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研究生: Mazaya Adani Suharno
Mazaya Adani Suharno
論文名稱: 評分與意見回饋的不一致對旅遊業隱藏風險與不公平性之研究
Inconsistent Rating and Text Review Considering Hidden Risk and Hidden Unfairness for Tourism Business
指導教授: 楊朝龍
Chao-Lung Yang
口試委員: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 客戶評價評價不一致差異風險旅遊業情緒分析
外文關鍵詞: customer review, review inconsistency, risk of discrepancy, tourism, sentiment analysis
相關次數: 點閱:268下載:2
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  • 單一客戶對旅遊服務的事後評分和文字評論有時並不必然具備一致性。由於評分如星等在認知上具較強的影響力,這樣的不一致可能對旅遊產業的潛在客戶或服務業者造成負面的影響。本研究基於不一致的評分和文字評論的情形,發現其可能對潛在客戶造成消費上的隱藏風險。同時,此不一致性亦可能無法忠實反應業者服務的狀況而具不公平性。當單一客戶之評分為正面(高分)但其文字評論則多為負面語義時,即為第一類資訊不一致。此類不一致極容易使潛在消費者在只看待評分的狀況下,造成認知落差而產生消費時之隱性風險。若單一客戶之評分為負面(低分)但其文字評論則多為正面語義時,即為第二類資訊不一致。同樣地,此類不一致則可能使服務業者在潛在消費者只看待評分的狀況下,對服務的選擇產生負面影響而產生對業者評價之不公平性。本研究透過飯店評價資料的實證分析,探討這評價的不一致性是對潛在客戶是否造成隱性風險,以及是否對服務提供者造成隱性不公平。本研究透過文字情感分析方法和統計工具以飯店評價資料為基礎進行分析,探討不同類型的旅行者如商務旅行者,夫婦,家人,朋友或單人一起旅行是否對評價不一致性所造成的隱性風險具有影響性。另外,也針對不同的飯店類型如豪華、廉價,獨立或國際連鎖,探討其是否具隱性不公平。分析結果證實,潛在客戶面臨的隱性風險要比飯店遇到隱性不公平的風險要大。這種情況主要是由於人們對服務評價的不對稱行為所致。儘管在兩個相應的定量評估中均存在相互矛盾的評論,但人們傾向給予的好評要多於對它們的貶低。關於隱性風險,潛在客戶在不同類型的酒店中可能面臨較高程度不同的隱性風險。對於隱性的不公平,無論酒店的類型如何,或者是提供評價的顧客是何種類型,隱性不公平的程度均無顯著差異。

    The rating score and text sentiment of a single customer’s review does not always have consistent polarity. Since the rating or score of a service provider’s product is an important reference, the inconsistent connection between those two review components could negatively influence the potential customers, especially in the tourism industry. Based on the inconsistent rating and text review, in this study, two hypotheses are proposed. When a review tends to have higher rating score with negative text sentiment, this inconsistency might lead to the overestimation of rating and cause the hidden risk to potential customers, if they only review the rating when they select service provider. On the contrary, if a review has a lower rating score with positive text sentiment, this inconsistency seems to degrade service provider and be unfair to it. This research aims to explore the notable tendency of inconsistent rating and text review based on empirical data. The sentiment analysis method and statistical tools were utilized to examine hotel reviews as an exemplary case. Analysis of several types of customers (travel as/on/with business, couple, family, friend, or solo) was conducted to examine the internal factor affecting the hidden risk and the external one causing the hidden unfairness. Through the reverse combination, several categories of hotels (luxury vs. budget & independent vs. international chain) were considered the internal factor for the hidden injustice and external one for the covered hazard. The empirical study results reveal that the inconsistency of positive-rating and negative-sentiment is in the majority when comparing with the inconsistency of negative-rating and positive-sentiment. It also means that the potential customers face more hidden risk than the service provider encounter the hidden unfairness. This condition is mainly driven by the asymmetric behavior that emerges from people's tendency to give praising numerical ratings than the disrespecting ones, although contradicting comments exist in both corresponding quantitative assessments. Based on data analysis, regarding the hidden risk, potential customers could face significantly different degree of severity for different types of hotels under 95% confidence interval. For the degree of hidden unfairness, regardless the type of hotel and type of customer, the degree of perceived unfairness is not significantly different.

    Master’s Thesis Recommendation Form i Qualification Form by Master’s Degree Examination Committee ii 摘要 iii Abstract iv Acknowledgment v CONTENTS vi FIGURE LIST viii TABLE LIST ix CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Inconsistency between Ratings and Text Reviews 5 2.1.1 The Source of Inconsistency 5 2.1.2 Inconsistency Identification 6 2.1.3 Impact of Inconsistency 7 2.2 Risk in Tourism Customer’s Point of View 9 2.3 Unfairness in Tourism Service Provider’s Point of View 12 2.4 Research Map 13 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 15 3.1 Research Tools 15 3.2 Research Procedures 15 3.2.1 Data Collection 16 3.2.2 Data Pre-Processing 17 3.2.3 Calculating the Sentiment Score 18 3.2.4 Mapping and Analyzing the Distribution of Numerical Rating and Sentiment Score 20 3.2.5 Analyzing the Inconsistency Pattern in the Types of Hotels and Travelers 22 CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 24 4.1 Mapping of Numerical Rating and Sentiment Score 24 4.2 Inconsistency Pattern Analysis in the Types of Hotels and Travelers 31 4.2.1 Hidden Risk Pattern Analysis in the Types of Hotels and Travelers 32 4.2.2 Hidden Unfairness Pattern Analysis in the Types of Hotels and Travelers 34 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 38 5.1 Summary of the Research 38 5.2 Managerial Implication 39 5.3 Future Works 40 Reference 41 Appendix 48  

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