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研究生: 林昱勳
Yu-Hsun Lin
論文名稱: 基於雲端運算的隨看即用操控系統
See and Play: A Mobile Control System based on Cloud Computing
指導教授: 吳晋賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
口試委員: 張經略
Ching-Lueh Chang
Yen-Lin Chen
Yuan-Hsiang Lin
Zeng-Wei Hong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 40
中文關鍵詞: 雲端計算隨看即用
外文關鍵詞: Cloud Computing, See and Play
相關次數: 點閱:348下載:0
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Many consumer devices and mobile devices are developed and provide more and more convenient services. Consumer devices might be with a lot of remote controllers and we can not carry all remote controllers in hand. Such an observation motivates our work on a mobile control system based on clouding computing. We will propose an intuitive way to control consumer devices by mobile devices (e.g., PDAs or smart phones). Users just touch a device in screen through a mobile device's camera and then the device can be recognized by image analysis. For achieving this, the position locating of mobile phones and consumer devices will be resolved first. Secondly, the location information and captured images will be sent to cloud for efficient image matching. After the device is recognized successfully, users can touch the device and mobile phones can dynamically install the corresponding device control interface and then control the device directly. We call the function see-and-play (SnP) which is the objective of the paper. With the cloud's powerful computing capability, we can demonstrate the implementation of SnP in the experiments by controlling a printer and a TV with an Android platform.

第一章 前言 第二章 相關文獻探討 1. 智慧家庭 2. 雲端運算 3. 增廣實境(Augmented Reality) 第三章 研究動機 第四章 行動控制系統 1. 系統概要 2. 系統初始化 2.1. 建立連線 2.2. 使用者及設備的管理 3. 設備辨識 3.1. 定位使用者及設備 3.2. 影像比對 4. 隨看即用 第五章 系統實作及實驗結果 1. 智慧家庭環境的建置 2. 架設雲端系統 3. 設備控制介面 4. 設備辨識 4.1. 定位 4.2. 影像比對 5. 系統流程 第六章 結論 第七章 參考文獻 作者簡介

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