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研究生: 薩米爾
Sameer Bachani
論文名稱: VNbMoTaWAl 和 TiZrNbTaFeN 高熵合金薄膜的機械特性、摩擦特性和腐蝕行為
Mechanical characteristics, tribological performance and corrosion behaviours of VNbMoTaWAl and TiZrNbTaFeN high-entropy alloy coatings
指導教授: 王朝正
Chaur-Jeng Wang
Jyh-Wei Lee
口試委員: 郭俞麟
Yu-Lin Kuo
Li-Chun Chang
Bih-Show Lou
Shih-Hsun Chen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 機械特性摩擦學腐蝕耐火材料高熵合金
外文關鍵詞: Mechanical Characteristics, Tribology, Corrosion, Refractory materials, high-entropy alloy
相關次數: 點閱:311下載:7
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本研究考量合金之熱穩定性選用耐熱VNbMoTaWl高熵合金為基礎,並選用3種不同Al添加量的VNbMoTaWAl高熵合金,使用脈衝直流磁控共濺系統進行高熵合金塗層之製作。當Al含量達8.5 at.%以上時,BCC結構得以維持;塗層的表面粗糙度、晶粒大小以及密度,均隨Al含量的增高而減少。由於固溶強化之作用,Al的添加可使硬度增加到18.1 GPa。含Al量2.4 at.%的VNbMoTaWAl塗層在0.5 M H2SO4溶液中具最佳耐腐蝕性,而在3.5 wt.% NaCl水溶液中,最佳的耐腐蝕性則為8.5 at.%鋁含量的VNbMoTaWAl塗層。本研究同時提出了VNbMoTaWAl塗層的等效電路。此外,在乾燥空氣500 °C和750 °C的3小時高溫氧化,500 ºC氧化後,4種塗層的BCC結構均保持不變且氧化動力學遵循拋物線率。含Al的耐熱高熵合金塗層的氧化速率低於VNbMoTaW合金。然而,耐熱高熵合金塗層在750 °C的空氣高溫氧化能力變差,可觀測到質量損失。
本研究另以高功率脈衝磁體濺射(HiPIMS)採用不同氮氣流速比(RN2)進行耐熱TiZrNbTaFe和4種耐熱(TiZrNbTaFe)N高熵合金塗層的製作。隨著RN2的增加,HiPIMS峰值功率密度值也隨之增加。當RN2的添加量達32.0 N(10.0% RN2),非晶質相轉變為細柱狀FCC結晶微觀結構。塗層的沉積速率隨著N含量的增加而降低,由於金屬氮化物的形成和各種元素的固溶強化,含32.0 N (10.0% RN2)塗層的硬度最高,為36.2 GPa。在3.5 wt.% NaCl水溶液中,32.0 N (10.0% RN2)塗層也獲得了3.08 x 106 Ω.cm2的最佳耐腐蝕性。
經由本研究性質與性能之分析,成果可應用於耐熱高熵合金塗層於合金設計與製程最佳化之規劃。除了在750 °C有較差的抗高溫氧化性之外,VNbMoTaWAl系列耐熱高熵合金塗層可應用於不同的結構應用;(TiZrNbTaFe)N系列耐熱高熵合金,則可應用於保護性硬塗層之製作。

Alloys with different properties are continuously being designed for various different applications, particularly for improved mechanical properties and corrosion properties. Several studies of refractory high-entropy alloy (HEA) coatings have been performed, with focus on high temperature strength and stable thermal properties. The present work will focus on fabricating refractory VNbMoTaW, VNbMoTaWAl, TiZrNbTaFe, and TiZrNbTaFeN HEA coatings, and mechanically characterizing the HEA coatings by applying atomic force microscopy (AFM), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), nanoindenter, X-ray diffractometer (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to study the mechanical characteristics of different refractory HEA coatings and study tribological performance using wear and scratch test, and finally perform corrosion analysis on the HEA coatings, in order to reveal the overall refractory HEA coating properties and performances.
The refractory VNbMoTaW and three refractory VNbMoTaWAl HEA coatings were grown using a pulsed direct current magnetron co-sputtering system. The refractory materials were selected due to their stable thermal properties and high temperature strength, while Al was selected due to its lightweight. The body-centered-cubic (bcc) structure was maintained after the addition of 8.5 at.% Al. The surface roughness, grain size and density of film decreased with higher Al content. The addition of Al element into VNbMoTaW coating can increase its hardness up to 18.1 GPa due to solution hardening effect. Best corrosion resistance in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution was obtained for 2.4 at.% Al contained VNbMoTaWAl coatings, whereas the best corrosion resistance in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution was obtained for 8.5 at.% Al contained VNbMoTaWAl coatings. The equivalent circuit of the VNbMoTaWAl coating was also proposed. Further, high temperature oxidation was studied in dry air at 500 ºC and 750 ºC, respectively, with exposure time of 3 h. The bcc structure of four coatings remained after 500 ºC oxidation. The oxidation kinetics of four coatings at 500 ºC followed the parabolic rate law. The oxidation rate of the Al containing RHEAL coating were lower than those of equimolar VNbMoTaW alloy. The HEA coatings however had poor high temperature air oxidation at 750 ºC with mass loss observed.
The refractory TiZrNbTaFe and four refractory (TiZrNbTaFe)N HEA coatings were grown using high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) at different nitrogen gas flow rate ratios (RN2). The HiPIMS peak power density values increased with increasing RN2. The phase transformation from amorphous to face-centered-cubic (fcc) structure was obtained after the addition of 32.0 at.% N (at 10.0% RN2), and the fcc structure exhibited a fine columnar microstructure and enhanced crystallinity. The deposition rate of the coating was found to decrease with increasing N content. The 32.0 at.% N (at 10.0% RN2) contained (TiZrNbTaFe)N coating had the highest hardness of 36.2 GPa primarily due to its high residual stress and secondarily due to formation of metal-nitride phase and solid solution strengthening of various elements. In 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution, the best corrosion resistance of 3.08 x 106 Ω.cm2 was obtained for (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings grown at RN2 of 10.0%.
The refractory HEA coating properties and performances analyzed during our study can be useful in the material design and optimization stage of product manufacturing. The refractory VNbMoTaWAl HEA coatings can be applied in various structural applications, however these have poor oxidation resistance in air at 750 ºC, while the refractory (TiZrNbTaFe)N HEA coatings can be used for protective hard coating applications.

Chapter 1: Introduction 1 1.1 Concept of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) and multi-principal element alloys (MPEAs) 2 1.2 Refractory high-entropy alloy (RHEA) systems 3 1.3 Objectives 4 1.3.1 Broad objectives 4 1.3.2 Specific objectives 4 Chapter 2: Literature Review 6 2.1 History of alloying 7 2.2 Common alloying methods 7 2.3 Thin film technology 9 2.4 Synthesis and processing routes for HEA thin films 10 2.4.1 Direct current (DC) sputtering 11 2.4.2 Radio frequency (RF) sputtering 12 2.4.3 Medium frequency (MF) sputtering 13 2.4.4 High-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS) 13 2.5 Refractory high-entropy alloys (RHEAs) 14 2.6 Mechanical properties (strengthening and hardening mechanisms) of RHEAs 15 2.6.1 Grain boundary strengthening 16 2.6.2 Strain hardnening 17 2.6.3 Solid solution strengthening 17 2.6.4 Martensitic transformation 18 2.6.5 Precipitation hardening 18 2.7 Nitridation 18 2.8 Tribological performance of RHEA 20 2.8.1 Mechanisms of wear 20 Adhesive wear 21 Abrasive wear 22 Fatigue wear 22 2.8.2 Friction 22 2.8.3 Lubrication 23 2.9 Corrosion behaviour of RHEAs 24 2.9.1 High temperature air-oxidation 24 Gibbs free energy 25 Kinetics of oxidation 26 Parabolic law 26 Linear law 27 Cubic law 27 Logarithmic law 27 Wagner`s theory of oxidation 28 2.9.2 Electrochemical corrosion 29 2.10 RHEA applications 30 2.10.1 High strength applications 30 2.10.2 Corrosion applications 30 Chapter 3: Methodology 32 3.1 Fabrication of refractory high-entropy alloy coatings 33 3.1.1 Deposition of refractory VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl coatings 33 3.1.2 Deposition of refractory TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 34 3.2 Characterization of refractory high-entropy alloy coatings 35 3.2.1 Chemical composition 35 3.2.2 Surface and cross-sectional microstructure analysis 35 3.2.3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis 36 3.2.4 X-ray reflectivity (XRR) analysis 37 3.2.5 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis 37 3.2.6 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis (for VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl coatings) 38 3.2.7 Hardness, elastic modulus and residual stress analysis 38 3.3 Tribological performance of refractory TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 39 3.4 Electrical properties of refractory TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 40 3.5 Corrosion behaviour of refractory high-entropy alloy coatings 40 3.6 Oxidation properties of refractory VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl coatings 40 Chapter 4: Results and discussions for VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl refractory high-entropy alloy coatings 42 4.1 Chemical composition, phase and microstructure of refractory VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl coatings 43 4.1.1 Chemical composition 43 4.1.2 Surface and cross-sectional microstructure analysis 44 4.1.3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 47 4.1.4 X-ray reflectivity (XRR) 51 4.1.5 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 52 4.1.6 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) 55 4.2 Mechanical properties 57 4.3 Corrosion behaviors of refractory VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl coatings 59 4.3.1 Potentiodynamic polarization measurements 59 0.5 M H2SO4 solution electrolyte 59 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution electrolyte 62 4.3.2 Electrochemical impedance analysis 64 Chapter 5: Results and discussions for oxidation of VNbMoTaW and VNbMoTaWAl refractory high-entropy alloy coatings in air 67 5.1 Oxidation kinetics 68 5.2 Analysis of refractory high-entropy alloy (RHEA) coating after oxidation tests 70 5.2.1 Chemical compositions 70 5.2.2 Cross-sectional microstructure analysis 71 5.2.3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis 73 Chapter 6: Results and discussions on refractory TiZrNbTaFeN high-entropy alloy coatings by HiPIMS 76 6.1 Characteristics of HiPIMS discharge 77 6.2 Microstructure of refractory HEA and HEAN coatings 79 6.2.1 Chemical composition and deposition rate 79 6.2.2 Surface and cross-sectional microstructure analysis 81 6.2.3 X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis 84 6.2.4 X-ray reflectivity (XRR) analysis 87 6.2.5 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) analysis 87 6.3 Mechanical and tribological performance of TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 90 6.3.1 Hardness, elastic modulus and residual stress analysis 90 6.3.2 Wear test analysis 92 6.3.3 Scratch test analysis 95 6.4 Electrical properties of TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 96 6.5 Corrosion characteristics of TiZrNbTaFe and (TiZrNbTaFe)N coatings 97 6.5.1 Potentiodynamic polarization measurements 97 6.5.2 Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) 99 Chapter 7: Conclusions 102 Chapter 8: Future work 106 References 107

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