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研究生: 廖志楷
Chih-kai Liao
論文名稱: 3D動畫群體模擬的控制方法研究-技術回顧
The Technical Review of 3D Crowd Simulation
指導教授: 施宣光
Shen-Guan Shih
口試委員: 楊傳凱
Chuan-kai Yang
Rung-Huei Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 行為模型群體運動3D動畫
外文關鍵詞: behavior model, crowd simulation, crowd
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:0
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  • 摘 要
    雖然關鍵影格(key Frame)之技術可製作出細膩且高品質之群體動作,但只要超過一定之數量,便格外耗費資源人力且沒有效率。因此讓電腦自動模擬出逼真且流暢之群體動畫便能解決許多人工調整上之複雜問題,其相關應用亦十分廣泛。

    Although the Keyframeing technology can achieve high quality crowd simulation but when the amount of process agents become large,the technology become inefficient in terms of system resource. However, the advantage of using Crowd Simulation System can resolve the optimization problem in Keyframeing technology between quality of the display and quantity of the input agents.
    This thesis topic is focusing on crowd motion control simulation. First, Multi-agent system,Crowd management system, Dynamic method, Keyframing & non-real-time method were reviewed and compared. Furthermore, the controlling techniques within the systems will be discussed in detail for instance: Virtual Agent, Behavior Models, Efficiency & Time…etc. Finally, the dichotomy is used to analyze and compare the Micro-system model and Macro-system model and conclusion is given base on the practical situation.
    Because of flexibility of the system, this technology has provided the solutions not only for computer animation industry but also met the needs in other industries for example : crowd simulation, emergency exit for civil engineering. While the technology of computer automatic crowd simulation is advancing and the application has extended to many areas as well as the demand has increased rapidly. The thesis provides an overview of crowd motion control simulation and compares different systems and methods.

    目錄 摘要......................................................Ⅰ Abstract..................................................Ⅱ 目錄......................................................Ⅲ 圖目錄....................................................Ⅵ 表目錄....................................................Ⅷ 第一章 緒論...............................................1 1.1 研究動機及目標....................................1 1.2 相關主題研究......................................2 第二章 群體動畫模擬方法與控制.............................4 2.1 群體模擬概述............. ........................4 2.1.1 定義與結構..................................4 2.2 群體模擬系統......................................6 2.2.1 多元代理人群體模擬系統......................7 2.2.2 群體管理訓練系統...........................11 2.2.3 非即時群體製作.............................12 第三章 虛擬代理人相關技術與效能..........................14 3.1 虛擬代理人.....................................14 3.1.1 代理人的外觀層級.........................14 3.1.2 道路搜尋技術.............................17 3.2 群體模擬之效能問題.............................21 3.2.1 時間和數量...............................21 3.2.2 碰撞偵測以及路徑規劃.....................23 第四章 群體動畫之行為模型................................29 4.1 行為模型概述...................................29 4.1.1 群體的行為動畫...........................33 4.1.2 PetroSim行為模型....................... .35 4.2 巨觀與微觀行為模型.............................40 4.2.1 分類概述........,........................40 4.2.2 巨觀行為模型.............................41 4.2.3 微觀行為模型.............................42 第五章 商業軟體比較與相關應用............................49 5.1 群體動畫與遊戲.................................50 5.2 電影工業應用...................................51 5.3 虛擬實境.......................................52 5.4 商業軟體應用...................................54 5.4.1 Autodesk 3dsMax........................54 5.4.2 Massive.................................57 5.4.3 架構(HiDAC+ MACES+ CAROSA) .............59 第六章 結論及技術展望....................................59 6.1 結論及技術展望.................................59 參考文獻..................................................60 圖目錄 圖1-1 電影快樂腳企鵝群體影片畫面.........................1 圖 2-1 電影蟲蟲危機影片畫面.............................5 圖2-2 使用光跡追蹤方法之視覺感應器....................10 圖3-1 McDonnel群體之感知能力.......................17 圖3-2 Lerner提出之模擬架構總覽.........................20 圖3-3 Reynolds之PSCrowd 模擬水底魚群............. ....21 圖3-4 PSCrowd以每秒30影格模擬5000隻水................22 圖3-5 Treuille 之“continuum crowds”之演算法概觀.....22 圖3-6 ”continuum crowds”群眾對於飛行物的即時反應模擬..23 圖3-7 可適之彈性地圖(Adaptive Elastic Roadmap).......25 圖3-8 城市景觀的群體模擬.................................26 圖3-9 展覽場之群體模擬結果...............................28 圖4-1 水底環境魚群模擬...................................29 圖4-2 左:105隻單腳的機器人 右:5個自行車騎士模擬.......30 圖4-3 使用Musse和Thalmann的模型的車站群體...........32 圖4-4 Ulicny and Thalmann的模型模擬群體進入寺廟......33 圖4-5 Reynold的Boid模型模擬圖片.....................34 圖4-6 系統PetroSim所模擬之群體逃生動畫................39 圖4-7 排斥力(Separation)..............................29 圖4-8 對齊力(Alignment) ...............................31 圖4-9 凝聚力(Cohesion).................................33 圖4-10 找尋(seek)及逃離(flee)..........................36 圖5-1 軟體Massive 操作介面圖...........................37 圖5-2 Tecchia et al.之分層架構圖.....................38 圖5-3 虛擬實境(VR)群體筆刷技術模擬情況.................40

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