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研究生: 陳信閔
Sin-Min Chen
論文名稱: 纖維加勁石膠泥瀝青混凝土設計與工程績效特徵
Design and Performance Characteristics of Fiber-Reinforced Stone Matrix Asphalt
指導教授: 廖敏志
Min-Chih Liao
口試委員: 黃建維
Chien-Wei Huang
Yen-Yu Lin
Chun-Tao Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 179
中文關鍵詞: 石膠泥瀝青混凝土玄武岩纖維纖維素纖維動態剪切流變儀間接張力強度試驗間接張力開裂試驗間接張力車轍試驗
外文關鍵詞: SMA, Basalt Fiber, Cellulose Fiber, DSR, IDT, IDEAL-CT, IDEAL-RT
相關次數: 點閱:410下載:7
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  柔性鋪面易受溫度、氣候、交通荷載等因素降低使用年限,近年來更是隨著極端氣候日益頻繁與交通荷載增加而產生各式早期損壞,主要破壞模式分別為疲勞破壞及車轍破壞。而石膠泥瀝青混凝土(Stone Matrix Asphalt, SMA)之設計理念為使其具較佳之抗車轍能力,適合用於重載與交通量繁重道路,但過去研究對於SMA之抗開裂性能則較少著墨。本研究探討利用纖維加勁SMA提升其抗張能力,追求抗疲勞和抗車轍兩種績效間平衡,故利用韌性試驗、動態剪切流變儀相關試驗評估纖維瀝青膠泥之流變性能,以確認玄武岩纖維(Basalt Fiber)及纖維素纖維(Cellulose Fiber)之最佳添加量,再沿用纖維添加量製備纖維加勁SMA,主要藉由間接張力開裂試驗(IDEAL-CT)及間接張力車轍試驗(IDEAL-RT)兩項試驗進行績效分析,同時利用間接張力強度試驗(IDT)及高溫間接張力強度試驗(HT-IDT)加以評估其疲勞與車轍性能,分析纖維對纖維加勁SMA之加勁效果,並探討不同添加方式對於纖維加勁SMA之影響。綜觀纖維加勁瀝青膠泥試驗,3 mm玄武岩纖維對於瀝青膠泥之加勁機制較纖維素纖維明顯、穩定,不過3 mm玄武岩纖維添加量若超過0.3%,將導致其工作性不佳,而纖維對於瀝青膠泥之加勁影響程度依序為纖維對於瀝青膠泥之體積填充加勁效應,次之為兩介面間作用力之物理化學加勁效應,再者為纖維間之顆粒交互作用加勁效應;而乾式拌合之纖維加勁SMA所需之瀝青含量較多,空隙率對於纖維SMA之疲勞性能與車轍性能有所影響,但纖維長度對於纖維加勁SMA之鋪面績效性能無一絕對關係,綜觀纖維加勁SMA之鋪面績效試驗,其抗開裂性能相當優異,但以IDEAL-RT測試抗車轍性能則有待未來研究深入探討。

  The susceptibility of flexible pavements to environmental factors and traffic loads can reduce their serviceability. Due to extreme weather events and increased traffic loads, the occurrence of various types of premature deterioration has increased. The most common distress types of asphalt pavements are fatigue cracking and rutting, which occur at intermediate and high temperatures, respectively. Stone matrix asphalt (SMA)is designed for use on roads with high traffic volumes and heavy loads due to its high resistance to rutting, which is a result of its high coarse aggregate content interlocked to form a stone skeleton. However, because of the higher asphalt content, drainage of asphalt binder through air voids was the issue.
  This study examines the use of basalt fiber and cellulose fiber reinforcement at varying concentrations to enhance the capacity of stone matrix asphalt and to achieve a balance between fatigue resistance and rutting resistance. The asphalt binders with fibers were evaluated using toughness and dynamic shear rheological tests. The selected fiber content was then used to prepare fiber-reinforced stone matrix asphalt. The fatigue and rutting performance for fiber-reinforced stone matrix asphalt were assessed by means of the indirect tensile strength test(IDT), the high-temperature indirect tensile strength testm(HT-IDT), the indirect tension cracking test(IDEAL-CT), and the indirect tension rutting test(IDEAL-RT).
  The results revealed that, in the fiber-modified asphalt mixture tests, the 3mm basalt fiber demonstrated more noticeable and stable reinforcement effects on the asphalt mixture than the cellulose fiber. However, if the 3mm basalt fiber content exceeded 0.3%, the workability of the mixture would decrease. The degree of fiber reinforcement effect on the asphalt mixture was determined in the following order: first, the volume filling effect of the fiber in the asphalt mixture, then the physical and chemical effects between the fiber and asphalt, and finally, the particle interaction effect among the fibers. In addition, fiber-reinforced stone matrix asphalt with dry process was found to require more asphalt content, and the void content influenced the fatigue and rutting performance of the fiber-modified stone matrix asphalt. Nonetheless, there was no absolute relationship between fiber length and the pavement performance of fiber-reinforced stone matrix asphalt. Overall, the performance tests results indicated that fiber-reinforced stone matrix asphalt appeared superior resistance to cracking. However, more research is needed to find out the rutting performance for the SMA in terms of IDEAL-RT results.

摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 圖目錄 XII 表目錄 XVIII 英文縮寫目錄 XX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 2 1.4 研究範圍 3 第二章 文獻回顧 4 2.1 石膠泥瀝青混凝土(SMA) 4 2.1.1 改質瀝青 5 2.1.2 纖維 8 2.2 瀝青膠泥之流變性能 11 2.2.1 韌性試驗(Toughness and Tenacity Test) 11 2.2.2 頻率掃描試驗(Frequency Sweep Test) 12 2.2.3 多重應力潛變恢復試驗(MSCR) 15 2.2.4 纖維對瀝青膠泥之加勁機制 17 2.3 混合料之力學性能 19 2.3.1 間接張力強度試驗(IDT) 20 2.3.2 間接張力開裂試驗(IDEAL-CT) 22 2.3.3 間接張力車轍試驗(IDEAL-RT) 25 第三章 研究計畫 34 3.1 試驗範圍 34 3.2 研究流程 35 3.3 試體編號 37 3.4 試驗材料 39 3.4.1 瀝青膠泥 39 3.4.2 玄武岩纖維 40 3.4.3 纖維素纖維 42 3.4.4 粗細粒料 44 3.4.5 填充料 46 3.5 瀝青膠泥試驗方法 47 3.5.1 瀝青比重試驗 47 3.5.2 針入度試驗 48 3.5.3 軟化點試驗 50 3.5.4 黏滯度試驗 52 3.5.5 韌性試驗(Toughness and Tenacity Test) 53 3.5.6 頻率掃描試驗(Frequency Sweep Test) 55 3.5.7 多重應力潛變恢復試驗(MSCR) 57 3.6 纖維試驗方法 58 3.6.1 玄武岩纖維試驗 58 3.6.2 纖維素纖維試驗 58 3.6.3 掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM) 60 3.7 粒料試驗方法 62 3.7.1 細粒料比重和吸水率試驗 62 3.7.2 粗粒料比重和吸水率試驗 63 3.7.3 粗粒料扁平、細長或扁長顆粒含量試驗 64 3.7.4 粗粒料破碎顆粒含量試驗 66 3.8 填充料試驗方法 68 3.8.1 石粉比重試驗 68 3.8.2 液性限度試驗 68 3.8.3 塑性限度試驗 70 3.9 瀝青混合料試驗方法 71 3.9.1 馬歇爾配比設計 71 3.9.2 最大理論比重試驗 75 3.9.3 間接張力強度試驗 76 3.9.4 高溫間接張力強度試驗 78 3.9.5 間接張力開裂試驗 79 3.9.6 間接張力車轍試驗 81 第四章 結果與分析 84 4.1 瀝青膠泥之基本物性 84 4.1.1 比重試驗 84 4.1.2 針入度試驗 85 4.1.3 軟化點試驗 86 4.1.4 黏滯度試驗 87 4.2 瀝青膠泥之進階分析 90 4.2.1 韌性試驗 90 4.2.2 頻率掃描試驗 94 4.2.3 多重應力潛變恢復試驗 97 4.3 纖維之基本物性 100 4.3.1 玄武岩纖維(Basalt Fiber) 100 4.3.2 纖維素纖維(Cellulose Fiber) 101 4.4 粒料之基本物性 103 4.5 填充料之基本物性 105 4.6 瀝青混合料之基本設計 106 4.7 瀝青混合料之進階分析 115 4.7.1 前導試驗 115 4.7.2 間接張力強度試驗(IDT) 120 4.7.3 高溫間接張力強度試驗(HT-IDT) 121 4.7.4 間接張力開裂試驗(IDEAL-CT) 122 4.7.5 間接張力車轍試驗(IDEAL-RT) 127 4.8 鋪面績效試驗綜合分析 131 4.8.1 IDEAL-CT與IDT 131 4.8.2 IDEAL-RT與HT-IDT 132 4.8.3 IDEAL-RT與Marshall Quotient 134 4.8.4 IDEAL-CT與IDEAL-RT 136 4.8.5 IDT與HT-IDT 138 4.9 瀝青流變參數與鋪面績效性能之相關性 140 4.9.1 頻率掃描試驗與IDEAL-CT、IDT 140 4.9.2 頻率掃描試驗與IDEAL-RT、HT-IDT 141 4.9.3 MSCR與IDEAL-RT、HT-IDT 142 第五章 結論與建議 143 5.1 結論 143 5.2 建議 145 參考文獻 146

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