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研究生: 范竣哲
Jun-Zhe Fan
論文名稱: 非線性軟彈簧結構系統在波氏圖上之穩態進程比較
Comparison of Nonlinear Soft Spring Structural Systems on Poincaré Maps
指導教授: 黃慶東
Ching-Tung Huang
口試委員: 陳瑞華
Rwey-Hua Cherng
Van Jeng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 波氏圖固定點非線性系統軟彈簧
外文關鍵詞: Poincaré map, fixed point, nonlinear system, softening spring
相關次數: 點閱:413下載:0
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  • 本文旨在研究以波氏圖(Poincaré map)觀察線性結構動力系統以及非線性軟彈簧結構系統受到諧和外力作用下,進入穩態解(steady-state soloution)之暫態進程。波氏圖法是以一個波氏截面(Poincaré section)對連續動力系統之狀態空間(state space)中的週期軌道取橫向交集,每經過一次此截面就繪製一點,藉此將一連續的動力系統軌跡簡化成離散的映射點位,因此可將高維度的運動特性呈現在二維平面上。在此過程中傳統之結構穩態解會在波氏圖中形成固定點(fixed point)。本研究同時考慮系統參數改變對固定點之影響並將其分組分析。

    The purpose of this paper is to observe the transient process of entering a steady-state solution in structurally linear dynamical systems and nonlinear soft spring systems under the influence of harmonic external force using Poincaré maps. The Poincaré map method involves taking transverse intersections of periodic orbits in the state space of continuous dynamical systems using a Poincaré section, and plotting a point each time the section is crossed. This allows for the simplification of continuous system trajectories into discrete mapping points, thereby presenting the multidimensional motion characteristics in a two-dimensional plane. In this process, traditional structural steady-state solutions manifest as fixed points in the Poincaré map. The study also considers the impact of parameter variations on fixed points and conducts grouped analyses.
    In this study, it is observed that the positions of fixed points in the state space of linear systems are determined by the frequency ratio. The trajectories entering the fixed points are influenced by initial conditions and the harmonic external forces, with the effect of external forces leading to more irregular paths towards the fixed points. Furthermore, in the case of the nonlinear spring system, depending on the frequency ratio, the fixed points can be classified into 1 to 2 groups. Analyzing changes in amplitude plot colors and vortex shapes allows for the deduction of different representations of landing points based on the magnitude of harmonic external forces and initial conditions.

    非線性軟彈簧結構系統在波氏圖上之穩態進程比較 I Comparison of nonlinear soft spring structural systems on Poincaré maps II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 XIII 1 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 研究方法與內容 2 1.3 文獻回顧 3 1.4 研究內容 4 2 第二章 非線性軟彈簧系統之推導與探討 5 2.1 前言 5 2.2 非線性運動方程式之近似解析解 6 2.3 振幅頻譜圖之觀察 14 3 第三章 單自由度結構線性動力系統之波氏圖分析 19 3.1 波氏圖 19 3.2 固定點 21 3.3 線性動力方程式連續解推導 22 3.4 線性動力方程式離散解推導 26 3.5 單自由度線性動力系統之波氏圖分析 27 3.5.1 無初始條件之下,外力作用於動力系統之波氏圖分析 27 3.5.2 無外力作用之下,初始條件於動力系統之波氏圖分析 28 3.5.3 不同頻率比之固定點座落位置 28 3.5.4 初始條件和外力共同作用下於動力系統之波氏圖分析 29 3.5.5 阻尼比對於動力系統之波氏圖分析 29 4 第四章 非線性軟彈簧系統之波氏圖分析 41 4.1 數值分析流程 41 4.2 二維振幅圖之觀察 42 4.3 頻率比對波氏圖之影響 43 4.4 降伏強度係數對波氏圖之影響 44 4.5 阻尼比對波氏圖之影響 45 4.6 Duffing系統之比較 45 第五章 結論與建議 117 參考文獻 119

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