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研究生: 郭信燦
Xin-can Guo
論文名稱: 使用移位正交展頻序列於被動式射頻辨識系統之多標籤存取技術研究
A Study on The Multiple Passive RFID Tag Access Technique Using Shift-Orthogonal Spreading Sequences
指導教授: 劉馨勤
Hsin-Chin Liu
口試委員: 曾德峰
Der-Feng, Tseng
Li-Chung, Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 射頻辨識系統移位正交分時多工標籤估計
外文關鍵詞: RFID, shift-orthogonal, TDMA, tag estimation
相關次數: 點閱:173下載:0
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  • 近年來,被動式射頻辨識系統的相關研究越來越受重視。此系統在標籤存取主要利用分時多工技術。此技術受限於只能在同一時間內辨識出一個標籤,因此許多相關研究被提出。
    在本篇論文裡,我們假設標籤和讀取機之間為非同步通訊,且標籤均勻分佈於半徑2.64米的球體中,並加入天線增益、自由空間損失及可加性高斯白雜訊於通道中進行模擬。我們據此分析每個時槽中所能讀取標籤數目。利用此分析結果依標籤數目估計設定最佳訊框值。我們比較一般EPC第二代射頻辨識系統、使用Walsh Sequences展頻、使用Gold Sequences展頻、及所提出演算法進行之模擬效能。最後探討此演算法所能改善標籤遺失問題。

    In recent years, the passive RFID systems have gained more attention from researchers. The present systems mainly uses time division multiple access (TDMA) technology on tag accessing. Due to the constraint that only one tag can be identified at a time slot in the system, many relevant researches have been proposed.
    In this thesis, we have proposed a method by using shift-orthogonal spreading sequences to solve the tag collision in the passive RFID system. In the proposed scheme, it can identify multiple tags at the same time regardless of the near-far effect. Moreover, the probability of missing tag, can also be reduced.
    In this thesis, it is assumed that the communication between the reader and tags are asynchronous, and all tags are uniformly located within a sphere with radius 2.64 meter. The antenna gain、free space loss, and additive Gaussian white noise (AWGN) are considered in the simulation. Based on the simulation, we analyze the number of correctly identified tags in a time slot. Using the result, the optimum frame size is obtained according to the tag amount estimation. We compare a regular EPCglobal class-1 generation-2 system, using Walsh sequences spreading, using Gold sequences spreading, and the proposed algorithm in simulation. Finally, we discuss how to mitigate missing tag problem using the proposed scheme.
    Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm conducts faster tag identification rate than other systems and can effectively decrease the occurances of missing tags.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VII 第1章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3論文架構 2 第2章 射頻辨識系統介紹 3 2.1 射頻辨識系統概述 3 2.2 射頻辨識系統之EPC第二代射頻辨識系統規範簡述 5 2.2.1 讀取機到標籤的傳輸 6 2.2.2 標籤到讀取機的傳輸 7 2.3 EPC第二代射頻辨識系統內防碰撞演算法簡述 10 2.4 EPC第二代射頻辨識系統標籤遺失問題 13 第3章 EPC第二代射頻辨識系統多標籤存取技術 14 3.1 展頻通訊系統 14 3.2 虛擬隨機序列 16 3.2.1 Gold Sequences 16 3.2.2 Walsh Sequences 16 3.2.3 移位正交有限長度序列 18 3.3 系統架構 22 3.3.1 標籤到讀取機連結 22 3.3.2 防碰撞演算法修正 25 第4章 模擬結果與探討 27 4.1 移位正交有限長度序列選擇 27 4.2 模擬設定 29 4.3 標籤估計及Q值設定 37 4.3.1 Q值計算 37 4.3.2標籤估計 37 4.4系統比較 39 4.5解決標籤遺失問題 45 4.6 標籤讀取時間比較 47 第5章 結論和未來研究方向 51 參考文獻 52 附錄 A T1時間量測 54 A.1 前言 54 A.2 量測架構 54 A.3 量測結果分析 56

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    [12] Liang-Chin Wang and Hsin-Chin Liu, "A novel anti-collision algorithm for EPC Gen2 RFID systems," 3rd International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, Sept. 2006.

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