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研究生: 黃昭盛
Jhao-shenq Huang
論文名稱: 連續沖模製程規劃之Pro/Toolkit程式設計
Pro/Toolkit Programming for Process Planning of Progressive Dies
指導教授: 林清安
Ching-An Lin
口試委員: 陳湘鳳
Shana-Smith Shehn
Yi-Pei Shih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 連續衝模製程規劃料板料帶設計變更Pro/Toolkit
外文關鍵詞: process planning, Progressive press molding, sheet metal, metal strip, design change, Pro/Toolkit
相關次數: 點閱:441下載:1
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  • 本論文嘗試在Pro/ENGINEER的3D CAD環境中開發適用於連續沖模的“電腦輔助製程規劃系統”,主要的研究項目包括︰(1) 自動化板金成品展開與填孔、(2) 自動建構空白料板、(3) 料板沖孔加工規劃、(4) 料板剪邊加工規劃、(5) 料板折彎加工規劃。
    本論文除了說明基本的研究方法以外,並說明如何使用Pro/Toolkit、MFC、Visual C++…等軟體工具進行系統開發,最後並以數個實務案例的執行來驗證電腦輔助設計沖壓製程規劃的可行性。

    This study attempts to develop a Computer-aided Process Planning (CAPP) system in the Pro/Engineer 3D CAD environment suitable for progressive press tooling. The main research topics include: (1) automatic unbending of a sheet metal part and automatic hole-filling (2) automatic generation of a blank strip, (3) strip layout planning for punching operations, (4) strip layout planning for trimming operations, and (5) strip layout planning for bending operations.
    The process planning system developed in this study mainly focuses on the design of metal strips. The basic concept is to have the strips assembled in sequence using a number of single strips. Each strip is assembled using components and outer metal strip modules. This system is suitable for metal strip components of any format. The generated strips are very conducive to design changes. The operations for design changes use intuitive effects to make the system operation easy to understand.
    This study explains the basic research method, and also explains the use of software tools including Pro/Toolkit, MFC, and Visual C++ for system development. Practical case studies have been executed to verity the feasibility of the CAPP system in progressive press tooling.

    中文摘要III ABSTRACTIV 誌謝V 第一章緒論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 研究方法2 1.3 文獻探討4 1.3.1 相關文獻4 1.3.2 商用軟體發展現況5 1.4 論文架構7 第二章Toolkit與族表9 2.1 特徵建構方法9 2.1.1 特徵元素樹法9 2.1.2 尺寸對象法11 2.1.3 使用者定義特徵法13 2.2 族表簡介16 2.2.1 族表特性17 2.2.2 族表控制方式17 2.3 Pro/Toolkit常用函式19 第三章 板金成品展開與填孔22 3.1 板金件簡介22 3.2 板金展開28 3.2.1 折彎展開28 3.2.2 微量成型展開32 3.3 板金成品填孔34 第四章 料板排列佈置39 4.1 零件佈置方法39 4.2 外板佈置方法45 4.3 料板排列型式48 第五章 料帶排列佈置53 5.1 干涉處理53 5.2 製程規劃55 5.3 方向規劃57 第六章 沖程加工佈置61 6.1 沖程加工61 6.2 沖程設變67 6.3 特徵繼承71 6.4 站次增減74 第七章系統開發與實例驗證87 7.1 系統運作流程87 7.2 實例驗證89 7.2.1 實例一92 7.2.2 實例二97 7.2.3 實例三101 第八章結論與未來研究方向104 8.1 結論104 8.2 未來研究方向106 參考文獻108 作者簡介110

    3.戴偉翰,「彎形板金展開之3D CAD系統開發」,國立臺灣科技大學機械工程研究所碩士論文,台北,2003。
    11.EDS, white paper: NX Progressive Die Wizard, Texas, USA, 2005
    12.Parametric Technology Corporation, Progressive Die Extension Release 2.2 Reference Guide, PTC, Waltham, MA , USA , 2005.
    13.3D QuickTools Inc., 3D QuickPress, Hong Kong, 2003.
    14.Parametric Technology Corporation, Pro/ENGINEER® Pro/TOOLKIT User’s Guide, Release Wildfire 2.0, MA, USA, 2004
    17.王文波,Pro/E Wildfire 4.0二次開發實例解析,清華大學出版社,北京2010。
    18.林清安,Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 5.0零件設計進階(下),旗標出版股份有限公司,台北,2010。
    19.林清安,Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 板金設計,碁峰資訊公司,台北,2009。

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