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研究生: 張文齡
Wen-Ling Chang
論文名稱: .應用於非侵入式血糖偵測系統之 28-30 GHz發射機
A 28-30 GHz Transmitter for Non-Invasive Glucose Sensing System
指導教授: 陳筱青
Hsiao-Chin Chen
口試委員: 邱弘緯
Hung-Wei Chiu
Chang-Fa Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 功率放大器壓控振盪器轉換器微波單晶積體電路非侵入式血糖偵測系統
外文關鍵詞: Power amplifier, Voltage-controlled oscillator, Transformer, Monolithic microwave integrated circuit, Non-invasive glucose sensing system
相關次數: 點閱:526下載:0
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  • 本研究使用台積電CMOS 90 nm 1P9M製程,設計並實作出一個適用28-30 GHz非侵入式血糖偵測系統之發射機。
    平時糖尿病患者為了偵測血糖的濃度,平時都必須在手上刺針以量測血糖濃度,使患者造成疼痛。隨著糖尿病患者的增加,越來越多研究者開始重視這樣的議題,期望能設計出一個非侵入式的血糖偵測系統。此發射機由壓控震盪器產生訊號並透過連接在緩衝器上的阻抗轉換器將雙端訊號轉成單端並連接到輸入阻抗為50Ω的功率放大器上打出全頻帶最少4.5dBm的功率。晶片面積為1304 μm X 1287 μm。

    A 28-30 GHz RF transmitter for non-invasive glucose sensing system is designed and fabricated in a standard 1P9M TSMC 90nm CMOS process.
    Existing conventional method utilizing blood require acquisition of a blood sample by pricking the finger, which is painful and inconvenient In diabetes research, non-invasive glucose monitoring system have drawn more and more attention because the incidence of diabetes is increasing, and more and more people are affected currently. The transmitter is combined by a differential VCO following a buffer with an impedance transformer to connect to the single-ended stage PA with an input matching of 50 Ω. In the overall frequency band from 28 to 30 GHz the transmitter emit at least 4.5 dBm of power in the overall frequency band. The area of the die is 1304 μm X 1287 μm.

    Contents 摘要 IV Abstract V 誌謝 VI Chapter 1 、Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Thesis Organization 2 Chapter 2 、System Structure 3 2.1 Introduction 3 2.2 Link Budget of the System 3 2.3 The Consideration of the System 5 2.2.1 Phase Noise 6 2.3 Voltage Controlled Oscillator 8 2.4 Transformer 11 2.5 Class E Power Amplifier 13 2.5.1 Ideal Class-E Power Amplifier Operation 14 2.5.2 Non-Ideal Class-E Power Amplifier Operation 25  Finite switching Time 25  Finite “ON” and “OFF” Resistance 26  Power Loss of Common Source Class-E Power Amplifier 28  Power Loss of Cascode Class-E Power Amplifier 29 Chapter 3 、System Design 29 3.1 Voltage Control Oscillator 29 3.2 Transformer 32 3.3 Class-E Power Amplifier 34 3.3.1 Small Signal Simulation Results 40 3.3.2 Large-Signal Simulation Results 42 3.3.3 Transient Simulation Results 42 3.4 Transmitter 43 Chapter 4 、Measurement Results 45 4.1 VCO 45 4.2 PA 47 4.3 Transmitter 50 4.4 Conclusion 54 References 56  

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