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研究生: 林依萱
Yi-Hsuan Lin
論文名稱: 利用相位優化實現光學天線陣列之光束控制
Beam Steering Operation of Optical Antenna Arrays with Phase Optimization
指導教授: 李三良
San-Liang Lee
口試委員: 李三良
San-Liang Lee
Shih-Hsiang Hsu
Jiun-Yu Sung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 光學雷達光學天線陣列相位優化
外文關鍵詞: LIDAR, Optical Phase Array, Phase Optimization
相關次數: 點閱:519下載:0
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  • 矽光子積體電路具有低功耗、低封裝複雜度、可積體化等優點。近年來,隨著自動駕駛汽車的快速發展,對高解析度光學傳感器的需求越來越大。利用矽光子技術實現的全固態光學雷達 (LIDAR) 擁有高解析度、精小和高可靠性的優勢。
    本論文設計了最佳化的方法來修正製程中產生的天線相位誤差。對於週期性的光學天線陣列,透過利用對每根天線的相位補償來抑制主瓣附近的旁瓣。本論文提出之天線群體相位校正的方法,不僅可以大幅地降低運算時間,並且有效均勻分散旁瓣的能量使光束相位控制之性能提高。經優化後之均勻64根天線光學天線陣列的峰與旁瓣比(Peak to Side Lobe Level, PSLL)為16.74 dB,半峰全寬 (Full Width at Half Maximum, FWHM)為0.16度。
    由於週期性的光學天線陣列會使光束轉向角受到兩旁柵瓣的限制。為了解決這個問題,本論文使用相同的最佳化方法設計非週期性光學天線陣列。為了滿足天線線寬的製程限制,天線的間距設計介在2.2 μm到 6.6 μm的範圍內。非週期性的光學天線陣列可以有效的抑制柵辦,提升光束的轉向範圍。經優化之PSLL在補償相位0π時為12.01 dB,補償相位π 時為11.89 dB,而一側之最大轉向角可以擴展至52.7度。新設計的非週期性光學天線陣列,不僅可以滿足半導體代工設計規則的限制,還可以增加光束轉向控制範圍,並已成功下線此設計。

    Silicon photonics integrated circuits have the advantages of low power consumption, reduced packaging complexity, and high integration density. Nowadays, with the rapid development of autonomous vehicles, the demand for high-resolution optical sensors is growing. The implementation of solid-state light detection and ranging (LIDAR) systems with silicon photonics technology offers the advantages of high resolution, compactness, and high reliability.
    In the prior work of our laboratory, a periodic sidewall grating waveguide structure was designed to form an optical antenna, and a 64-channel optical phased array (OPA) is successfully carried out using the silicon photonic process provided by the commercial foundry. After measuring and analyzing of the OPA performance, it is observed that the fabrication error will cause the phase fluctuation of each antenna. The emitted far field pattern from the OPA will have multiple speckles that will severely degrade the beam steering performance.
    We develop the optimization scheme to counter the phase errors from the fabrication process. For uniform OPAs, we aim to suppress the side lobes speckles beside the main lobe by exploiting a phase compensation at each antenna. The method of group phase correction proposed in this work can not only significantly reduce the computation time, but also effectively suppress the side lobe energy. In addition, it enhances the performance of the phase control. The peak to side lobe level (PSLL) for uniform 64-antenna OPAs after the phase correction is 16.74 dB and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) is 0.16 degree. Since the grating lobes of the uniform optical phased array are periodic, the steering angle will be limited by the grating lobes. In order to solve this problem, the aperiodic OPAs were designed using the same optimization algorithm. The antennas can be spaced in the range of 2.2 μm to 6.6 μm to meet the fabrication limitation on the linewidth and gaps for the antennas patterns. The aperiodic optical phased array can efficiently suppress the grating lobes and broaden the beam steering angle. The optimized PSLL is 12.01 dB at 0π phase shift and 11.89 dB at π phase shift. The maximal steering angle is approximately 52.7 degree on one side.
    The newly designed OPAs with aperiodic antenna arrangement can not only meet the requirements of semiconductor foundry design rules, but also increase the beam steering range. The design was successfully tapped out for manufacturing.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT III ACKNOWLEDGMENT V TABLE OF CONTENTS VI LIST OF FIGURES IX LIST OF TABLES XIII CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Motivation of this research 2 1.3 Brief overview of OPAs 4 1.4 Organization of dissertation 8 CHAPTER 2 – BASIC PRINCIPLE 9 2.1 Interference theory 9 2.2 Diffraction theory 12 2.2.1 Fresnel diffraction 12 2.2.2 Fraunhofer diffraction 14 CHAPTER 3 – INGREDIENTS OF OPTICAL PHASED ARRAYs 16 3.1 Multimode interference 16 3.2 Phase shifter 19 3.3 Optical antenna 20 3.4 Optical phased array 24 CHAPTER 4 – SIMULATION METHOD 31 4.1 Optimization algorithm 31 4.1.1 Genetic algorithm 31 4.1.2 Fitness function 34 4.2 Far field correction of uniform OPAs 37 4.2.1 Group correction 37 4.3 Far field correction of aperiodic OPA 42 CHAPTER 5 – SIMULATION RESULTS AND ANALYSIS 44 5.1 Far field pattern of a uniform OPA 44 5.1.1 64-antennas results and analysis 44 5.1.2 Beam steering of 64-antenna OPA 53 5.2 Optimization of Aperiodic OPA 56 5.2.1 32-antennas result and analysis 56 5.2.3 Result and analysis of 64 and 128 antennas 62 5.2.4 Beam steering of 64-antenna OPAs 66 CHAPTER 6 – CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 68 6.1 Conclusions 68 6.2 Future Work 70 REFERENCE 72

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