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研究生: 蕭景華
Ching-Hua Hsiao
論文名稱: 建築資訊模型對於營建產業之效益探討
Effectiveness Evaluation of Using Building Information Model in the Construction Industry
指導教授: 周瑞生
Jui-Sheng Chou
口試委員: 鄭明淵
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 建築資訊模型營建業品質管理績效評估
外文關鍵詞: building information modeling, construction industry, quality control, performance evaluation
相關次數: 點閱:430下載:15
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過去,傳統營建業幾乎在建案上都耗費相當大的人力、物力與時間在溝通、偵錯與修補,例如在施工階段,光是檢討2D施工圖就需耗費相當大的人力、資源與溝通時效,人力反覆檢討也常有問題遺漏,導致影響施工品質;當設計變更時,更需針對變更內容逐一修改施工圖說,常造成圖說修改遺漏,間接造成現況施工品質不良。為提升營建業在建案規劃、溝通、施工等環節上的整合效率與效果,本研究嘗試探討,在導入建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)的營運單位是否可有效解決以上問題。BIM可以整合建築物生命週期中所需求的所有資訊,包括規劃、設計、發包、施工、營運、維護等,提供業者、建築師、施工單位、消費者、供應商等利害關係人可以在軟體上預見整個建案的樣貌,同時整合所有參與者的意見與發掘風險,能夠即時的監控施工品質與進度,大幅度的降低因規劃不當、溝通不良、施工缺失所造成的損失。由於BIM對於國內營建業仍是一個相當創新的概念與軟體。因此,本研究以深度訪談法,針對主管機關、業界政策的決策者、營造單位主管人員,瞭解受訪者對於實務上BIM所能提供的優勢,發現BIM應用確實在規劃品質、強化溝通與施工品質管理上有所助益,本研究據以提供後續策進推廣BIM的建言。

Traditional construction industries generally require a considerable amount of human, material, and temporal resources on communication, problem identification, and project control. For example, at the construction stage, simply examining a 2D blueprint of a construction plan requires considerable human resources and communication time; moreover, problems were often overlooked, even after repeated reviews, which affects construction quality. When a design is altered, the construction plan must also be modified according to the design changes; occasionally, however, some changes may be overlooked, indirectly leading to poor construction quality. To enhance the integration and efficiency of various operating units in the construction industry during various construction stages, such as planning, communications, and construction, this study explored whether applying building information modeling (BIM) to integrate operating units can provide an effective solution to the aforementioned problems. BIM can facilitate combining information, such as planning, design, contract negotiation, construction, operation, and maintenance, required during a building lifecycle to provide relevant stakeholders, including business operators, constructor, construction units, consumers, and suppliers, with foresight regarding the project outcomes. Additionally, BIM enables integrating the views of stakeholders and identifying related risks to monitor the construction schedule and quality in real time, reducing losses resulting from inappropriate planning, poor communication, and construction errors. Because BIM remains a relatively innovative concept for Taiwan’s construction industry, this study administered in-depth interviews involving relevant authorities, industrial policy makers, and construction unit managers to elucidate their views on the advantages of applying BIM in practice. The results show that BIM can assist in enhancing planning quality, communication, and construction quality management. Finally, this study proposes recommendations for promoting BIM in the future.

目錄 摘要I AbstractII 致謝IV 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究背景與動機1 1.2研究目的3 1.3研究流程3 第二章 文獻回顧5 2.1 BIM應用於工程品質探討5 2.2國內工程品質管理應用概況7 2.3品質管理與BIM的結合10 第三章 研究方法18 3.1案例分析法18 3.1.1 營建業產品產出流程18 3.2 深度訪談法20 3.2.1 研究性質21 3.2.2 研究對象特性取決21 3.2.3 訪談人數24 第四章 個案分析28 4.1個案實際案例執行說明28 4.2個案應用分析借鏡之處31 4.2.1 BIM視覺化的模擬效益31 4.2.2工程數位資訊應用32 4.2.3工程營運管理的整合33 第五章 深度訪談綜合分析34 5.1 BIM應用對規劃品質管理之效益34 5.1.1 BIM 3D模型的建立34 5.1.2參數化數據的呈現36 5.1.3建材資料庫的查詢37 5.1.4數位化的衝突檢測38 5.2 BIM應用對溝通管理之效益39 5.2.1溝通成效的改善39 5.2.2多方意見的統籌41 5.3 BIM應用對施工品質之效益42 5.3.1工程效益提升42 5.3.2工程資訊資料庫44 5.4 受訪者的BIM效益序位45 第六章 結論與建議48 6.1 結論48 6.2 建議51 6.3 未來研究方向53 參考文獻55 附錄—受訪者訪談逐字稿59

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