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研究生: 耿少宏
論文名稱: 應用混合具擾動的萬用演算法為基礎之 K最鄰近及密集插補法於推薦系統之協同過濾
Applying Hybrid Metaheuristic with Perturbation-based K-Nearest-Neighbors and Densest Imputation to Collaborative Filtering in Recommender Systems
指導教授: 陳正綱
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
Chao Ou-Yang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 推薦系統協同過濾混合萬用演算法相似度最鄰近值演算法最鄰近插補演算法
外文關鍵詞: Recommender systems, Collaborative filtering, Hybrid metaheuristics, Similarities, K-nearest-neighbors algorithm, K-nearest-neighbors and densest imputation
相關次數: 點閱:196下載:0
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  • 由於電子商務公司如: Youtube、Amazon、Netflix和其他許多網路服務業的興起,推薦系統得到前所未有的廣泛應用,推薦系統不僅可以增加服務提供者的收入,還可以減少網站上服務使用者的搜尋時間。在推薦系統的演算法中,儘管協同過濾是利用客戶的偏好來找出他們有興趣的商品或服務同時也是最知名的演算法,但是協同過濾仍然存在資料稀疏度以及相似性選擇的問題。
    本研究基於最鄰近值演算法結合最鄰近值插補演算法以及最密集評分使用者,提出一最鄰近密集值插補演算法 (KDIKNN),並進一步結合另一提出的相似度融合函數,再應用混合擾動萬用演算法為降低資料稀疏度的影響以及找出相似度的權重進而優化結果。
    本研究之實驗使用三組評分資料集驗證提出的演算法,並使用mean square error (MAE)評比指標衡量所提出演算法的結果。根據實驗結果證實,相較於基本的KNN、KDI-KNN以及基於萬用演算法KDI-KNN,基於擾動的混合萬用演算法KDI-KNN能獲得較優異表現。此外,本研究將針對真實數據-基金交易資料集進行個案研究分析,分析結果顯示,資料集的內容會嚴重影響到相似度在推薦系統中的表現。

    The applications of recommender systems have been adopted more broadly than ever before since the rise of E-commerce companies such as Youtube, Amazon, Netflix, and many other web services. Recommender systems not only can increase the revenue for service providers but also reduce the search time for service receivers on the website. Although collaborative filtering is the most well-known approach which utilizes customer’s preference to discover their interest, the problems data sparsity and similarities selection still exist in it.
    A Hybrid Metaheuristics with Perturbation-based K-Nearest-Neighbors and Densest imputation for collaborative filtering (KDI-KNN) algorithm is proposed by combing the KNN imputation with densest users in the dataset to alleviate the effects of data sparsity. A similarities union function is proposed which adopts hybrid metaheuristics with perturbation in order to determine the fittest similarity and enhance the prediction performance.
    This study conducts three rating datasets to validate the proposed algorithms and the performances of algorithms are measured by mean square error (MAE) indicator. The experimental results indicate that hybrid metaheuristics with perturbation based KDI-KNN algorithms are superior to basic KNN, original KDI-KNN, and most of single metaheuristic based KDI-KNN. In addition, a real-world dataset, fund transaction dataset is adopted in the case study. The analysis reveals that the similarity is affected seriously by the different content of the dataset.

    摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III CONTENTS IV LIST OF TABLES VI LIST OF FIGURES VII CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1 1.2 Research Objectives 2 1.3 Research Scope and Constraints 2 1.4 Thesis Organization 2 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 2.1 Recommender systems 4 2.1.1 Content-based filtering 6 2.1.2 Collaborative filtering 7 2.1.3 Summary of recommender system 9 2.2 Missing data imputation 11 2.2.1 Missing data pattern 11 2.2.2 Imputation methods 12 2.3 Metaheuristics 15 2.3.1 Genetic algorithm (GA) 16 2.3.2 Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm 18 2.3.3 Sine Cosine Algorithm 19 2.3.4 Hybrid metaheuristics 20 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 22 3.1 Research framework 22 3.2 Data preprocessing 23 3.3 Metaheuristic with perturbation-based KDI-KNN algorithm 25 3.4 Hybrid Metaheuristic-based KDI-KNN algorithm 25 Chapter 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 30 4.1 Datasets 30 4.2 Performance Measurement 30 4.3 Parameter Setting 31 4.4 Experiment Result 35 4.5 Statistical Hypothesis 43 CHAPTER 5 CASE STUDY 47 5.1. Dataset 48 5.2. Dataset preprocessing 48 5.3. Parameters Setting 50 5.4. Analysis and Statistical Hypothesis 52 Chapter 6 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH 60 6.1 Conclusions 60 6.2 Contributions 60 6.3 Future Research 61 REFERENCES 63 APPENDIX 66

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