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研究生: 毛文杰
Madhawan - Misra
論文名稱: 在道路網路中連續監視路徑最近鄰居之演算法
An Efficient Algorithm for Continuous Monitoring of Path Nearest Neighbors in Road Networks
指導教授: 邱舉明
Ge-Ming Chiu
口試委員: 金台齡
Tai-Lin Chin
Tien-Ruey Hsiang
Liang-Teh Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 60
外文關鍵詞: Location based query, Path Nearest Neighbour, Road Network, Spatial Databases
相關次數: 點閱:255下載:2
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  • This thesis addresses the problem of monitoring the k path nearest neighbours with respect to a continuously moving user approaching his destination in context of a road network. Given a destination where a user is going to, a new query returns the k-NN with respect to the shortest path connecting the destination and the user’s current location, and thus provides a list of nearest candidates for reference by considering the whole coming journey. This query is called as the k-Path Nearest Neighbour query (k-PNN). There is a need for continuous monitoring of the initial obtained k-NN solution since the user is continuously moving towards his destination and the previously obtained solution set could dynamically change with time. The challenge of monitoring the k-PNN for a moving user is to dynamically determine the update locations and then refresh the k-PNN efficiently. We follow a similar path as presented in [11] where a three-phase Best-first Network Expansion (BNE) algorithm is proposed. In the searching phase, the BNE finds the shortest path to the destination, during which a candidate set that guarantees to include the k-PNN is generated at the same time. Then in the verification phase, a heuristic algorithm runs for examining candidates’ and exact distances to the query path. Finally, the monitoring phase deals with computing update locations as well as refreshing the k-PNN based on the user’s position. Since monitoring is an expensive and resource consuming process, our work predominantly focuses on making the entire monitoring process more efficient and resource efficient, while maintaining the same level of accuracy. We present a novel approach for managing the update locations which could not only make the monitoring efficient but also decrease the total process time. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on real road networks and compare our methods with the existing similar work and show that our method achieve satisfactory performance across various parameters.

    Abstract Acknowledgement List of Figures List of Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 Location Based Query 1.1.1 Range and Continuous k-NN Query 1.1.2 Continuous Path Nearest Neighbour Monitoring 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Thesis Objectives 1.4 Thesis Contribution 1.5 Organisation of Thesis 2 Related Works 3 Network Model 4 Preliminaries 4.1 Upper and Lower Bound 4.2 Searching Phase 4.3 Verification Phase 4.4 Expansion Trees 4.5 Update Location 4.5.1 Update of Order 4.5.2 Update of Members 4.6 Maintaining additional elements 5 Proposed Monitoring Algorithm 5.1 Invalid Update 5.1.1 Pruning Data Objects 5.1.2 Dominating Data Object 5.2 Updating Lower Bound 5.3 Monitoring Phase Algorithm 6 Performance Evaluation 6.1 Simulation Settings 6.2 Simulation Results 6.2.1 Effect of Path Length 6.2.2 Effect of Number of k 6.2.3 Effect of Data Density 6.3 Graph Access 6.3.1 Effect of Path Length 6.3.2 Effect of Number of k 7 Conclusion References

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