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研究生: 王志博
Jhy-bor Wang
論文名稱: 銀行保險實務觀暨經營模式之探討
The Discussion of Practical Banking Insurance and Its Managing Model
指導教授: 黃彥聖
Yen-sheng Huang
口試委員: 張琬喻
Wan-yu Jang
Day-yang Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 銀行保險保險代理人
外文關鍵詞: Banking Insurance, Insurance Agents
相關次數: 點閱:371下載:0
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一. 銀行跨業經營保險之結論:
(一) 銀行跨業經營保險除有利可圖外,尚有助於提升競爭力。
(二) 在各式經營型態中,以採保險代理人經營方式最適。
(三) 就代理型態而言,目前國內以採普通代理方式為最。
二. 銀行保險代理人之經營成功因素:
(一) 銀行先天具備之條件,如形象、營運據點、客戶數等等。
(二) 銀行高層長官之支持與認同。
(三) 合作保險公司之選擇。
(四) 慎選保險商品,減少行銷阻力。
(五) 訂定合理且具激勵效果之佣獎制度。
(六) 保代本身之輔導協銷能力。

Due to the influence of internalization and liberalization, the government released the rules and accomplished setting Financial Holding Company Act, and loosened the managing items of banking substantially. And because the traditional business of saving and loaning benefits difference reduced, it made banks have to develop the non-risks fee for procedures. The banking insurance has executed for years in foreign countries, but it is only the beginning in our home country. The representation of the fee has made banks benefit a lot, and it also solved the bottleneck of insurance business marketing negotiation, moreover, it could satisfied the necessities of those clients who want to purchase all products in one time. It makes banks, insurance business, and the clients feel satisfied with the results.
The research mainly discusses the most proper mode and basis for banking going across managing insurance. The contents include records discussion, the experience of foreign countries and the Practical introduction of our country; in every type of managing style, for personal practical experience and the interaction between the business fields, the writer chose the system of agents to do special introduction, finally, to collect and categorize the conclusion and suggestion.
The research has found as follows,
1. The Conclusion of Banking to Go Across for Managing Insurance Business:
(1) Banking to go across for managing insurance business is not only profitable, but also helpful for lifting the power of competition.
(2) In every type of managing, the most proper one is to manage insurance agents.
(3) As to the style of agents, the most popular one is the common agent.
2. The Successful Elements of the Banking Insurance Agents:
(1) Banks have the inborn conditions, such as images, working strongholds, the amount of clients.
(2) The supervisors in the banks support and identify.
(3) The chooses of cooperating insurance companies;
(4) Choose the insurance products carefully, and reduce the marketing resistance.
(5) Regulate reasonable and inspired effects of commission system.
(6) Insurance agents’ ability to guide and assist.

第壹章 緒論-----------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究方法與限制------------------------------------------2 第三節 研究架構與流程------------------------------------------3 第貳章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------5 第一節 銀行保險------------------------------------------------5 第二節 平衡計分卡方面-----------------------------------------9 第參章 各國銀行跨業經營保險之迴覽及探討------------------19 第一節 緣起---------------------------------------------------19 第二節 歐美日各國銀行經營保險之迴覽---------------------------19 第三節 我國銀行經營保險業務之探討-----------------------------26 第四節 小結---------------------------------------------------33 第肆章 我國銀行保險代理人經營面觀及策略探討--------------34 第一節 起源、設立、定義、職能及經營模式之比較-----------------34 第二節 實務作業與問題抉擇-------------------------------------43 第三節 經營模式概況及個案簡介---------------------------------45 第四節 銀行保代模擬運用平衡計分卡經營-------------------------53 第五節 小結---------------------------------------------------58 第伍章 建議與結論----------------------------------------59 第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------59 第二節 建議事項-----------------------------------------------60 第三節 後續研究建議-------------------------------------------62 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------63 中文文獻--------------------------------------------------------63 英文文獻--------------------------------------------------------65

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