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研究生: 林保賢
Pao-Hsien Lin
論文名稱: 製備錠狀氧化鐵載氧體擔載氧化鋁及二氧化鈦惰性載體並應用於化學迴圈燃燒與產氫之探討
Preparation of Al2O3 and TiO2 Supported Fe2O3 Pellets for Chemical Looping Combustion and Hydrogen Generation
指導教授: 顧洋
Young Ku
口試委員: 蔣本基
Pen-Chi Chiang
Yao-Hsuan Tseng
Yu-Lin Kuo
Dyi-Hwa Tseng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 155
中文關鍵詞: 化學迴圈燃燒程序載氧體澱粉含量鐵離子擴散產氫
外文關鍵詞: Chemical looping combustion, oxygen carrier, starch content, iron cations diffusion, H2 generation
相關次數: 點閱:260下載:0
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  • 本研究之主要目的為製備適合化學迴圈程序與應用於產氫之鐵系複合載氧體。為了製備具有高機械強度之複合載氧體,分別將氧化鐵與氧化鋁和二氧化鈦混合,並利用壓錠方式製備成錠材。研究結果發現鐵鋁複合載氧體及鐵鈦複合載氧體分別在鍛燒溫度1300 oC與1100 oC下,具有相當好的機械強度與反應性。本研究為了增加錠狀鐵系複合載氧體之反應性,添加不同比例澱粉含量,其研究結果發現隨著澱粉含量增加,鐵鋁複合載氧體的轉化率會逐漸上升,但是鐵鈦複合載氧體的轉化率幾乎不受到澱粉含量增加而有所影響。當鐵鋁複合載氧體之澱粉含量為10 wt%時及鐵鈦複合載氧體之澱粉含量為0 wt%時,皆具有相當不錯的反應性與機械強度,但是經過20圈的氧化還原操作後,鐵鈦複合載氧體之機械強度會有所下降。此外,在20圈的氧化還原後,錠狀複合載氧體表面皆觀察不到惰性載體,其推測為在氧化過程中鐵離子會向外擴散與外部氧離子反應形成氧化鐵進而覆蓋惰性載體,導致在多次氧化還原後,錠狀載氧體表面皆觀察不到惰性載體。

    Preparation of Fe-based oxygen carriers with support materials as pellets for CLP and hydrogen production was investigated in this study. In order to increase the mechanical strength of carriers, Fe2O3 oxygen carriers were prepared with Al2O3 and TiO2 as inert support with mass ratio of 60/40 by mechanical mixing and pelletized by tablet machine, respectively. The results showed that FeAl320 pellet sintered at 1300 oC had proper mechanical strength and good reactivity. Besides, the FeTi320 pellet sintered at 1100 oC also exhibited adequate mechanical strength and great reactivity.
    For increasing reactivity of FeAl320 pellet and FeTi320 pellet, different starch content was added to the pellets. It revealed that the conversion was increased with increasing starch of FeAl320 pellet and the starch was no effect on FeTi320 pellet. However, FeAl320-S10 and FeTi320-S0 pellet showed reasonable reactivity, but mechanical strength of FeAl320-S10 pellet exhibited better than FeTi320-S0 pellet after 20 redox cylces. Furthermore, both of 20 redox cycles FeAl320 pellet and FeTi320 pellet, it was no observed the support materials on the pellet surface of oxygen carriers. It could be possibly suggested that the iron cations may diffuse onto the surface of oxygen carriers and react with oxygen anions during the oxidation period.
    Comparison the H2 productions between FeAl320-S10 pellet and FeTi320-S0 pellet, it could be obviously observed that the amount of H2 production of FeAl320-S10 pellet is 1.13 times as large as FeTi320-S0 pellet. However, it would be clearly observed the FeTi320-S0 pellet could be sintered together and agglomerated to wall of fixed bed reactor after multi-steam oxidation cycle. As the above results, it could be summarized that FeAl320-S10 pellet has proper reactivity and has good H2 production at 900 oC and FeAl320-S10 pellet could be a suitable candidate of H2 production for CLP.

    Chinese Abstract I English Abstract III Acknowledgment V Table of Content VII List of Figures XI List of Tables XIX List of Symbols XXI Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objectives and Scope 2 Chapter 2 Literature Review 3 2.1 Introduction of Chemical Looping Process (CLP) 3 2.2 Performance of Oxygen Carriers 6 2.2.1 Development of Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with Different Supports for CLP 9 2.2.2 Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with SiO2 as a Support Material 10 2.2.3 Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with TiO2 as a Support Material 10 2.2.4 Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with Al2O3 as a Support Material 11 2.2.5 Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with ZrO2 as a Support Material 12 2.2.6 Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with MgAl2O4 as a Support Material 13 2.3 Introduction of Chemical Looping Technologies for Hydrogen Production 15 2.3.1 Chemical Looping Reforming (CLR) 16 2.3.2 Steam Reforming Integrated with Chemical Looping Combustion (SR-CLC)19 2.3.3 Steam-Iron Process 21 Chapter 3 Experimental Apparatus and Procedures 27 3.1 Experimental Framework 27 3.2 Chemicals 33 3.3 Apparatus and Instruments 34 3.4 Experimental Procedures 35 3.4.1 Preparation of Fe-based Oxygen Carriers with Different Supports 35 3.4.2 Characterization Analysis of Oxygen Carriers 38 3.4.3 TGA Analysis of Oxygen Carriers 45 3.4.4 Fixed Bed Reactor Analysis of Oxygen Carriers 47 Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 49 4.1 Background Experiments 51 4.1.1 Fixed Bed Reactor Analysis of Oxygen Carriers 51 4.1.2 Stabilization of Crucible Filled with Al2O3 and TiO2 powders 53 4.2 Reactivity and Characterization of Fe2O3/Al2O3 Oxygen Carriers in CLP 55 4.2.1 Effect of Reaction Temperature 56 4.2.2 Effect of Sintering Temperature 60 4.2.3 Effect of Starch Content 70 4.3 Reactivity and Characterization of Fe2O3/TiO2 Oxygen Carriers in CLP 87 4.3.1 Effect of Reaction Temperature 88 4.3.2 Effect of Sintering Temperature 92 4.3.3 Effect of Starch Content 102 4.4 Application of H2 Production in a Fixed Bed Reactor 119 4.4.1 Effect of Steam content 120 4.4.2 Effect of Reaction Temperature 126 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 129 Reference 133 Appendix 139

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