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研究生: 曾聖傑
Sheng-chieh Tseng
論文名稱: 絕緣層上覆矽光波導色散與雙折射效應之研究
Birefringence and Dispersion of Silicon-on-insulator Waveguide using Optical Low-coherence Interferometry
指導教授: 徐世祥
Shih-hsiang Hsu
口試委員: 李三良
San-liang Lee
Cheng-kuang Liu
Shian-kuei Liaw
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 低同調干涉雙折射效應色散
外文關鍵詞: optical low-coherence interferometer, birefringence, dispersion
相關次數: 點閱:323下載:0
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  • 矽光電為發展積體微波光電裡最熱門的一環其最主要的優勢在於它與目前已發展成熟的互補金屬氧化半導體製程相容,由於它矽層與氧化層折射率的高差異性,可以有效地將光侷限在極小的波導裡。現今,新的訊息傳輸著重在提高光通訊系統的效率與無線存取網路,調變訊息的方法與光的相位息息相關,這正意味著雙折射的重要性。然而,色散也是另一個造成訊號失真的原因。在本篇論文裡,我們將由實驗表現出絕緣層上覆矽光波導的雙折射效應與色散值之特性。


    飛行時間法(TOF)、調制相位偏移法(MPS)和干涉法是目前最主要量測色散值的三種技術。相較於在工業界最常被使用的飛行時間法與調制相位偏移法而言,干涉法是比較廉價且有效的測量方式。在先前已量測雙折射效應的同樣幾何形狀的光波導上,無論是干涉儀的兩臂光程差是否相同,所得到的色散值約為-900 ps/(nm km)。


    A silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform with the big advantage of the mature complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) compatible processing has been well developed to be a highly integrated microphonics due to its large refractive-index difference between silicon and silicon dioxide layers. Currently, new modulation formats are being proposed to enhance the performance and spectral efficiency of optical communication systems in core, metro, and access networks. The formats are mainly the optical phase related technologies, which imply the importance of birefringence. However, the chromatic dispersion is another important factor for the signal distortion. In this thesis, the methodology to characterize the birefringence and chromatic dispersion on SOI waveguides will be experimentally demonstrated.

    Among a variety of birefringence characteristics, the optical low-coherence interferometer (OLCI) illustrates a higher resolution, 10-6, which is related to the device length and optical ruler generated by the high-coherence laser source. The birefringence of the SOI waveguides with the thickness of 5m, the width of 5m and the etch depth of 2.5m was demonstrated as 7.9x10-4. Another filtering type of array waveguide grating (AWG) was also taken for verification and shown as the similar birefringence of 4.7x10-4.

    Time of flight (TOF), modulation phase shift (MPS) and interferometric methods are three main approaches for chromatic dispersion measurement techniques. Compared with the most widely used commercial dispersion, TOF and MPS, the interferometric technique is a less expensive and effective approach. The SOI waveguides with the same geometrical dimensions in the birefringence testing was showing a high dispersion of around -900 ps/(nm km) from the balanced and unbalanced arms of the interferometer.

    We successfully utilized the interference techniques to demonstrate the birefringence and chromatic dispersion of 5m thick SOI waveguides. Our final goal is to develop a reliable and precise characteristic tool to in-situ monitor the optical system performance.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章理論 5 2-1光波導理論 5 2-1-1幾何光學 5 2-1-2波動光學 6 2-2 波導耦合方式 12 2-2-1 直接耦合 12 2-2-2 光柵耦合 12 2-2-3 耦合損耗(Coupling Loss) 13 2-3矽波導的單多模條件 16 2-4 多模干涉器(Multi-Mode Interference, MMI) 21 2-4-1多模波導 21 2-4-2 自我成像原理 21 2-4-3 多模干涉器的干涉機制 24 2-4-4 1x2 MMI模擬與測量結果 28 2-5-低同調干涉技術 30 2-6波導中的色散(Chromatic Dispersion) 37 2-6-1模態間色散(Intermodal Dispersion) 37 2-6-2模內色散(Intramodal Dispersion) 38 2-6-3極化色散(Polarization Modal Dispersion, PMD) 41 第三章 量測的技術與結果 43 3-1 量測矽波導雙折射效應 43 3-2 陣列波導光柵 49 3-3 色散測量的原理與技術 53 3-3-1色散測量的技術 53 3-3-2色散量測結果(平衡) 59 3-3-3色散量測結果(非平衡) 60 第四章 結論與未來展望 62 4-1 結論 62 4-2 未來展望 63 參考文獻 64

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