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研究生: 陳俊瑋
Chun-wei Chen
論文名稱: 一個擷取Gabor特徵的SVM人臉辨識方法
A SVM Face Recognition Method Based on Gabor Feature Extraction
指導教授: 吳傳嘉
Chwan-Chia Wu
口試委員: 黎碧煌
Bih-Hwang Lee
Kuo-An Hwang
Ming-Shing Youn
Chun-Ming Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: Gabor濾波器支持向量機(SVM)人臉辨識生物特徵辨識
外文關鍵詞: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Face recognition, Biometrics, Gabor filter
相關次數: 點閱:384下載:5
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The study in biometrics field has vigorous development these years, especially in feature-based recognition field. Since the September 11 attacks, there are more and more specialists dig into biometrics field to develop a security system to guard against the horror attacks; therefore, the study in face recognition has become one popular method in biometrics researches. However, the face recognition is the not easy to reach high recognition rate even though it is the most intuitional method.

It is a good way to extract features by using Gabor filter, especially in finger print recognition and face recognition. The statistical learning theory is a hot topic these decades. The neural network has been used in many applications and has performed very well. These years, the support vector machine has showed its good classification ability and there are many papers proved that it performs better than neural network in some applications such as biometrics recognition, document classification, and data mining.

In this thesis, I built a MATLAB GUI based security platform. This platform combines Gabor feature extraction, SVM classification, and duo-threshold concepts to simulate the real-world security system. While using the SVM classifiers, I adopted one-against-rest method instead of one-against-one method because the former one has better exclusivity.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 相關研究回顧 4 1.3.1 人臉偵測方法 4 1.3.2 人臉辨識方法 4 1.4 系統架構 5 1.5 章節簡介 6 第二章 影像前置處理 7 2.1 人臉偵測方法 7 2.1.1 橢圓面板法 7 2.1.2 Adaboost法 9 2.2 人臉特徵擷取 13 2.2.1 Gabor小波 13 2.2.2 Haar小波 15 2.3 人臉辨識方法 16 第三章 支持向量機 17 3.1 統計學習簡介 17 3.1.1 風險最小化概念 17 3.1.2 學習問題的表示 18 3.1.3 經驗風險最小化 18 3.1.4 VC維概念 19 3.1.5 結構風險最小化 19 3.1.6 最佳化風險函數 21 3.2 最佳分類超平面概念 22 3.2.1 最佳超平面 22 3.2.2 建立最佳超平面 23 3.3 支持向量機(SVM) 26 3.4 總結SVM 28 第四章 平台設計 29 4.1 輸入影像標準化 29 4.2 人臉偵測與特徵擷取 29 4.2.1 人臉區域偵測 29 4.4.2 Gabor特徵擷取 30 4.3 SVM開發工具:LIBSVM 31 4.4 人臉影像訓練 33 4.4.1 一對一訓練(one against one) 33 4.4.2 一對多訓練(one against rest) 35 4.4.3 一對一與一對多的比較 37 4.4.4 人臉影像訓練流程 39 4.5 人臉影像辨識 40 4.5.1 比對資料庫 40 4.5.2 人臉影像辨識流程 41 4.6 MATLAB GUI設計 43 4.6.1 MATLAB GUI簡介 43 4.6.2 本論文平台介面簡介 45 4.6.3 平台操作簡介 47 第五章 實驗結果與討論 53 5.1 實驗平台 53 5.2 實驗結果 53 5.2.1 實驗一:人臉資料庫一 55 5.2.2 實驗二:人臉資料庫二(男性) 57 5.2.3 實驗三:人臉資料庫二(女性) 59 5.2.4 實驗四:選取5人測試 60 5.2.5 實驗五:選取15人測試 62 5.3 實驗討論 63 第六章 結論 64 6.1 檢討論文優缺點 64 6.2 未來改進空間 65 參考文獻 66

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