簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃馨儀
Hsin-Yi Huang
論文名稱: 服飾配搭風格之檢索與自動學習
Retrieval and Learning for Stylish Collocation of Garments
指導教授: 林伯慎
Bor-Shen Lin
口試委員: 楊傳凱
Chuan-Kai Yang
Li-Wei Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 影像檢索服飾檢索顏色特徵紋理共生矩陣形狀特徵融合特徵交互變異矩陣
外文關鍵詞: Garment Retrieval, Cross covariance matrix
相關次數: 點閱:424下載:11
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This thesis focuses on the clothing retrieval and stylish collocation of clothes. Initially, some statistical features of color, texture and shape are converted to the eigen space, individually, in which similarity comparison can be conducted, and good result of clothing retrieval can be obtained. Further, clothing collocation are investigated using the color feature based on cross covariance method. A set of desired collocation patterns, each containing a top (like shirt) and a bottom (like skirt/pant), are collected from a specific user. The corresponding clothing images can then be used to extract the color features so as to compute the cross covariance matrix between the tops and the bottoms, based on which the similarity between a top and a bottom could be defined to measure the degree of match for that pair based on the user’s preference patterns. With the similarity measure, it is possible to recommend the user the mostly matched bottoms among all for a given top. An experiment of clothing collocation is conducted for six subjects. 44% top-10 precision rate and 0.57 mean average precision (MAP) can be achieved, which shows great potential in garment industry.
In addition, some color styles, such as the sunrise, sunlight and sunset styles proposed by Pantone organization, are often used in professional clothing recommendation. In this thesis, the fusion of color features and the approximate match in color space are further proposed, and the stylish collocations of clothes can be retrieved effectively.

第1章 緒論 5 1.1 研究動機 5 1.2 論文成果 7 1.3 論文組織與架構 8 第2章 文獻與技術背景 9 2.1 影像檢索技術介紹 9 2.2 內容導向之影像檢索 10 2.3 顏色特徵 12 2.4 紋理特徵 14 2.5 評估指標 16 2.6 本章摘要 18 第3章 基礎服飾檢索模型 19 3.1 基礎影像檢索模型 19 3.2 色彩特徵的檢索 20 3.3 紋理特徵的檢索 24 3.4 形狀特徵的檢索 29 3.5 本章摘要 32 第4章 配搭樣式的學習與推薦 33 4.1 訓練資料蒐集 33 4.2 統計模型建立 36 4.3 答案標記程序 38 4.4 實驗結果 40 第5章 色彩專家風格推薦 42 5.1 色彩時鐘的配色概述 42 5.2 色彩匹配方法 46 5.3 色彩匹配法實驗 49 第6章 結論 52 6.1 總結 52 6.2 未來展望 53 參考文獻 54

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