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研究生: 鄭宇軒
論文名稱: 都市開放空間人行徒步區社會交流活動之研究~以捷運淡水線人行徒步區為例
A study on the social contacts in urban pedestrian district∼Through the pedestrian district for MRT Tamsui line
指導教授: 李威儀
Wei-I Lee
口試委員: 揚詩弘
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 116
中文關鍵詞: 都市公共開放空間人行徒步區社會性交流實質環境好所在論
外文關鍵詞: urban public open space, pedestrian district, social contact, physical environment, affordable places for being
相關次數: 點閱:294下載:11
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  • 本研究以捷運淡水線人行徒步區為對象,探討人行徒步區中形成的社會性交流活動類型和支持前述活動的實質環境條件。本研究針對人行徒步區進行實際使用現況調查,歸納出休閒娛樂類、體能運動類以及特殊交流類等三大活動類型,其中包含十項社會性交流活動項目。
    3.都市人行徒步區的空間設計應採用「社會激化」(Sociopetal)的手法,以激發人際交流,提升人行徒步區的公共性與交流性;至於人行徒步區現況中存在「社會隔絕」(Sociofugal) 的部份,則應加以調整改善。

    Using pedestrian district for MRT Tamsui line as an empirical to the theory of affordable places for being, this research aims to first study the behavioral pattern of the community users with respect to the pedestrian district 's designed environment, and to hence draw a conclusion to the ideal spatial design supporting such social interactions. This research aimed at pedestrian district doing investigation for actual use of the status. To induce type of recreations, sports and special communication, it is included ten items of social contact activities.
    For social contact activities, sports and recreations are belong to fixed time and fixed membership, have a definite arrange. Through repeated efforts, the correlation between park program, design, spatial arrangements etc. can be better understood in light of its user’s perspective, thus the continuum in the making of affordable places for being can be more persistently attained by future park designers.

    This research hence arrives at the following conclusions:
    1.The success of the urban pedestrian district is evaluated upon its integral aspect with its participant’s daily activities, as well as on its presentation of multi-faceted social interactions.
    2.Design wise, facilities and its situated spaces should be skillfully placed to provide its satisfactory utilization. The designs should also emphasize on spatial continuity, especially in visual connectivity.
    3.Factors attributing to sociopetal should be cultivated whereas factors attributing to
    sociofugal should be mediated.

    III 目錄……………………………………………………………………… IV 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………… VI 表目錄……………………………………………………………………VIII 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 ............................................................................ 1-1 第二節 研究範圍與方法限制 .................................................................... 1-2 第三節 研究方法與流程 ............................................................................ 1-3 第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 第一節 所在相關理論與內容 .................................................................... 2-1 第二節 人行徒步區相關理論 .................................................................... 2-7 第三節 社會學人際交流、人際傳播、人際互動理論相關理論 .......... 2-14 第四節 本研究採用之理論與概念 .......................................................... 2-17 第三章 研究調查與分析 第一節 研究範圍與限制 ............................................................................ 3-1 第二節 淡水線人行徒步區實質環境、使用與交流活動之特質 ............ 3-4 第四章 人行徒步區使用狀況、社會交流及環境條件之比較分析 第一節 人行徒步區一般使用狀況與社會性交流活動之比較分析 ........ 4-1 第二節 徒步區環境條件支持各項交流活動之對應關係分析 ................ 4-9 第三節 環境行為學理論與人行徒步區社會性交流之分析 .................. 4-23 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 ................................................................................................ 5-1 第二節 建議與後續研究 ............................................................................ 5-5 參考文獻………………………………………………………………………...…參-1 附錄ㄧ:徒步區訪談調查問卷………………………………………………..….附-1 附錄二:捷運淡水線人行徒步區註記圖………………………..……………….附-3

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