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研究生: 張峻逸
Chun-Yi Chang
論文名稱: 探討影響區塊鏈遊戲玩家活躍度與遊戲收益之關鍵因素
Explore the Determinants of Player’s Engagement and Performance of Blockchain Games
指導教授: 葉峻賓
Chun-Ping Yeh
口試委員: 蕭義棋
Yi-Chi Hsiao
Chen-Hao Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 科技管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Technology Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 區塊鏈區塊鏈遊戲非同質化代幣治理模式多鏈生態遊戲消費門檻
外文關鍵詞: Blockchain game, Governance, Multichain
相關次數: 點閱:636下載:9
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  • 隨著區塊鏈產業的發展,其影響漸漸延伸至各種產業,其中區塊鏈遊戲產業在近兩年來開始蓬勃發展,尤其2021年邊玩邊賺(Play-To-Earn)模式出現帶起的市場熱潮,讓無數玩家、投資人、從業者紛紛加入區塊鏈遊戲生態中。然而新的市場總是混亂的,遊戲方正在實驗不同的經營方式,在過往的文獻當中著重在單一遊戲個案玩家之行為探討,以及對於區塊鏈、NFT之採用動機之研究,而目前在不同的遊戲經營方式之下,會如何影響遊戲之表現之相關研究是極為缺乏的,因此經營者可能會選擇跟隨主流,並在經營的過程當中嘗試,其中可能會消耗額外的成本。綜合現況,本研究嘗試從目前區塊鏈遊戲中的差異探討影響到遊戲中玩家活躍度之因素以及其分別有何影響,並探討其與遊戲收益之間的關係。
    本研究透過搜集 Dappradar 區塊鏈應用數據網站所匯集的各遊戲之鏈上智能合約數據做為研究樣本,使用路徑分析之方式進行假說驗證。從實證結果發現,遊戲鏈上交易次數作為遊戲表現參考指標,其對於鏈上資產流動價值是有正向影響的,然而以目前區塊鏈遊戲之狀況而言,具治理機制之遊戲普遍有較低的活躍度。且相較於投資取向之遊戲,遊玩取向為主的遊戲相較於提供免費遊玩的版本,反而在遊戲歷程中具有代幣激勵機制會有更佳的遊戲表現。本研究發現除了正興起之區塊鏈遊戲產業之學術就提供更多的實證貢獻外,也為經營區塊鏈遊戲業者提供實務建議。

    With the development of the blockchain industry, the blockchain game has flourished in the past two years, especially with the emergence of the Play-to-earn model in 2021. However, the industry is still in an early phase, and game developers are experimenting with different functions of blockchain in the games. The past literature mainly focused on players' behavior in a specific game case and the research on the motivation for blockchain and NFT adoptions. Under the current game management method, there needs to be more relevant research on how it will affect the game's performance. Therefore, operators may follow the mainstream and try the operation process, which may consume additional costs. Based on the current situation, this study attempts to explore the factors that affect the activity of the game and their respective effects from the differences in the current blockchain games and explore the relationship between them and game revenue.
    This study collects the smart contract data of each game collected by Dappradar as a research sample and uses path analysis to verify the hypothesis. The empirical results show that the number of transactions on the game chain can be recognized as a reference indicator for game performance, which positively impacts the value of the asset volume on the blockchain. However, regarding the current situation of blockchain games, games with governance mechanisms generally have higher low activity. Moreover, compared to investment-oriented games, Play-oriented games that provide a free-to-play version but have a token incentive mechanism during the game process will perform better. The findings of this study are mainly to observe the current situation of the blockchain game industry, provide suggestions, and also contribute to the academic field of the emerging blockchain game industry.

    第1章 研究緒論 4 1.1 研究背景 4 1.2 研究動機與目的 8 第2章 文獻探討與假說發展 9 2.1 區塊鏈遊戲 12 2.2 治理模式 12 2.3 多鏈遊戲 15 2.4 遊戲進入消費門檻 18 2.5 遊戲取向差異: 投資取向與遊玩取向 21 第3章 研究方法 26 3.1 研究架構 26 3.2 研究變數之操作型定義 26 3.3 研究方法 32 第4章 實證結果 33 4.1 變數之敘述統計與相關矩陣 33 4.2相關係數矩陣與變異數膨脹因子(VIF) 檢測 35 4.3 路徑分析結果 37 第5章 研究發現與討論 41 第6章 結論與建議 43 參考文獻 46

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