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研究生: 江政泰
Cheng-Tai Chiang
論文名稱: 使用槽孔饋入雙頻雙極化微帶天線在無線接取基地台的應用
Applications of Slot-Fed Dual-Band Dual-Polarization Patch Antenna on Wireless Access Point Devices
指導教授: 廖文照
Wen-Jiao Liao
口試委員: 楊成發
Chang-Fa Yang
Tzyh-Ghuang Ma
Chang-Lun Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 微帶天線寬頻雙極化先進長程演進技術基地台多輸入多輸出天線有效分集增益天線分集
外文關鍵詞: broadband, base station, MIMO antennas, effective diversity gain, antenna diversity
相關次數: 點閱:511下載:4
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  • 本論文第一部分提出一適用於LTE行動通訊之電控式波束切換小型基地台天線設計,單元天線為槽孔耦合饋入的微帶天線型式,在LTE的應用上可包覆FDD-LTE 1-4,7,9,10,23,25,30,65,66 (頻率1710 ~ 2690 MHz)與 TDD-LTE 33-41(頻率1850 ~ 2690 MHz)的頻段。此小型基地台天線的特色為其寬頻的操作特性以及可電控式切換波束的能力,這兩個主要特性讓此基地台天線得以在各種空間中使用。透過實作及量測,也驗證此小型基地台天線具有理想的輻射特性,適合作為LTE行動通訊小型基地台天線選擇。
    第二部分提出一適用於LTE行動通訊之八天線系統設計,此多天線系統由四組具有雙頻雙極化特性的微帶天線組成,整體系統尺寸為100 (L)×100 (W)×80 (H) mm^3,天線可操作頻率為1.8 GHz以及2.6 GHz頻段,可包覆LTE部分頻段。此設計在有限的空間裡放置八支天線,並且維持一定的天線輻射效能,具有雙頻操作、小型化、低耦合量以及高度分集的輻射特性。在本章中亦進行天線的有效分集增益量測與探討,對於此八天線系統的天線分集效果做測試驗證,結果證明,此多天線系統在實際環境中,具抵抗多重路徑衰減的能力。

    In the first part of the thesis, a 4 × 1 patch array with broadband and dual-polarization features is proposed. The element antenna is a stacked slot-coupled patch. Its axially symmetric configuration is aimed to provide similar radiation performances in both polarizations. To meet the operation needs, the radiating elements are placed in a linear configuration to elevate the gain performance. The -10 dB bandwidth of the antenna array extends from 1.6 to 2.9 GHz, which covers several LTE bands. Performance features such as good impedance matching, high gain, and switchable beam are verified via simulation and measurement results.
    To cope with diversity antenna need of indoor femtocell, a compact eight-antenna design that operates in both 1.8 and 2.6 GHz long-term evolution-advanced bands is also proposed in this work. The cubical antenna assembly comes with four dual feed patches. Superior diversity performances of the proposed multi-antenna design, which are realized with antennas’ perpendicular polarizations and moderate directivities, are validated via rigorous measurements. Diversity performance metrics including port isolation and envelope correlation coefficient are examined. Effective diversity gain measurements are also executed with the eight antenna system in an ordinary office space. Results suggest substantial throughput enhancement can be provided with large-scale MIMO antennas in a multipath-rich environment, which is crucial to upcoming beyond 4G and 5G wireless networks.

    目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 論文組織 2 第二章 適用於LTE行動通訊之電控式波束切換小型基地台天線設計 3 2.1 前言 3 2.2 單元天線設計 5 2.2.1 單元天線結構 5 2.2.2 單元天線結構演進 7 2.2.3 單元天線參數分析 9 2.3 天線陣列與波束切換設計 12 2.3.1 天線陣列設計 12 2.3.2 天線陣列模擬效能 13 2.3.3 天線陣列波束切換模擬 15 2.4 相位延遲切換電路架構 18 2.5 實作天線陣列之匹配與輻射特性驗證 20 2.6 電控式波束切換效能驗證 25 2.7 小結 28 第三章 適用於LTE行動通訊之八天線系統設計 29 3.1 前言 29 3.2 單元天線設計 31 3.3 八微帶天線系統設計 33 3.4 八微帶天線系統實作及效能驗證 36 3.4.1 S參數量測 36 3.4.2 量測增益與效率 40 3.5 八天線系統之有效分集增益量測探討 44 3.5.1 有效分集增益量測系統介紹 44 3.5.2 量測場地與系統架設 47 3.5.3 用於量測之多天線系統 49 3.5.4有效分集增益量測探討 52 3.6 小結 57 第四章 結論 58 參考文獻 59 附錄 I 64 附錄 II 67 附錄 III 68 附錄 VI 69

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