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研究生: 鄭歆蓉
Hsin-Jung Cheng
論文名稱: 發展整合性演化式方法於無雜訊與有雜訊事件記錄檔之流程探勘適應值改善
Developing integrated evolutionary approaches to improve process mining fitness for noise-free and noisy logs
指導教授: 歐陽超
Chao Ou-Yang
口試委員: 郭人介
Ren-Jieh Kuo
Kung-Jeng Wang
Fu-Kwun Wang
Rua-Huan Tsaih
Ming-Jong Yao
Yuan-Jye Tseng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 流程探勘平行結構流程模型基因演算法粒子群演算法差分演化演算法模擬退火法雜訊適應值演化式方法
外文關鍵詞: Process mining, Parallel structures, Process model, Genetic algorithm, Particle swarm optimization, Differential evolution, Simulated annealing, Noisy log, Fitness, Evolutionary algorithm
相關次數: 點閱:728下載:3
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With the changes of information technology, the complexity of the development of business activities has increased markedly. To understand the connotative information of complex business processes is difficult. A process model is a way that can describe the internal activities or behavior in businesses. Process mining (PM) is a technique to extract a process model from an event log to represent the process behavior recorded in that event log. A mined process model with high fitness means that it can reflect most of the process behavior recorded in the event log. Previous studies have shown that the mined model with high fitness can be used in process improvement, such as fraud detection, continuous process improvement, and benchmarking. Additionally, event logs may contain incomplete or incorrect process data. Such logs are called noisy logs. Therefore, this dissertation aims to study the discovery of process models with high fitness for noise-free and noisy event logs.
Firstly, this dissertation considers discovering parallel (AND) structures in PM. There are several problematic structures in PM, including parallel (AND) structures, exclusive-choice (XOR) structures, non-free-choice structures, loops, and noise. Some PM approaches have been conducted to address only one or a few problematic structures. Genetic process mining (GPM) is a well-known PM method which can simultaneously handle most of the problematic structures. However, GPM still cannot effectively discover parallel structures from noise-free logs. This dissertation proposes a PM approach based on integration of GPM, particle swarm optimization (PSO), and differential evolution (DE) to find process models with high fitness for noise-free logs involving multiple parallel structures. The results show that the proposed approach does indeed lead to improvement in gaining process models with high fitness for event logs involving multiple parallel structures.
Secondly, this dissertation considers discovering process models from noisy logs. In some industries (such as hospitals), data must sometimes be manually recorded and data concerning some tasks that are performed during emergency situations may be missing. Manual logging may result in logging errors. Missing events result in incomplete logs. Therefore, event logs may contain incorrect process data. These logs are called noisy logs. This dissertation develops a PSOSA approach that combines particle swarm optimization (PSO) with simulated annealing (SA) to discover process models with high fitness from noisy logs. The results achieved using this PSOSA approach reveal that it improves fitness of process models found using noisy logs.

摘要 Abstract 誌謝 Contents List of Figures List of Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1. Research motivation 1.2. Research objectives 1.3. Organization of dissertation Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1. Event logs and types of noise 2.2. Process mining 2.3. Petri net 2.4. Genetic algorithm 2.5. Particle swarm optimization 2.6. Differential evolution 2.7. PSO-DE 2.8. Simulated annealing Chapter 3 Discovering Process Models from Noise-free Logs 3.1. Problem statement 3.2. Proposed approach 3.2.1 GPM 3.2.2 PSO 3.2.3 DE 3.3. Cases study and results discussion 3.3.1 Event log of case study 3.3.2 Parameter design 3.3.3 Experimental setup 3.3.4 Results discussion 3.4. Summary Chapter 4 Discovering Process Models from Noisy Logs 4.1. Problem statement 4.2. Proposed approach 4.2.1 PSO 4.2.2 SA 4.3. Experiments 4.3.1 Event log used in experiments 4.3.2 Parameter setting 59 4.3.3 Experimental setup 4.3.4 Results and discussion 4.4. Scenario-based study and results discussion 4.4.1 Scenario-based study of acute ischemic stroke 4.4.2 Event log used in scenario-based study 4.4.3 Experimental setup 4.4.4 Results and discussion 4.5. Summary Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work 5.1. Conclusions 5.2. Future research References Appendix Appendix A. Related curves of 100 generations for 100 runs in four cases for Chapter 3 Appendix B. Author Resume

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