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研究生: 陳偉凱
Wei-Kai Chen
論文名稱: 顯示卡產品研發策略 - 以T公司為個案研究對象
Graphics card product development strategy - Take T company as the case study subject
指導教授: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Shao-Ju Shih
口試委員: 周碩彥
Shuo-Yan Chou
Shao-Ju Shih
Po-Hsun Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 高階科技研發碩士學位學程
Executive Master of Research and Development
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 顯示卡五力分析競爭力分析研發策略產品開發策略技術藍圖
外文關鍵詞: Graphics Card, Five Forces Model, Competitive Analysis, R&D Strategy, Product Development Strategy, Technology Roadmap
相關次數: 點閱:371下載:0
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顯示卡廠商於經營上長期面臨內外挑戰,於內受限於繪圖晶片供應由AMD 和NVIDIA兩大龍頭壟斷,以致營收及獲利受牽制,甚至於淡季時需接受上游廠商塞貨而庫存囤積;於外囿於市場波動或全球環境變化,如2017年9月到2018年3月間區塊鏈的興起帶動比特幣及以太幣挖礦風潮,讓顯示卡廠商業績大漲,卻也因熱潮急速退去遺留大批庫存套料造成顯示卡廠商年年營虧,爾後讓顯示卡廠商在雲端遊戲平台、AI人工智慧和機器學習萌起時,態度轉趨保守,未能提早投入資源,喪失商機。另,2020年全球新型冠狀肺炎(COVI-19)疫情盛行,嚴峻考驗全球經濟,為市場帶來更多不可預測性,連帶波及顯示卡廠商生存。


Graphics card manufacturers have been confronting internal and external challenges for a long time. Internally, they are in a predicament caused by the monopoly of two graphics chip suppliers – AMD and NVIDIA, therein impacting their revenue and profits. Even at the slack season, they have no choice but to accept the upstream suppliers’ requests to take in the chips which begets the inventory accumulation. Externally, they are affected by the fluctuating market or changes in the global environment. For example, the rise of blockchain before 2018 drove the mining trend of Bitcoin and Ethereum to soar, and upheaved the graphics card manufacturers’ business to boom, nevertheless, this trend later faded rapidly and left the graphics card manufacturers with a large amount of inventory and led them to a loss for several years. As a result, later when the cloud gaming platform, artificial Intelligence, and machine-learning sprung up, graphics card manufacturers turned so conservative that they failed to invest resources in time and hence lost business opportunities. In addition, the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic(COVID-19)in 2020 hit the global economy severely and brought more unpredictability to the market, hence affected the survival of graphics card manufacturers.

The case company in this study has built its foundation in the graphics card industry for more than 20 years and has encountered various challenges internally or externally. This study will explore the case company’s profile, use the PEST analysis to scan the impact factors from the political, economic, social and technological aspects, refer to Porter’s five forces analysis model to understand the five undeniable forces in corporate competition, adopt internal analysis to clarify the competitiveness of the case, and quote the BCG matrix and SWOT analysis to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the case company, and finally apply the Technology Roadmap(T-Plan)to examine the driving factors in the external market and assist the case company to leverage core technology and effectively integrate internal and external resources so as to formulate product strategies and goals and solidify its niche for sustainable operations.

摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 誌 謝 IV 目 錄 V 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 個案公司介紹 3 1.3 研究對象 3 1.4 研究目的 3 1.5 論文架構 4 第二章 產業概況與文獻探討 6 2.1 產業發展概況 6 2.2 顯示卡簡介 6 2.3 顯示卡產品架構分析 9 2.3.1 集成式架構顯示卡 9 2.3.2 獨立式架構顯示卡 11 2.4 區塊鏈(Blockchain)之探討 14 2.4.1 區塊鏈的緣由 14 2.4.2 區塊鏈特性 15 2.4.3 區塊鏈的演進 16 2.4.4 區塊鏈應用於顯示卡 17 2.5 人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)之探討 20 2.5.1 人工智慧的起源 20 2.5.2 人工智慧的三大技術 22 2.5.3 人工智慧應用於顯示卡 25 第三章 市場分析與顯示卡趨勢概況 29 3.1 全球市場分析 29 3.2 顯示卡市場趨勢 34 第四章 策略與佈局 37 4.1 PEST分析 37 4.2 五力分析 40 4.3 內部分析 43 4.3.1 競爭力分析 43 4.3.2 BCG矩陣分析 49 4.3.3 SWOT分析與因應戰略 54 4.4 戰略與規劃 58 4.4.1 技術藍圖 59 4.4.2 驅動因子及產品規劃 60 4.4.3 產品規劃及技術缺口 64 4.4.4 關鍵資源 66 第五章 結論與建議 68 5.1 結論 68 5.2 未來發展建議 69 5.3 後續研究建議 69 參考文獻 70

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