簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 程郁雯
Yu-Wen Cheng
論文名稱: 以美國判例法探討如何克服軟體專利標的適格性問題
Study on how to overcome the patent eligibility problem for computer software based on the U.S. case laws
指導教授: 劉國讚
Kuo-Tsan Liu
口試委員: 陳昭華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 專利研究所
Graduate Institute of Patent
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 71
中文關鍵詞: 適格性電腦軟體專利抽象概念兩步驟測試法
外文關鍵詞: computer software, Alice/Mayo, eligiblity
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:0
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  • 電腦軟體專利標的適格性判斷標準從Alice案以及Mayo案後,即使有兩步驟測試法可以做為適格性判斷流程和準則,但是發明人與相關業者對於電腦軟體專利是否屬於適格的標的仍沒有全然的理解以及明白專利是否符合具備適格性,導致申請電腦軟體的專利後面臨可否拿到專利權的不確定性。尤其隨著近幾年人工智慧以及電腦軟體的發展,以及實務判決的演變,更是使電腦軟體專利的適格與否受到不少的關注與討論。

    Since the Supreme Court of the United States decided the Alice and Mayo cases, the criteria for judging the eligibility of computer software patents have been established. However, despite the two-step test for assessing the eligibility of computer software patents, inventors and relevant industries still do not fully understand whether a computer software patent meets the eligibility criteria of patent law. This uncertainty affects whether a computer software patent application will be granted by the USPTO. As artificial intelligence and computer software development progress and as decisions from the CAFC evolve, the issue of computer software patent eligibility is receiving increasing attention and discussion.
    This study primarily organizes and analyzes recent CAFC decisions on the eligibility of computer software patents. Specifically, it is based on the CAFC's key criteria for determining the eligibility of computer software patents and provides inventors and related industries with guidance on what should be included in the specification or claims when applying for a computer software patent. Additionally, it offers recommendations for revising claims in light of these cases. The research method used in this study is case study, which involves analyzing and discussing recent CAFC decisions on the eligibility of computer software patents.
    The findings of this study are as follows: (1) The focus of the improvement in the Alice/Mayo two-part test lies in providing specific technical means for improvement and achieving effectiveness, rather than focusing on abstract concepts and the benefits derived from implementing those concepts. (2) In assessing patent eligibility, the improvement must be concretely described in the contested patent, detailing the specific technical means of achieving the improvement. (3) If the specific means in the eligibility assessment consist merely of combining known techniques in a conventional manner, the patent still lacks eligibility. However, if the specific means are used in a novel way that differs from conventional methods, this may be seen as an inventive concept with unanticipated effects, thereby satisfying the eligibility criteria of patent law.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 第一章 、緒論 1 第一節 、研究背景與目的 1 第二節 、研究主題 2 一、何謂電腦軟體以及電腦軟體專利 2 二、何謂專利標的適格性 2 第三節 、文獻探討 3 第四節 、研究方法 8 第二章 、電腦軟體適格性的基準 8 第一節 、Alice案以及Mayo案 8 第二節 、現行USPTO Alice/Mayo兩步驟測試法的判斷流程圖 10 第三章 、近期CAFC案例 13 第一節 、前言 13 第二節 、Mohapatra (2021)案 13 一、 訴訟簡介 13 二、 系爭專利申請案 14 三、 判決要旨 16 四、 小結 18 第三節 、Veripath v Didomi (2021)案 18 一、 訴訟簡介 18 二、 系爭專利 19 三、 判決要旨 20 四、 小結 22 第四節 、Free Stream Media v. Alphonso (2021 )案 23 一、 訴訟簡介 23 二、 系爭專利 24 三、 判決要旨 25 四、 小結 27 第五節 、MyMail v. ooVoo (2021)案 28 一、 訴訟簡介 28 二、 系爭專利 28 三、 判決要旨 31 四、 小結 32 第六節 、Universal Secure Registry v. Apple (2021)案 32 一、 訴訟簡介 32 二、 系爭專利 33 三、 判決要旨 39 四、 小結 44 第七節 、CosmoKey Solutions GmbH v. Duo Security (2021)案 44 一、 訴訟簡介 44 二、 系爭專利 45 三、 判決要旨 47 四、 小結 49 第八節 、Weisner v. Google (2022)案 49 一、 訴訟簡介 49 二、 系爭專利 49 三、 判決要旨 53 四、 小結 55 第四章 、問題與討論 55 第一節 、如何對系爭專利進行改寫或補充以通過適格性的判斷? 55 第二節 、基於本文案例的請求項進行改寫的策略建議 56 一、Mohapatra (2021)案 56 二、 Veripath v Didomi (2021)案 57 三、 Free Stream Media v. Alphonso (2021 )案 58 四、 MyMail v. ooVoo (2021)案 59 五、 Universal Secure Registry v. Apple (2021)案 60 六、 Weisner v. Google (2022)案 63 第五章 、結論 66 參考文獻 68 參考判決 70

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