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研究生: 陳文進
Van-Tan Tran
論文名稱: 考量大型風力發電場併網系統衝擊之最優輸電網擴充規劃
Optimal Transmission Expansion Planning Considering the System Impacts from Integration of Large-scale Wind Farms
指導教授: 陳在相
Tsai-Hsiang Chen
口試委員: 蔡孟伸
Tsai Men-Shen
Wei-Tzer Huang
Nien-Che Yang
Ruay-Nan Wu
Jyh-Cherng Gu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 118
中文關鍵詞: 輸電網擴充規劃最小化切集節點移除法圖脈理論瓶頸風能風力機風場二氧化碳澎湖島風擾動暫態穩定度三相故障
外文關鍵詞: Transmission network expansion planning, minimal cut sets, node removal method, graph theory, bottleneck, wind energy, wind turbine, wind farm, carbon dioxide, Penghu Island, wind disturbance, transient stability, three-phase fault
相關次數: 點閱:533下載:10
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  • 近年來,再生能源發展蓬勃,如:風能、太陽能、生質能、海洋能、地熱能等,其中,風能扮演著重要角色。因此,本論文提出考量風力發電之最優輸電網路擴充規劃,內容包括風力發電對經濟效益及系統暫態穩定度之影響。
    首先,本論文提出一個以圖脈理論為基礎的輸電網路擴充規劃(TNEP)方法,藉由圖脈理論中的最小切集(cut sets)來優化TNEP成本。本研究的首要目標在找出輸電網路的瓶頸及其通過的最大電力潮流。所提出之演算法主要目標式為新增線路之建置成本,新增線路是指在既有輸電網路中,必須新增並與過載線路並聯之線路,使能滿足給定未來負載之需求。本研究使用四個基準測試系統來展示與驗證所提出之方法,分別為:Garver的六母線系統、IEEE的廿四母線可靠度測試系統、IEEE的廿一母線系統及六十三母線系統。簡言之,Garver六母線系統用於展示所提出之演算法,其餘的系統則是用來比較所提出方法與其他近期所提出方法在多種情境下之效能。
    接下來,在經濟分析上,本研究應用澎湖與東吉島氣象站所取得之長期風速資料,分別以商用軟體Wind Atlas Application Program及RETScreen Software,模擬與分析澎湖島上8座岸上及1座離岸風力發電場之發電量與經濟效益。模擬結果顯示,上述9座風力發電場之容量因數在44.5%至49.1%間。研究結果顯示,澎湖地區每年將因此減少二氧化碳排放約680,977噸。
    最後,本研究使用ETAP 7.0商用軟體模擬分析越南南部四個計劃中的風力發電場對當地電力系統所可能造成之影響。主要探討內容為:風擾動、發生在匯流排及輸電線路上之三相短路故障、風力發電場解聯四種情境。研究結果顯示,風力發電場對當地電力系統的影響甚為輕微,當三相故障發生在匯流排上或是輸電線路上時,風力發電場均無需關閉。

    In recent year, there has been an increasing interest in renewable energy, such as wind, solar, biomass, ocean, geothermal and so on. Among them wind power play an importance role. So that, this dissertation investigated the optimal transmission expansion planning considering the system impacts from integration of large-scale wind farms. The concerned system impacts include economic and transient stability of the interconnected power transmission network.
    First, a method based on graph theory was proposed for transmission network expansion planning (TNEP). The proposed method suggests an optimal investment cost for TNEP by using the minimal cut sets based on the graph theory. The main object function of the proposed algorithm is the construction cost of new lines, which needs to be added parallel with the overloading lines of an existing transmission network. The major consideration is the load demand in the given future. This research uses four benchmark systems to illustrate the proposed method - the Garver’s 6-bus system, the 24-bus IEEE reliability test system, 21-bus system and 63-bus system. In a word, the Garver system is used to demonstrate the algorithm of the proposed method and the others are tested by using the proposed method in many cases to compare the results and performance with those of recent studies.
    Second, in the economic analysis, the study applied long-term wind speed data of Penghu and Dongjidao weather stations to simulate the wind energy productions and analyze economic for eight onshore and one offshore wind farms (WF) at Penghu Island, Taiwan by two commercial software packages. The results show that the capacity factors of the nine WFs mentioned above are in the range of 44.5% to 49.1%. From the considerable consequences, the emission of about 680,977 tons carbon dioxide into the local atmosphere in Penghu Island annually could be avoided.
    Finally, this study simulated the impacts on the local power system of four proposed wind farms in the southern Vietnam. The impacts of the four WFs on the local power system were simulated by using ETAP 7.0 commercial program. Four case studies, which included wind disturbance, three-phase fault at busbar, three-phase fault in a transmission line, and tripping off a WF were investigated. The results indicated that there were only slight impacts of WFs on the local power system. And, there was no WF needed be tripped off when a three-phase fault occurs at a busbar or in a transmission line.

    摘要 i ABSTRACT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS x LIST OF TABLES xii LIST OF FIGURES xiii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research background and motivation 1 1.2 Research objectives and contributions 3 1.3 Research framework 3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Wind energy review 4 2.1.1 Global wind energy 4 2.1.2 Wind turbine size 5 2.2 Power transmission expansion planning 7 2.3 Wind energy economic analysis 8 2.4 Wind energy impact on power system stability 9 CHAPTER 3: GRAPH THEORYAND CUT SET METHOD 11 3.1 Graphs 11 3.2 Cut set method 12 3.2.1 Cut set Concepts 12 3.2.2 Deducing the minimal cut sets 13 3.3 Stepwise cost functions 14 3.4 Network modeling 15 CHAPTER 4: OPTIMAL TRANSMISSION EXPANSION PLANNING 18 4.1 Objective function 18 4.2 Concepts 19 4.3 Computation procedures 20 4.4 Case studies 23 4.4.1 Garver system 23 4.4.2 The Second case study: 21-bus system 31 4.4.3 IEEE Reliability Test System 24-bus 33 CHAPTER 5: TEP CONSIDERING THE EFFECT OF WIND FARMS 39 5.1 Proposed Methodology 39 5.1.1 Optimal function 39 5.1.2 Solution procedure 40 5.2 Case studies 41 5.2.1 Case 1: 6-bus system with load demand of 760 MW 41 5.2.2 Case 2: IEEE 24-bus system with load demand of 8,550 MW 45 5.2.3 Case 3: 63-bus system with wind power plants 47 CHAPTER 6: WIND FARM ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 50 6.1 Wind energy to electrical power 50 6.2 Wind farm location description 53 6.3 Wind energy status in Taiwan 53 6.4 Wind data and site description 56 6.5 Wind resource in Penghu Island 61 6.5.1 Eight onshore wind farms 61 6.5.2 Offshore wind farm 120 MW 63 6.6 Wind energy economic analysis 64 CHAPTER 7: IMPACT OF WIND FARM ON POWER SYSTEM STABILITY 68 7.1 Wind energy in the south of Vietnam 68 7.2 Energy yield and CO2 emission estimation 70 7.3 Wind speed disturbance 71 7.4 Three phase fault 73 7.5 Tripping off wind farm 73 7.6 Three-phase line fault in the middle 74 CHAPTER 8: CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH 76 8.1 Conclusions 76 8.1.1 Optimal TEP 76 8.1.2 WF economic analysis 77 8.1.3 WF impact on power system stability 78 8.2 Future works 78 BIOGRAPHY AND PUBLICATIONS 80 Biography 80 Publications 80 REFERENCES 82 APPENDIX 91 A. 21-bus system – input data 91 B. IEEE 24-bus system-input data 92 C. 63-bus system – input data 97

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