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研究生: 洪雅玟
Ya-Wen Hung
論文名稱: 以深度學習數據驅動方法對短中期太陽能發電預測之研究
Deep Learning Based Data Driven Approach for Short and Mid Term Solar Power Generation Prediction
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Po-Hsun Kuo
口試委員: 游慧光
Hui-Kuang Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 時間序列預測太陽輻射量預測太陽光伏預測序列分解encoder- decoder預測資料集
外文關鍵詞: Solar radiation prediction, Solar photovoltaic forecasting, predictive datasets
相關次數: 點閱:210下載:3
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  • 由於氣候變化的日益嚴重和全球溫室氣體排放的影響,減少碳排放已成為全球關注的焦點。各國紛紛制定具體的政策和目標,旨在實現近零排碳。在這一努力中,發展可再生能源扮演著至關重要的角色,而太陽光電發電被認為是最為穩定和迅速發展的可再生能源形式。
    太陽光電作為可再生能源的代表,不僅具備清潔、可再生和無污染的特點,而且其穩定的發電量有助於提升區域電網的穩定性。為了更好地了解未來的發電量並促進電廠的有效運作,天氣和輻射量對太陽光伏發電具重要影響。本研究利用分析天氣的多種特徵,找出對發電量產生影響的特徵,實現對輻射量和發電量的預測。在數據預處理階段,我們使用了決策樹(Decision Tree)、隨機森林(Random Forest)、梯度提升決策樹(Gradient Boosting Decision Tree)和eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)方法,對外部數據集與台灣中央氣象局的數據進行比較,以利後續使用。特徵工程方面,將時間、風向和風速進行轉換,並利用遞歸特徵消除(Recursive Feature Elimination, RFE)進行特徵選擇。在模型建構階段,比較多種序列分解方法,選擇合適的方法進行序列分解。同時採用編碼器-解碼器模型,加入預測數據集,以改善模型的表現。本研究的特點在於加入預測數據集,以預測未來1、3、6、12和24小時的發電量。

    Due to climate change and global greenhouse gas emissions, reducing carbon emissions has become a global focus. Countries are implementing specific policies and goals to achieve near-zero carbon emissions. Developing renewable energy, particularly solar photovoltaic power, is crucial.
    Solar photovoltaic power is clean, renewable, and stable, making it an ideal form of renewable energy. Its reliable power output helps enhance the stability of regional power grids. Weather conditions and solar radiation play significant roles in solar power generation. This study analyzes various weather features to identify factors affecting power generation and predict solar radiation and power output.
    Data preprocessing involves comparing external datasets with data from the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau using decision trees, random forests, gradient-boosting trees, and XGBoost methods. Feature engineering includes transforming time, wind direction, and wind speed, and using recursive feature elimination for feature selection. The model construction phase compares multiple sequence decomposition methods and employs an encoder-decoder model with predictive datasets for accurate power output forecasting in different time intervals.
    In conclusion, this study introduces an encoder-decoder-based solar photovoltaic prediction model. The decoder stage uses the predictive datasets to forecast power output. Experimental results using data from solar power plants in Taiwan's central and southern regions demonstrate improved performance when integrating weather features and predictive datasets.
    Reducing carbon emissions and achieving near-zero carbon goals are global priorities. Developing renewable energy, particularly solar photovoltaic power, is crucial in this effort. By analyzing weather features and incorporating predictive datasets, accurate and reliable power output forecasts can be achieved, contributing to the effective operation of solar power plants.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Acknowledgment iii Table of Contents iv List of Figures vi List of Tables vii 1. Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Research Purpose 5 1.3 Research Limitation 5 1.4 Organization of the Thesis 5 2. Chapter 2 Literature Review 7 2.1 Renewable Energy Issues 7 2.2 Solar Energy Issues 7 2.3 Solar Photovoltaic Prediction 8 3. Chapter 3 Methodology 12 3.1 Pre-analysis 12 3.1.1 Data Pre-processing 13 3.1.2 Similarity of Datasets 14 3.1.3 Data Visualization 15 3.1.4 Time Series Analysis 15 3.1.5 Causality analysis 16 3.2 Machine Learning of Missing Values Imputation 17 3.2.1 Cross Validation 17 3.2.2 Decision Tree 17 3.2.3 Random Forest Regression 18 3.2.4 eXtreme Gradient Boosting 18 3.3 Feature Engineering Methods 18 3.3.1 Transformation of Wind 19 3.3.2 Cyclical Features of Time 19 3.4 Feature Selection 19 3.5 Prediction Method 20 3.5.1 Multi-step Forecasting Methods 20 3.5.2 Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise 21 3.5.3 Empirical Wavelet Transform 22 3.5.4 LSTM 24 3.5.5 Encoder-decoder 25 3.5.6 Forecasting Scenario 26 3.6 Result Evaluation 27 4. Chapter 4 Result and discussion 29 4.1 Data Description 29 4.1.1 Feature Correlation 35 4.1.2 Time Series Analysis 37 4.1.3 Causality analysis 43 4.2 Feature Engineering 47 4.2.1 Missing Value Imputation of Irradiance 47 4.2.2 Missing Value Imputation of Photovoltaic 49 4.2.3 Transformation of Wind Vectors 50 4.2.4 Time Cyclical Features 51 4.2.5 Recursive Feature Elimination 52 4.3 Forecasting Result 53 4.3.1 Results of univariate analysis 53 4.3.2 Results of multivariate analysis 55 5. Chapter 5 Conclusion And Future Research 60 5.1 Research Conclusion 61 5.2 Future Work 62 References 63

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