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研究生: 蔡雙伃
Shuang-yu Tsai
論文名稱: 以使用者經驗為基礎之設計與研究-糖尿病飲食紀錄日誌APP為例
The Study and Design base on User Experience-A Case of Diabetes Diet Diary Application
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-Hsiung Chen
Yu-Chi Lai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 糖尿病血糖監測飲食控制手機應用程式使用者經驗
外文關鍵詞: Diabetes, self-monitoring of blood glucose, diet control, mobile application, user experience
相關次數: 點閱:755下載:94
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Diabetes is a chronic disease. For diabetes prevention and long-term care management, it requires anti-diabetic medications or use insulin to control blood sugar according to doctor’s diagnosis. Moreover, to further reduce the risk of complications commonly induced by diabetes, it is necessary for patients to self-monitor their blood glucose regularly, keep diet control, and exercise appropriately, among other preventative. Hence, it is a long-term challenge for diabetes patients to keep blood sugar under-controlled.

This study designed a mobile application of health management for diabetes patients. To present the development of the APP with three stages, the first stage was user experience research, which identified diabetes patients’ needs and problems through observation and semi-structured interviews, and evaluated three diabetes applications’ pros and cons to be the reference of the design specifications. The Second stage, user experience design, discussed the procedure of designing the APP based on the users’ experience. The third stage, user experience test, explored the differences of user experience before and after using the APP by interview and experimental questionnaire. The objectives of this study were fourfold. First, to understand the needs of diabetes self-management with glycemic control. Second, to design and build the APP interface and function. Third, to evaluate the APP’s usability and user experience testing. Fourth, to analyze the results and propose modification and suggestion.

The user experience research showed that diabetes patients need not only the self-monitoring of blood glucose but also more health management. It was also identified that diet as the most important factor directly affected the glucose levels. Base on these findings, this study designed an APP named “Diabetes diet diary.“ The user experience testing results showed that: (1) The APP could help diabetes patients to learn the relationship between their diet and blood sugar. (2) The APP could help the users to record their diet instantly. It also provided a more convenient interface for review and analysis of the data than paper records. (3) By combining diet record and information on users’ location, this APP linked the blood sugar level and eating behavior and constructed customized personal diet maps. (4) By adding the concept of user community, it provided the possibility to explore how the design might further improve patients’ psychological wellbeing. This study could also contribute to the designs that are associated with diabetes prevention and control.

摘要 i Abstract ii 謝誌 iv 目錄 v 圖目錄 x 表目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究問題 3 1.3研究目的 4 1.4研究架構與流程 5 1.5研究範圍與限制 8 第二章 文獻探討 9 2.1糖尿病的定義 9 2.1.1糖尿病的分類 10 2.2糖尿病的控制管理 12 2.2.1血糖自我監測 13 2.2.2糖尿病患自我照護 17 2.2.3糖尿病的飲食控制 18 2.3 資訊產品運用在糖尿病自我管理 21 2.3.1 健康、情緒與社群 21 2.4人機介面設計 23 2.4.1 命令列介面(CLI) 26 2.4.2圖形化使用者介面(GUI) 26 2.4.3自然使用者介面(NUI) 28 2.4.4智慧型手機 30 2.5使用者經驗 33 2.5.1使用者經驗目標 37 2.5.2互動式系統設計 38 2.5.3可用性評估 39 2.5.4訪談法 40 2.5.5系統使用性尺度量表 41 2.6文獻小結 42 第三章 研究方法與使用者經驗研究 43 3.1研究架構 43 3.2研究方法 45 3.3使用者經驗研究 45 3.3.1使用者經驗研究對象 45 3.3.2使用者經驗研究環境和設備 47 3.3.3使用者經驗研究設計 47 3.3.4使用者經驗研究APP受測樣本 51 3.3.5使用者經驗研究問題與修正 52 3.4使用者經驗研究結果 54 3.4.1使用者經驗研究結果分析 54 3.4.2使用現有三款血糖app的經驗分析 63 3.4.3綜合整理 65 3.5使用者經驗設計假設 66 第四章 使用者經驗設計 68 4.1糖尿病飲食日誌APP概念設計 69 4.1.1糖尿病飲食日誌app 功能設定 71 4.2目標使用者 72 4.3 介面設計架構 73 4.4 APP實務設計 75 4.5 糖尿病飲食日誌APP介面設計 76 4.5.1糖尿病飲食計畫 76 4.5.2血糖、飲食、胰島素紀錄 77 4.5.3個人飲食與社群地圖 79 第五章 使用者經驗測試 81 5.1使用者經驗測試對象 81 5.1使用者經驗測試內容設計 84 5.3測試對象分類 86 5.4使用者經驗測試結果 91 5.4.1 APP可用性評估 92 5.4.2 APP功能性評估 100飲食計畫 100血糖搭配飲食紀錄 104糖尿病患者與社群 112 5.4.3系統使用性尺度量表(sus)分析 116 5.4.4使用者回饋 117 5.4.5綜合整理 121 5.5未來介面與功能修正 124 第六章 結論與建議 130 6.1研究結論 130 6.2實驗過程的影響因素-糖尿病年齡與個人態度 134 6.3後續研究與建議 135 參考文獻 137 英文參考文獻 137 中文參考文獻 139 網路參考資料 140

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