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研究生: 阮文安
Van-Yen Nguyen
指導教授: 劉馨勤
Hsin-Chin Liu
口試委員: 陳永芳
Yang-Fang Chen
Li-Chung Chang
Der-Feng Tseng
Shu-Ming Tseng
Hsin-Chin Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: Doppler effectMVDR beamformingantenna arraysatellite communications
外文關鍵詞: Doppler effect, MVDR beamforming, antenna array, satellite communications
相關次數: 點閱:335下載:0
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  • The speed of a low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites and the large number of LEO satellites flying on the sky is an obstacle for signal transmission and anti-jamming processing at ground stations.
    The Doppler effect due to the LEO satellite rapid moving velocity is a nonneglectable
    factor for beamforming techniques, which aim to cancel the co-channel interferences (CCI) caused by other simultaneous satellite communications.
    In this work, the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming
    technique is used at a ground station to mitigate the CCI problem; however, the Doppler effect becomes a serious problem as it affects the steering vector corresponding to thedirection of the target LEO satellite.
    To overcome this problem, we take the Doppler effect into account in the steering
    vector associated with the LEO satellite, and then substitute the modified steering vector to the gain constraint in a MVDR beamformer.
    Simulation results verify that the proposed method effectively overcome the performance degradation problem of the MVDR beamformer at the ground station. The
    solution for this problem can be useful for developing a LEO satellite communication

    The speed of a low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites and the large number of LEO satellites flying on the sky is an obstacle for signal transmission and anti-jamming processing at ground stations.
    The Doppler effect due to the LEO satellite rapid moving velocity is a nonneglectable
    factor for beamforming techniques, which aim to cancel the co-channel interferences (CCI) caused by other simultaneous satellite communications.
    In this work, the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming
    technique is used at a ground station to mitigate the CCI problem; however, the Doppler effect becomes a serious problem as it affects the steering vector corresponding to thedirection of the target LEO satellite.
    To overcome this problem, we take the Doppler effect into account in the steering
    vector associated with the LEO satellite, and then substitute the modified steering vector to the gain constraint in a MVDR beamformer.
    Simulation results verify that the proposed method effectively overcome the performance degradation problem of the MVDR beamformer at the ground station. The
    solution for this problem can be useful for developing a LEO satellite communication

    Chapter 1 Introduction.........................................................................................................1 1.1 Research motivation...........................................................................................1 1.1.1 Research scope...........................................................................................1 1.1.2 Research motivation and objectives...........................................................2 1.2 Contributions......................................................................................................3 1.3 Thesis Outline ....................................................................................................4 Background and Preliminaries ......................................................................5 2.1 Literature review................................................................................................5 2.2 Satellite Communication....................................................................................6 2.2.1 Introduction................................................................................................6 2.2.2 LEO satellite and applications...................................................................7 2.2.3 Antenna in earth station .............................................................................8 2.2.4 Doppler in Satellite Communication .........................................................9 2.3 Smart Antenna .................................................................................................14 iii 2.3.1 Antenna array in smart antenna ...............................................................14 2.3.2 MVDR beamformer.................................................................................17 2.4 Conclusions......................................................................................................22 The Doppler-Problem-Free Optimal Beamforming LEO Satellite Communication..................................................................................................................23 3.1 Influence of Doppler on MVDR solution at LEO communication..................23 3.2 Optimal MVDR analysis solution....................................................................29 Simulation Results.......................................................................................32 4.1 Research contents and parameters...................................................................32 4.2 Conclusions......................................................................................................36 Experimental Results...................................................................................37 5.1 Experimental scenarios....................................................................................37 Conclusions and Future Research ...............................................................40 6.1 Conclusions......................................................................................................40 6.2 Future work......................................................................................................40 References 41

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