簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林道永
Tao-yung Lin
論文名稱: 台灣國際競圖中的建築設計概念之探討
A Study of Design Concepts of International Competitions in Taiwan
指導教授: 施植明
Chih-ming Shih
口試委員: 邱奕旭
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 國際競圖設計概念設計手法建築形式文化表現
外文關鍵詞: international competition, design concept, design technique, architectural form, cultural expression
相關次數: 點閱:526下載:14
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In recent years a number of international architectural design competitions have been held in Taiwan. A survey of the entries shows that the design concepts and techniques of foreign architects differ considerably from those of Taiwanese architects. This paper investigates the cultural connotations expressed by these designs. This study also attempts to elucidate the vague process by which an architect gives expression to his design concepts, as well as the way in which abstract thought is used to link together the various phases of the design process.
This paper analyzes the design considerations of foreign architects as they face issues relating to Oriental culture. With the nine international competitions held between 2005 and 2008 serving as case studies, an analysis was made of the source and characteristics of the design concepts, as well as the relationship between concept and style. This analysis helps to elucidate the way in which foreign architects face cultural issues in the design process, as well as the techniques which can be used to convert cultural concepts into architectural forms.
The results of the comprehensive analysis are as follows. (1) Most of the design concepts of the nine case studies were derived from non-local sources. This shows that most of the concrete concepts were a response to modeling questions, while abstract concepts included both modeling and function issues. (2) The design technique of most of the foreign architects was to first design the structure and afterwards configure the functional elements. (3) The architectural styles emphasized abstract concepts unrelated to imitation. (4) The concepts were for the most part given expression in the manipulation of subordinate space, thereby providing subordinate space with more design flexibility with respect to the model.

第一章 前言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 研究範圍與對象 4 1.4 研究方法與架構 6 第二章 文獻回顧 11 2.1 台灣舉辦的國際競圖發展過程 11 2.2 建築創意理論的思維 14 2.3 設計概念與建築形式 18 第三章 案例研究 21 3.1 Antoine Predock(嘉義故宮南院) 22 3.2 Daniel Libeskind(嘉義故宮南院) 27 3.3 Toyo Ito(台中大都會歌劇院) 32 3.4 Zaha Hadid(台中大都會歌劇院) 37 3.5 Claus en Kaan(台中大都會歌劇院) 42 3.6 Mecanoo(高雄衛武營) 47 3.7 Zaha Hadid(高雄衛武營) 52 3.8 竹山聖建築師(高雄衛武營) 56 3.9 竹中工務店(苗栗客家文化中心) 61 3.10 小結 66 第四章 國際競圖設計手法的探討 71 4.1 概念來源的手法分析 72 4.2 概念的一致性探討 81 4.3 概念的正當性探討 85 4.4 概念到形式的因素分析 90 第五章 結論與後續研究 94 5.1 國際競圖概念與台灣的關聯性 94 5.2 跨國界的開放性思考模式 95 5.3 概念的類型與手法 96 5.4 文化意涵的概念 100 5.5 國際競圖未來的發展建議 101 參考資料 102 附  錄 105 附錄一:國際競圖案例背景與空間說明 105 附錄二:信件訪談資料 113 附錄三:Voronoi數學運算 115 附錄四:形式與機能之間的關係 116 附錄五:回應建築形式的概念 117 附錄六:論文口試問題整理 119


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