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研究生: 雷凱俞
Kai-yu Lei
論文名稱: 運用預示性於電子睡眠日誌之設計與使用性測試
Design and Usability Test of Electronic Sleep Diary Using An Affordance Approach
指導教授: 唐玄輝
Hsien-hui Tang
口試委員: 陳建雄
Chien-hsiung Chen
Lai-chung Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 介面設計實務使用性工程預示性睡眠產品觸控式螢幕介面
外文關鍵詞: Practice of interface design, Usability engineering, Affordance, Sleep products, Touch-panel interface
相關次數: 點閱:641下載:15
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本研究以預示性為設計原則提出電子睡眠日誌的介面設計,並規劃包含睡前記錄與睡醒記錄的實驗任務,比較電子與紙本睡眠日誌的優劣。實驗結果發現減少操作階層將使電子睡眠日誌更具操作優勢。此外以預示性為使用性評估原則的主要結果如下:1) 介面的使用性問題主要浮現於圖像或輔助文字等認知層面,受測者除了因為受到不常接觸到的詞彙所疑惑外,對於「動態」與「狀態」等屬於抽象意涵的內容也無法聯想到正確的功能;2) 功能的預示性受到認知的預示性與感官的預示性影響較深,如圖像意涵不明時或者視覺呈現不佳時,即受到影響;3) 除了認知層面的圖像意涵影響受測者的判斷外,感官的預示性因素亦影響受測者對於訊息傳達的接收;4) 本研究運用實體的預示性的層面並不多,互動行為以點擊為主,因此出現的問題最少。
針對四種預示性運用於觸控式螢幕的主要討論如下:1) 認知與實體的預示性運用的界線已趨於模糊,圖像本身是功能說明亦是按鍵操作;2) 可透過類比的視覺模擬出實體操作的模式,但實體的預示性是受到硬體的技術限制最深的層面;3) 如Hartson(2004)所言,感官的預示性其重要性不亞於認知與實體的預示性;4) 功能的預示性由其它三種預示性所構成,假使其它預示性種類無達到理想的效果,將影響判別此物品或介面的功能。總之預示性的運用除了用於評估產品的使用性外,更可作為設計師於設計過程中思考架構之準則,以面面俱到地顧全到每個環節。

Electronic Sleep Diary developed to aid the treatment for the insomnia patients digitizes the traditional sleep diary to improve the effect of record of sleep diary through the touch-panel. Although there is no design principle of usability to direct against the application of touch-panel, affordance originated from ecology and extended to cognitive psychology has been applied design of usability of product. Hartson(2003)the one of the students divides an affordance into four types further and exercise in design and usability test. I myself consider although how evolves the form of human-machine interaction, it`s a kind of ecological behavior and concerns with cognitive level eventually. Therefore, there is the basis of extended application of affordance in the usability of touch-panel.
This study offers interface design of Electronic Sleep Diary by using affordance as design principle, and plans the tasks of experiment contained pre-sleep and post-sleep records to compare the electronic and traditional sleep diary. The result displays if there is less layers of operation, it would advantage the Electronic Sleep Diary. The main results of evaluation principle of usability as affordance approach are the following. 1) The problem of usability most occurs in icons or descriptive texts such as Cognitive Affordance. The participants confused from the sentence touched hardly, besides can`t associate the phrase about movement and state such as abstract contents with the exact functions. 2) Functional Affordance is affected deeply from Cognitive Affordance and Sensory Affordance, it would be influenced if the mean of icons wasn`t clear or the visual was unobvious. 3) The means of icon such as cognitive level is the cause of affecting the participants` judgment, besides the factor of Sensory Affordance influences the participants` accept for the communication of information. 4) The application in this study of Physical Affordance isn`t very much but main as the way of touch, so the occurring problem is less than the other types of affordance.
The main discussions of directing against touch-panel as affordance approach are the following. 1) The demarcation line between the applications of Cognitive and Physical Affordance trend to be indistinct, the icon is either explanation of function or button to operate. 2) The physical operation can be simulated by vision of analogy, but Physical Affordance is the most limited one of the affordances from the hardware technique. 3) The importance of Sensory Affordance isn`t second to Cognitive and Physical Affordance, as Hartson(2004)said. 4) Functional Affordance is composed of Cognitive, Physical and Sensory Affordance. If one of the effects of the affordances doesn`t reach the expected level, it would influence the determining that function of object or interface. Anyway the applications of affordances are not only used in evaluating the usability of products, but also as the principle of thinking in the design process of designer to considerate the each and every elements fully.

中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 謝誌 v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 xii 第一章.研究動機與目的 1 1.1.研究背景與動機 1 1.2.研究問題 2 1.3.研究目的與目標 3 1.4.研究範圍與限制 4 1.5.研究流程與架構 5 第二章.文獻探討 7 2.1.電子睡眠日誌 7 2.1.1.睡眠日誌 7 2.1.2.觸控式螢幕 10 2.2.人機介面互動設計 11 2.2.1.互動介面流程 11 2.2.2.使用性 14 2.2.3.使用性評估 19 2.3.預示性 20 2.3.1.真實的預示性 20 2.3.2.感官的預示性 21 2.3.3.預示性應用於設計 23 2.4.文獻小結 26 第三章.研究方法與初版介面發展 27 3.1.介面設計發展與測試方法 29 3.1.1.互動介面發展 29 3.1.2.介面設計原則 30 3.1.3.介面設計與系統結合 31 3.1.4.測試與評估 31 3.1.5.實驗對象與進行步驟 32 3.2.初版介面設計與測試 33 3.2.1.使用者互動流程 33 3.2.2.操作流程與步驟 36 3.2.3.初版介面設計 39 3.2.4.初版介面測試 41 3.2.5.初版介面評估與建議 43 第四章.最終介面設計與實驗結果 46 4.1.最終介面設計與操作流程 46 4.1.1.硬體設計 46 4.1.2.軟體介面設計 48 4.2.問卷設計 53 4.3.受測者樣本 54 4.4.實驗設計 56 4.4.1.實驗樣本 57 4.4.2.實驗任務設計 59 4.5.最終實驗結果分析 65 4.5.1.任務操作結果分析 65 4.5.2.使用性結果分析 68 第五章.討論 77 5.1.電子睡眠日誌的討論 77 5.2.1.電子睡眠日誌的發現 77 5.2.2.電子睡眠日誌的設計原則 79 5.2.3.電子睡眠日誌的應用 80 5.2.電子睡眠日誌的價值 81 5.3.預示性運用於觸控式螢幕的討論 82 第六章.結論與建議 86 6.1.研究貢獻 86 6.2.研究結論 87 6.3.後續研究與建議 89 第七章.參考文獻 90 附錄 93 附錄一.第一階段問卷 93 附錄二.第二階段問卷 97 附錄三.美國國家睡眠基金會紙本睡眠日誌 103 附錄四.紙本睡眠日誌樣本 104 附錄五.實驗觀察記錄 105

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