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研究生: 林湘玲
Hsiang-Ling Lin
論文名稱: 公司治理與經營績效因果關係之研究
A Research of the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Management Performace
指導教授: 徐中琦
Jon-Chi Shyu
口試委員: 劉邦典
Pang-Tien Liu
Jung-Hui Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 公司治理經營績效中華公司治理協會結構方程模式線性結構關係
外文關鍵詞: corporate governance, management performace, China Company Management Association, Structure Equation Model, Linear Structure Relation
相關次數: 點閱:233下載:25
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This study is based on the structure of public companies’ system review of China Company Management Association with the corporate governace records and practical experience. Studied on sampling a total of 298 public electronic companies in the 2005, and used Structure Equation Model as a base for reviewing both of target and structure phase of the corporate governace and further explored the consequences affected by the company’s performance. This research is analysed with seven variances, shareholder’s structure, internal shareholders , board of directors (supervisors) function, stockholders’ rights, information exposed transparency, management’s discipline to the influence of managment performance correctly.

Conclusion of my study is as follows:
--Regarding the influence on management performace, the shareholder’s rights are highest than the others , secondly it is the shareholder’s structure, the third is the management’s discipline, the fourth is the board of directors (supervisors) function; but the internal shareholders and the information exposed transparency unobviously
influence to management performance.
-- The internal factor (board of directors function / stockholders’ rights / information exposed transparency / management’s discipline ) obviously influence on the company’s managment performance, and be greater than the external factor (shareholder’s structure / internal shareholders) on it.
--In the internal factor, the discipline would be even more affected if changing personnel frequency on special manages and directors / supervisors . This study results also revealed whatever seating of the independent or the non-independend directors(supervisors) reflected negative operating performance and it would cause unfavorable influence to the operating performance if more seating involved.
-- It doesn't obviously affect the performance of managing to disclose for information, the company information which investors take from the market in which is unable to judge the management performance of this company, and Taiwan’s stock market does not pay that much attention to reveals information at present, this still needs to be improved continuely, not only to follow the government regulations .

Suggestion of my study is as follows:
--Advising the company should pay attention to the policy of the shareholder’s right related, avoid too much seating of the directors (supervisors) and enhance the function of the directors. While the enterprise choose manager must be discreet.
--Advising the government to strengthen the function of the supervisory system that the listed company pay attention to the execution of the law, and increase the proportion of the board of directors function that the board of directors be fully enforce of the supervised function.

第一章 緒論..........................................1 1.1 研究背景.............................................1 1.2 研究動機與目的.......................................2 1.3 研究流程.............................................4 第二章 法令與文獻探討................................5 2.1 我國公司治理評量與相關法令修訂........................5 2.2 股權結構、董監事持股與管理者持股與公司績效相關之文獻 內外相關文獻探討.....................................11 2.3 資訊揭露與透明度與公司績效相關之文獻.................13 2.4 公司治理其他相關之文獻...............................16 第三章 研究方法....................................18 3.1 方法的設計...........................................18 3.2 研究的方法...........................................19 3.3 資料的建立...........................................22 3.4 資料的分析...........................................30 3.5 變數的定義...........................................32 第四章 實證結果與分析...............................36 4.1 資料準備與篩選.......................................36 4.2 驗證性因素分析.......................................41 4.3 結構方程模式之路徑分析...............................45 4.4 殘差分析.............................................58 第五章 結論與建議....................................60 5.1 研究結論.............................................60 5.2 研究限制.............................................61 5.2 研究建議.............................................62 參考文獻..............................................65 附錄..................................................68 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖......................................4 圖2-1 公司治理制度評鑑架構圖..........................6 圖3-1 結構方程模式(SEM)分析...........................19 圖3-2 外部股權因素變項測量圖..........................33 圖3-3 經營績效變項測量圖..............................34 圖3-4 路徑圖一........................................35 圖3-5 路徑圖二........................................35 圖4-1 公司治理對經營績效影響路徑圖....................51 圖4-2 因果關係分析路徑圖..............................56 圖4-3 標準化莖葉圖....................................58 圖4-4 標準化殘差圖....................................59 表目錄 表3-1 結構方程模式各項參考指標........................21 表3-2 2005年台灣股票市場概況表.......................23 表3-3 2005年北美半導體接單出貨比.....................23 表3-4 上市櫃公司治量評量表............................24 表3-5 研究變數彙總表..................................27 表3-6 變數測量彙總表..................................29 表3-7 內部管理因素變項測量彙總表......................33 表4-1 測量變項常態分配檢視表..........................36 表4-2 共變矩陣彙總表..................................39 表4-3 內衍測量變項被外衍潛在變項解釋之迴歸矩陣........43 表4-4 外衍潛在變項共變矩陣分析........................44 表4-5 測量變項誤差量估計分析..........................44 表4-6 內衍變項因果關係分析............................47 表4-7 內衍測量變項被外衍潛在變項解釋之迴歸矩陣........47 表4-8 內衍潛在變項被外衍潛在變項解釋之迴歸矩陣........48 表4-9 外衍潛在變項共變矩陣............................49 表4-10 模型結構整體分析效果...........................50 表4-11 因果關係彙總表.................................51 表4-12 內衍變項間因果關係分析.........................51 表4-13 潛在變項迴歸係數估計...........................51 表4-14 內衍變項的解釋殘差.............................53 表4-15 結構模型對內衍潛在變項的解釋估計...............54 表4-16潛在變項路徑分析結構模型分解效果...............54 表4-17最大概似估計法契合度指標彙整表.................57


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