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研究生: 陳力萍
Li-Ping Chen
論文名稱: 微型布片,轉型巨變:Frontier 用AI織造無限可能
Sample not Simple:Frontier Unleashes Infinite Textile Possibilities with AI
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 黃政嘉
Jheng-Jia Huang
Chen-Hao Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 人工智慧數位布片創業家精神商業模式資源基礎理論商業生態系統
外文關鍵詞: artificial intelligence, digital fabric, entrepreneurship, business model, resource-based theory, business ecosystem
相關次數: 點閱:584下載:24
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本論文主要介紹傳統紡織業發展,並分析傳統紡織業發展所面臨的痛點:找布不易且耗時、容易面臨國際物流和疫情等限制、打樣成本高、不利小品牌或新銳設計師生存等。透過了解激烈的市場競爭狀況以及消費者需求的轉變,著眼於傳統紡織業如何推動創新變革。臺灣通用紡織科技股份有限公司(Frontier)創辦人趙均埔先生憑藉豐富的紡織廠經驗,研發出以人工智慧(AI)技術為核心的數位紡織雲平台,並在極短的時間內成為擁有全球數位布片數量最多的資料庫平台。在面對全球化市場的挑戰時,堅持用心研發AI技術,讓布片數位化過程能以低成本、高品質、易上手、快設計的方式加速企業內部流程、加強外部企業合作夥伴。Frontier 希望能在快速數位化採購、與品牌商合作加速設計、降低樣布成本及ESG企業社會責任的多樣化平台服務下,實現更高效、更永續的紡織產業。

The textile industry in Taiwan is at a crucial point of its digital transformation, especially after the impact of COVID-19 epidemic, which has led global procurement to face a shortage of physical fabrics and make it difficult to manage workflows efficiently. Additionally, the shift from traditional brick-and-mortar sales to e-commerce has made it necessary for the supply chain to accelerate the digital fabric creation process, as well as the creation of digital product prototypes by using 3D technology in order to keep pace with the rapid digital transformation of European and American brands. This will enable the industry to keep up with fast fashion trends and the demand for smaller, more diverse orders.
This study introduces the development of the traditional textile industry, including the pain points faced by the industry: the difficulty and time-consuming for fabric sourcing, challenges posed by international logistics and pandemics, high sample production costs, and unfriendly conditions for small brands or emerging designers to thrive. The intense market competition and fickle consumer preferences have also driven the transformation of the textile industry. The founder of Frontier has developed an AI-based digital textile cloud platform. With the founder's extensive experience in the textile industry, it has become the largest digital fabric swatch database in the world. While facing the challenges of the global market, Frontier is committed to diligently developing AI technology, enabling the digitization process of fabric swatches to be low-cost, high-quality, easy-to-use, and easy to design. This can effectively improve internal processes, and strengthen external partnerships. In the next step, Frontier aims to achieve a more efficient and sustainable textile industry through the diverse platform services.
This study uses the Harvard case methodology, divided into two parts: the case content and the case discussion. The case content explores issues such as entrepreneurship, business model, resource-based theory, and business ecosystem. Through a teaching process that includes theoretical explanations, question-based discussions, and case analysis, students can gain a deeper understanding of both the case and the related theories. The goal is to inspire students to think critically and unleash their potential for innovation and entrepreneurship, preparing them for the challenges of the future business environment.

摘要 i ABSTRACT ii 誌謝 iii 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 壹、個案本文 1 一、楔子-融合傳統,引領創新 1 二、紡織產業發展趨勢 2 2.1 臺灣紡織品進出口貿易概況 4 2.2 臺灣紡織品進出口分析 5 2.3 疫情當前,迎面而來是巨大危機還是商機 5 三、臺灣通用紡織科技股份有限公司(Frontier)概述 8 3.1 從針線到夢想實現 8 3.2 Frontier:逆風而生,順風而行 8 3.3 布局新思維,續織大未來 13 四、Frontier透過AI技術引領成衣生產流程改造 14 4.1 當痛點正在產生:傳統成衣生產流程 14 4.2 當改變正在發生:導入AI技術改善傳統成衣生產流程 15 4.3 當未來正在萌生:從供應驅動到需求驅動的商業模式轉變 17 五、Frontier以AI打造企業核心能力的創新引擎 21 5.1 打破痛點限制,數位布片引領紡織業轉型升級,再創新商機 21 5.2 穿越虛實障礙:AI引領數位布片的逼真之旅 22 5.3 客製化一站式數位供應鏈,滿足紡織業全流程需求 25 六、Frontier施AI魔法驅動紡織業再升級 27 6.1 共生共好,共創數位紡織新生態 27 6.2 數位發展引領綠色紡織,走向永續未來 27 七、附錄 30 貳、個案討論 32 一、個案總覽 32 二、教學目標與適用課程 33 三、學生課前準備與討論問題 36 四、個案人物背景 36 五、個案分析 38 5.1 教學目標一:創業家精神 39 5.2 教學目標二:商業模式 41 5.3 教學目標三:資源基礎理論 46 5.4 教學目標四:商業生態系統 49 六、課程結論 55 七、教學計劃與建議 55 八、板書規劃 59 參、參考文獻 64 一、中文文獻 64 二、英文文獻 64 三、網站部分 65

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