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研究生: 黃氏如意
Huynh Thi Nhu Y
論文名稱: 銀行業國際化策略:以國泰世華銀行往東南亞市場為例
International strategy in banking industry: A case study of Cathay United Bank in ASEAN market
指導教授: 葉穎蓉
Ying-Jung Yvonne Yeh
口試委員: 陳春希
Chun-Hsi Chen
Cheng-Kang Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 國際策略國際化東南亞國泰世華銀行
外文關鍵詞: international finance
相關次數: 點閱:406下載:6
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近年來,東盟銀行業發展迅速,呈現出許多新趨勢。 在瞬息萬變的市場環境下,銀行業需要更新國際化戰略,特別是走出去的動力、適當的機構形式和信用風險管理。
本案例研究以國泰世華銀行(CUB)為研究對象,主要數據來源於公司年報和互聯網資源。 之後,應用五力模型和SWOT分析來更全面地了解CUB的競爭力。 最後,通過採訪海外事業部經理收集到的二手數據,證實了推測性的答案,揭示了本研究的發現。
本研究的結果描述如下。 首先,銀行走出去的動因包括國內市場的激烈競爭、東道國銀行業的穩定和潛力發展、母國與東道國市場和跟隨客戶之間貿易的增加。 其次,進入機構形式的選擇取決於市場吸引力、公司銀行業務的需要和獲得的牌照。 最後,信用風險管理實踐是通過實施集中的組織結構和獨立的信用風險管理委員會,在信用風險管理系統中採用技術應用,為海外分支機構提供信用風險指南和指導。

The ASEAN banking industry has developed rapidly and observe many new trends in the recent year. An update of international strategy in banking industry, especially motivation to go abroad, appropriate institutional form and credit risk management is necessary under the fast-changing market.
With Cathay United Bank (CUB) as the research object, the primary data of this case study is conducted through company’s annual report and internet resources. After that, Five-Force models and SWOT analysis are applied to provide a more comprehensive look on CUB competitiveness. Finally, the secondary data gathered from interviewing Oversea Business Department’s manager to confirm conjectural answers and discover findings of this research.
Findings of this study is described as followed. First, the motivation for bank to go abroad include intense competition in domestic market, stable and potential development of host market banking sector, increasing trade between home- host market and follow customer. Second, the choice of entry institutional form depends on the market attractiveness, the need of corporate banking and license obtained. Lastly, credit risk management practice is implemented by implementing centralized organization structure with separate credit & risk management committee, adopting technology application in credit risk management system, providing credit risk guidelines & instruction for overseas branches to follow.

TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES IV LIST OF TABLES V ABSTRACT VI Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research motivation 1 1.2. Research questions 1 1.3. Scope of research 2 1.4. Research flowchart 3 Chapter 2: LITTERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Background of international strategy 5 2.2. Motivation of international expansion 7 2.3. Institutional forms of entry 9 2.4. Credit risk management 12 2.5. SWOT analysis 13 2.6. Five-forces analysis 15 Chapter 3: METHODOLOGY 17 3.1. Research Design 17 3.1.1. Primary data 17 3.1.2. Secondary data 17 3.2. Case interview 18 Chapter 4: CASE ANALYSIS 19 4.1. Overall economy in ASEAN 19 4.2. Banking industry in ASEAN 20 4.2.1. Outlines of ASEAN banking sectors 20 4.2.2. Five-force analysis 22 4.3. Company overview 29 4.3.1. Background of Cathay United Bank 29 4.3.2. Company’s awards 34 4.3.3. Organization structure 39 4.4. SWOT analysis of Cathay United Bank in Southeast Asia 41 Chapter 5: FINDINGS 46 5.1. Motivation for bank to go global 46 5.1.1. Intense competition in domestic market 46 5.1.2. Stable and potential development of host market banking sector 47 5.1.3. Increasing trade between home and host market 48 5.1.4. Follow customer 50 5.2. Choosing appropriate institutional entry form toward foreign market 51 5.2.1. Representative offices 51 5.2.2. Branches 52 5.2.3. Subsidiaries 53 5.3. Managing credit risk in foreign market 55 5.3.1. Implementing centralized organization structure with separate risk management and credit committee 55 5.3.2. Adopting technology application in credit management system 56 5.3.3. Providing credit rating indicators & guideline for oversea branches 57 Chapter 6: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 59 6.1. Conclusion 59 6.2. Recommendation 60 6.3. Limitation and further research 61

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