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研究生: 楊淑樺
Shu-hua Yang
論文名稱: 藉由數學分析提升靜態式稜鏡集光器效率
Improvement of Efficiency of Static Prismatic Concentrator via Mathematical Analysis
指導教授: 黃忠偉
Jong-Woei Whang
口試委員: 趙涵捷
Han-Chieh Chao
Sheng-Lyang Jang
Neng-Chung Hu
Shien-Kuei Liaw
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 直角稜鏡可堆疊性靜態式集光器自然光導光系統全反射
外文關鍵詞: prism, cascading, static concentrator, natural light guiding system, total internal reflection
相關次數: 點閱:240下載:1
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  • 靜態式集光器不包含有太陽光路徑追跡器,成本較低,後續保養較為容易,但其整體集光效率較動態式集光器低,但為求太陽光集光器普及化,提升效率降低成本為我們首要考量,此篇論文中,我們設計一款靜態式集光器,透過平行光源打入單一直角稜鏡結構數學,分析其光線輸出入關係式,並且運用多個直角稜鏡結構堆疊,分析太陽光入射此堆疊結構之集光效率,藉由單一結構以及堆疊結構數學分析提出各稜鏡間之相互影響因子。透過影響因子之提出,找出最佳之直角稜鏡堆疊個數以及堆疊模式,並分析最佳太陽相對路徑,提出ㄧ稜鏡集光器改善模型,可提升原稜鏡堆疊之靜態式太陽光集光器整體效率值達44.796%。

    Although a static solar concentrator does not include a sun tracking system, it has a low cost and is easy to maintain; however, its collection efficiency is lower than that of a dynamic concentrator. In this paper, we focus on the parallel light incident on a single right-angle prism in order to obtain the mathematic function of the input-output relationship which applicable to any cascade-structured model and single right-angle prism. We then propose a static prismatic solar concentrator whose design is based on cascading right-angle prisms whose axes are in different directions. We use a mathematic model to analyze the influence of the efficiency factor on the relationship between cascading right-angle prisms and the path of the sun. On the basis of our results, we conclude that the length of prism satisfies Li+1> Li with sunlight rotation in the y-z direction and the optimal number of cascading prisms is i = 3; using this result, an improved model whose total collection efficiency exceeds that of the original prismatic concentrator by 44.796% is realized.

    中文摘要---------------Ⅰ 英文摘要---------------Ⅱ 致 謝---------------Ⅲ 目  錄---------------Ⅳ 圖表索引---------------V 第一章 緒論---------------------------------1 1.1 研究背景與動機------------------1 1.2 研究方法------------------------2 第二章 光線追跡-----------------------------5 2.1 snell’s law--------------------5 2.2 Total Internal Reflection-------5 2.3 fresnel equation----------------6 2.4 Edge-ray principle--------------7 2.5 Vector form(Andrew S. Glassner) 8 2.5.1 Reflection-----------------8 2.5.1 Transmission---------------9 2.6 太陽仰角與方位角----------------11 第三章 單一稜鏡數學分析---------------------13 3.1 系統描述 ----------------------------13 3.2 定義分析 ----------------------------15 3.2.1 輸出入角度-----------------15 3.2.2 集光效率-------------------15 3.2.3 出光能量分佈---------------16 3.3 二維輸出入關係----------------------18 3.3.1 特殊角度分析---------------19 3.3.2 x-y方向轉動----------------24 3.3.3 y-z方向轉動----------------34 3.4 三維輸出入關係----------------------38 第四章 稜鏡模組化分析-----------------------41 4.1 兩稜鏡堆疊出光能量以及效率分析------42 4.2 三稜鏡堆疊出光能量以及效率分析------44 第五章 模擬驗證 ----------------------------46 5.1 單一稜鏡集光效率--------------------46 5.2 垂直光線入射兩堆疊稜鏡--------------47 5.3 垂直光線入射三堆疊稜鏡--------------49 第六章 影響因子 ----------------------------53 第七章 總結--------------------------------58 7.1 結論--------------------------------58 7.2 未來展望 ----------------------------58 參考資料--------------------------------------60

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