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研究生: 張凱迪
論文名稱: 最佳化協力緊急服務於網際網路多媒體子系統與物聯網之研究
The Optimization of Cooperative Emergency Services over IP Multimedia Subsystem with the Internet of Things
指導教授: 陳俊良
Jiann-Liang Chen
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Jong-Woei Whang
Han-Chieh Chao
Yueh-Min Huang
Li-Der Chou
Chih-Yung Chang
Wei-Kuan Shih
Hsu-chun Yen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 網際網路多媒體子系統協力網路緊急服務會談初始協定信令流量路徑遷移物聯網
外文關鍵詞: IP Multimedia Subsystems, Cooperative Networks, Emergency Services, Session Initiation Protocol, Signaling Traffic, Path Migration, Internet of Things
相關次數: 點閱:401下載:13
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  •   網際網路協定(IP)在下一代網路(NGN)中是最重要的通訊協定,3GPP組織選定基於IP的會談初始協定(SIP)做為網際網路多媒體子系統(IMS)的主要信令通訊協定,不同於傳統線路交換(Circuit Switched)網路,在網際網路多媒體子系統中,整體核心網路與底層承載的媒體流量及溝通信令都是透過分封交換(Packet Switched)的網路機制進行資料傳遞。分封交換網路中可能有封包碰撞的情況發生和網路底層屬於盡力服務(Best effort)傳輸的特性,導致在媒體流量或背景流量較高的情況下會衝擊核心網路信令傳遞校率。

    Since Internet Protocol (IP) is the most important protocol in Next Generation Networks (NGNs), the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) utilizes Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) based on IP as the base and major protocol for negotiating sessions in IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Unlike traditional circuit-switched network, in IMS, the media traffic flow and signaling are both delivered through IP transport, which is known as packet-switched network. The media traffic affects the signaling efficiency in the core network, due to traffic/packet collisions and the best effort packet delivery mechanism in ehternet.
    In addition, various emergency services based on wireless sensor network technologies have recently been proposed. However, the success of these services/networks is inherently limited by geographical restrictions, and their need to be deployed in advance. In order to overcome these problems, this thesis proposes an application level approach to enhance the service coverage and availability of emergency services, and a novel path-migration mechanism for enhancing the traffic efficiency in integrated Cooperative Emergency IMS (CE-IMS).
    Specifically, this thesis augments these services with All-IP network infrastructure based on an IP Multimedia Subsystem. Furthermore, the integration of IMS Emergency Services architecture with Cooperative Network technology is proposed to provide ubiquitous emergency services. The primary problems of cooperation between heterogeneous networks and IMSs are also investigated. The discussion and the experimental results of performance of the proposed CE-IMS are all examined. The simulation results also show that interference and traffic collisions can be reduced by applying the proposed path-migration mechanism, and the signaling efficiency in the core network can be improved with higher system capability and the voice quality is also guaranteed when making emergency calls.
    Moreover, the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) has become an emerging business in recent years. The most important concept of next-generation networks for providing a common global IT platform is combining seamless networks and networked things, objects or sensors. Thus, wireless body area networks (WBANs) are becoming mature with the widespread usage of the IoT. In order to support WBANs, the well-designed platform, scenario and emergency service flow for IoT with WBANs are necessary elements due to the sensors in a WBAN being related to wearer's life. The sensors on the body could detect bioinformatic information and medical signals, such as heartbeat and blood pressure. Thus, the integration of the IoT and network communication in daily life is important. However, there is not only a lack of common fabric for integrating the IoT with the Internet, there is also no emergency call process in the current network communication environment. In order to address such problems, the prototype integration of the IoT and an emergency call process is discussed. Then, a bootstrap platform is proposed to provide the discussion of open challenges and solutions for deploying the IoT in the Internet, and the emergency communication system is analyzed using a 3GPP IP multimedia subsystem service. Finally, the prototype for supporting a WBAN with an emergency service is also addressed, and the performance results are useful to service providers and network operators, helping them estimate their migration to the IoT by referring to this experiment.

    摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V List of Abbreviations VIII Index of Figures XI Index of Tables XIII Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. Related Works 8 2.1 IP Multimedia Subsystem 8 2.2 Emergency Services 12 2.3 Cooperative Networks 14 2.4 Internet of Things 16 Chapter 3. Cooperative Emergency IMS 22 3.1 CE-IMS Framework 22 3.1.1 Architectures of CE-IMS 22 3.1.2 Cooperation in Heterogeneous Networks 24 3.1.3 Application Level Cooperation Scheme for IMS 26 3.1.4 CE-IMS Testbed 28 3.2 Performance Evaluation 30 3.2.1 Call Setup Time 30 3.2.2 Jitter 31 3.2.3 End-to-End Delay 33 3.2.4 Emergency Message Delivery Time 34 Chapter 4. Path migration mechanism for CE-IMS 36 4.1 Media traffic Impact in IMS 37 4.2 Advanced Path migration mechanism 38 4.3 Simulation results 41 4.3.1 Model Delay in Real Environment 43 4.3.2 Call setup delay 45 4.3.3 Maximum active calls 46 4.3.4 End-to-End Delay 47 4.3.5 Packet Jitter 48 4.3.6 Mean Opinion Score 49 Chapter 5. Integrated IoT and Emergency Services in IMS 51 5.1 Integrated Prototype of IoT and Emergency Service Model 51 5.1.1 IoT Operations 52 5.1.2 IoT Business Operation Support Platform 53 5.1.3 Queuing Time in Emergency Service 54 5.2 Simulation results 63 5.2.1 IoT Deployment Evaluation 63 5.2.2 IoT Traffic Analysis 64 5.2.3 Emergency Signaling Analysis 67 Chapter 6. Conclusions 69 Chapter 7. Future Works 71 Reference 72 Curriculum Vitae 81 Publication List 82

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