smooth development, the company has been hobbled by its setbacks in investment as well as mergers and acquisitions. When operators contemplate on the direction and blueprint of future development, particularly in the face of challenges concerning pioneering into the unknown, complete and cautious assessment is a major test.

Such a case study allows learners to fully understand that with insufficient resources and abilities, rapid shifts in industries and markets, highly competitive environment, and pressure forcing transformation and upgrade, only changing the status quo and innovating help medium-sized enterprises to open new paths in the process of mergers and acquisitions. This thesis included both the case information and teacher’s manual. It is hoped that this thesis assists the cultivation of leaders’ decision-making with cautious and objective analyses used to compare advantages and disadvantages of the results and grasp valid information. Such cultivation allows for inspiration from diverse angles and thinking with multiple aspects, further assuring the effectiveness of right decision-making.

摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VI 第1章 個案本文 1 第1節 商機再現 1 第2節 工業王國—個案公司簡介 2 第3節 格相不入 5 第4節 併購風暴 6 第5節 品質關鍵 8 第6節 欲振乏力 9 第7節 7人事已非 10 第2章 教學手冊 12 第1節 個案總覽 12 第2節 個案討論 13 第3節 教學目標及適用課程 14 第4節 個案分析 16 第5節 教學建議 18 第6節 學生課前討論問題 19 第7節 可能的解決方案 20 第8節 後記 36 參考文獻 37

2.汪名生、朱斌妤,1999年, 衝突管理,五南圖書出版股份有限公司
3.伍忠賢,2013年 企業併購理論與實務,新陸書局股份有限公司
7. Maslo.(1943) https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E9%9C%80%E6%B1%82%E5%B1%82%E6%AC%A1%E7%90%86%E8%AE%BA.
8. MBA智庫百科,Kluckhohm,Strodtbeck.(1961)