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研究生: 徐子軒
Zi-Xuan Xu
論文名稱: 用於量子位元驅動之直接數字合成器與高斯脈波調變器
Direct Digital Synthesizer and Gaussian Pulse Modulator for Qubit Driver
指導教授: 陳筱青
Hsiao-Chin Chen
口試委員: 姚嘉瑜
Chia-Yu Yao
Hung-Wei Chiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 46
中文關鍵詞: 直接數字合成器數控振盪器查表法流水線CORDIC演算法高斯脈衝調變保真度量子位元控制
外文關鍵詞: direct digital synthesizer, numerically controlled oscillator, Gaussian, fidelity, qubit control
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:0
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  • 本論文介紹了一種用於量子位元驅動的直接數字合成器 (DDS)。 為降低硬件成本,採用流水線 CORDIC 演算法結合查找表(LUT)壓縮法,硬件成本較傳統 DDS 降低 45%,並且達到 SFDR > 58 dB。此設計是一數位集成架構,所提出的高斯脈波調變器可提供輸出微波脈衝的相位、振幅和頻率的完全可編程性。此設計採用台積電 90 奈米CMOS技術實現,其中NCO的最高工作頻率為 500 MHz,功率消耗為 21.75 mW,有效面積為 0.023 mm2。為了達到 1 GHz 的數據帶寬,使用了時間交織的技術,最終,在 1 GHz 數據帶寬內實現了 58 dB 的 SFDR,可實現高保真度的量子位元控制。

    This paper presents a direct digital synthesizer (DDS) for qubit drives. In order to reduce the hardware cost, the pipeline CORDIC algorithm combined with the look-up table (LUT) compression method is adopted, the hardware cost is reduced by 45% compared with the traditional DDS, and the SFDR > 58 dB is achieved. The design is a digitally integrated architecture, and the proposed Gaussian pulse modulator provides full programmability of the phase, amplitude, and frequency of the output microwave pulse. This design is implemented using TSMC 90-nm CMOS technology. The max operating frequency of the NCO is 500 MHz, the power consumption is 21.75 mW, and the effective area is 0.023 mm2. In order to achieve a data bandwidth of 1 GHz, time-interleaving technology is used. Finally, A 58 dB SFDR is achieved within a 1 GHz data bandwidth, enabling high-fidelity qubit control.

    摘要 III Abstract IV 誌謝 V Table of Contents VII List of Figures VIII List of Tables IX Chapter 1 : Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 Chapter 2 : NCO (1st Version) 7 2.1 Numerically Controlled Oscillator Architecture 7 2.2 Phase Accumulator (PA) 10 2.3 Rotation (ROT) 10 Chapter 3 : NCO (Final Version) 16 3.1 The LUT-ROT Architecture of NCO 16 3.2 LUT Compression 17 3.3 LUT 18 Chapter 4 : Gaussian Pulse Modulator 20 4.1 Architecture of Gaussian pulse modulator 21 4.2 Qubit manipulation 22 Chapter 5 : Implementation Result 23 5.1 Design Flow 23 5.2 CHIP layout 25 5.3 Measurement and Simulation Results of NCO 26 5.4 Simulation Result of NCO with Modulator 30 Chapter 6 : Conclusion 33 Reference 34 Appendix 36

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