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研究生: 莊孫文
Sun-Wen Chuang
論文名稱: 敏捷軟體開發之研究-從研究生產力到開發團隊生產力
A Decade of Agile Methodologies: from research productivity to team productivity
指導教授: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
口試委員: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Mei H.C. Ho
Tain-Yi Luor
Judy Chuan-Chuan Lin
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 109
中文關鍵詞: 敏捷軟體開發生產力多準則決策
外文關鍵詞: agile software development, team productivity factor, multiple criteria decision-making
相關次數: 點閱:916下載:15
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Agile software development (ASD) has taken the place of the traditional plan-driven software development approach over the past decades and has become more popular and mainstream in the improved, faster, and cheaper delivery of quality software. Transitioning to the agile style of software development has become an inexorable phenomenon among software companies. Framed by this context, we conduct a series of research on agile methodologies. In recent years, the number of scholarly publications on ASD has grown significantly. Study 1 conducted here presents findings on top scholars and publications in the ASD field from 2001 to 2012 based on 221 publications in the Science Citation Index journals. It summarizes the most influential researchers and finds a steady stream of studies on post-adoption after 2008. This leads to the further study of the key initiatives and strategic decisions during agile transition. Numerous studies have reviewed and synthesized the frameworks adopted in transitioning to agile. However, few works have examined how an organization transitions to agile through longitudinal study and from a strategic perspective.
Transitioning to ASD as a significant organizational initiative is a strategic decision that should be made in connection with the target organization’s key objectives. A dependable anticipation of how a new methodology is likely to affect strategic objectives helps organization managers select the methodology that maximizes the benefits provided to the organization. Study 2 conducted here presents findings on the initiatives, strategic decisions, and approaches of a Fortune 500 company that transitioned to agile from 2007 to 2013. Moreover, the transition occurred in four phases and considered the impacts on culture, structure, and practice. Agile methods are widely believed to potentially improve the productivity of the software development team. Given the variety of agile practices, agile teams face difficulty in the decision-making process. Study 3 conducted here proposes a multiple criteria decision-making approach to the construction of an objective and effective analytical model of the critical factors that influence agile team productivity. We synthesize ten influential productivity factors across four dimensions from empirical studies. The decision-making process prioritizes the factors so that the decision maker can adopt the Pareto approach: focusing on the 20% strategies that bring 80% of the gain. This thesis can serve as a comprehensive reference for practitioners transitioning to agile or enhancing agile team productivity.

中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 誌謝 Ⅴ Table of Contents Ⅵ List of Tables Ⅷ List of Figures Ⅸ 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Problem statements 2 1.3 Overview of our work 3 2. Background 5 3. Literature review: Assessment of scholars and contributions to ASD (2001–2012) 9 3.1 Search strategy 9 3.2 Literature assessment methods and process 11 3.3 Literature assessment results 16 3.3.1 Frequency distribution of ASD in terms of submission 16 3.3.2 Agile methods and research methods used in studies in terms of submission and geography 17 3.3.3 Frequency of agile software development research in journals 20 3.3.4 Most active researchers 24 3.3.5 Most cited researchers 24 3.3.6 Most cited articles 26 3.4 Findings and limitations 32 4. Case study: Toward the strategy of transitioning to agile methodology in a Fortune 500 company (2007–2013) 34 4.1 A review of the agile transition framework 34 4.2 Background of the case study 36 4.3 Case study research 39 4.4 A Fortune 500 company case study 40 4.4.1 Initiation (2007 to 2008) 43 4.4.2 Learning (2008 to 2009) 44 4.4.3 Build and measure (2009 to 2011) 47 4.4.4 Performing (2012 to 2013) 48 4.5 Findings and limitations 49 4.5.1 Human factors 49 4.5.2 Culture, structure, and practice 49 4.5.3 Dynamic and uncertain 50 5. Multiple-criteria decision-making approach to the analysis and evaluation of agile team productivity 52 5.1 Introduction 52 5.2 Background 54 5.2.1 Productivity: definition and theory 54 5.2.2 Critical influential productivity factors for the agile team 54 5.3 Productivity improvement strategies 63 5.3.1 Fuzzy set theory 65 5.3.2 FAHP 68 Descriptive case example 69 5.4 Findings and limitations 75 6. Conclusions and future work 78 6.1 Conclusions 78 6.2 Future work 80 Appendix. Primary data of this study 85

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