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研究生: 施怡廷
Yi-Ting Shih
論文名稱: 提升LTE-A 網路中大量機器類型通訊設備隨 機存取前導碼使用率的方法
A Method to Promote Preamble Utilization for Massive MTC Devices Random Access in LTE-A Network
指導教授: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
口試委員: 楊英魁
Ying-Kuei Yang
Jiann-Liang Chen
Bih-Hwang Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 物聯網智慧城市機器類型通訊隨機存取通道壅塞前導碼利用率
外文關鍵詞: Internet of Things, Smart city, Machine Type Communication, Device-to-Device Communication, Random Access, Channel congestion,, Preamble Utilization
相關次數: 點閱:469下載:2
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無線網路技術的發展伴隨時代進步而更佳成熟,隨後衍生出物聯網(Internet of thing; IoT)。物聯網能帶給人們生活更加便利的因素在於機器類型通訊(machine-type communication; MTC)這關鍵技術,結合這技術的通訊設備將會擁有以下幾種特點;低功耗與成本、低資料量傳輸、低移動性或不移動、無需人為控制的通訊技術(機器與機器之間的決策與傳輸能夠自動化)。
為了因應物聯網,第三代合作夥伴(3rd generation partnership project)提出了針對機器對機器 (machine-to-machine; M2M) 通訊的應用長期演進技術 (Long Term Evolution-Machine type communication; LTE-M) 的新標準。物聯網在未來將與我們生活密不可分,在帶給我們生活便利的同時,隨後也伴隨著許多潛在的風險,其中用於隨機存取(random access; RA)中實體隨機存取通道(physical random access channel; PRACH)的碰撞就是其中之一。由於資源是有限的,因此當大量的裝置在短時間內同時向基地台請求通道資源時會造成通道壅塞,大幅提高隨機存取碰撞機率,最終導致基地台建立連線的時間變長、頻道利用率下降、頻道資源不足等問題。
本論文針對通道壅塞和前導碼利用率的問題提出解決方案,透過分類分群的機制來降低同時發起隨機存取的裝置數量。首先將所有的裝置進行分群,並且提出設備到設備(device-to-device:D2D)的分群架構,藉由設備間互相協調分配前導碼 (preamble),有效降低碰撞問題,大幅提升頻道資源利用和縮短接入時間,藉此解決實體隨機存取通道(PRACH)壅塞和前導碼利用率的問題。

The development of wireless network technology has advanced with the times, and then derived is the Internet of things (IoT). The factor that the Internet of Things (IoT) can bring more convenience to people’s lives lies in the key technology of machine-type communication (MTC). The communication equipment supporting this technology has the following characteristics: low power consumption, low complexity, transmission of low data, low mobility or immobility, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication without human intervention and so on.
In order to integrate with the application of the IoT, the 3^rd Generation Partnership Project Agreement (3GPP) proposed a new standard for Long Term Evolution-Machine type communication (LTE-M) for machine-to-machine (M2M) communication applications. The Internet of Things will be inseparable from our lives in the future. While bringing convenience to our lives, it will also be accompanied by many potential risks. One of which is the collision of physical random access channel (PRACH) used in random access (RA).The physical random access channel (PRACH) resources of the random access (RA) are limited, so it will cause serious channel congestion and greatly increase the probability of random access collisions when a large number of devices simultaneously request channel resources from the base station at the same time, leading to problems such as a longer connection time for the base station, decreased channel utilization, and insufficient channel resources.
This paper proposes a solution to the problem of channel congestion. Device-to-Device (D2D) grouping architecture is applied to coordinate the distribution of preambles to each grouped devices, effectively reduce collision problems and improve preamble utilization. By significantly improving channel resource utilization and shorten access time, the problems of PRACH congestion and preamble utilization, thereby can be solved.
The simulation results show that in the urban simulation environment, when a large number of devices request channel resources from the base station simultaneously time, the proposed method can solve the channel congestion in a short period of time and effectively improve the utilization of the preamble.

Table of Contents 摘要 iv Abstract v Acknowledgments vii Table of Contents viii List of Figures xi List of Tables xiii List of Abbreviations xiv List of Notations xv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 General Background Information 1 1.2 Research Motivation 3 1.3 Organization of Thesis 4 Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 5 2.1 LTE-A Overview 5 2.1.1 Specification Introduction 5 2.1.2 Random Access Mechanism 6 2.1.3 Resource Block Structure 13 2.1.4 PRACH Configuration Index 14 2.1.5 Random Access Slot 15 2.1.6 Random Access Response Packet Format 18 2.1.7 Random Backoff Mechanism 19 2.1.8 Specification Evolution of LTE-A 20 2.2 LTE-M Overview 24 2.2.1 MTC Network Architecture 24 2.2.2 MTC Application 27 2.2.3 MTC Device Features 28 2.3 Related Works 29 2.4 Problem Description 39 Chapter 3 Group of Level Allocation Mechanism 40 3.1 Research Method 40 3.2 Initialization Setting 41 3.3 Grouping of Level Mechanism 45 3.3.1 Initiation Situation Mechanism 46 Normal Situation 46 Emergency Situation 48 3.3.2 The modification of Allocation Structure 49 Preamble Allocation 49 RAR Allocation 50 3.3.3 Level Threshold Mechanism 51 3.4 Flow Chart of Procedure 51 3.4.1 The eNodeB Procedure 52 3.4.2 Device Procedure 53 3.4.3 D2D Coordination Procedure 54 Device-to-Device Communication 55 Chapter 4 System Simulation and Result 57 4.1 Simulation Environment and Parameters 57 4.2 Simulation Setup 60 4.3 Analysis and Comparison of Simulation Results 62 4.3.1 Comparison of Characteristics in Each Mechanism 62 Statistics of Different Situation 62 Analysis of Device Initiation and Preamble Utilization 72 4.3.2 Comparison of Characteristics in Different GA Mechanism 75 Statistics of Different Situation 77 Analysis of Device Initiation and Preamble Utilization 79 4.3.3 Comparison of Important Evaluation Items 82 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 86 Reference 87

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