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研究生: 陳品睿
Pin-Jui Chen
論文名稱: 不純氣體對含有氟化物的鎂基材料儲氫性質之影響
The Effect of Impurity Gases on Hydrogen Storage Properties of Magnesium-Based Materials Containing Fluorides
指導教授: 丘群
Chun Chiu
口試委員: 林新智
Hsin-Chih Lin
Song-Jeng Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 172
中文關鍵詞: 不純氣體氟化物鎂基儲氫材料高能球磨浸漬法
外文關鍵詞: Impurity gas, Fluoride, Magnesium-based hydrogen storage material, High-energy ball milling, Impregnation method
相關次數: 點閱:51下載:0
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本研究使用兩種不同方法製備含有氟化物的鎂基材料,第一種方法通過球磨將NbF5添加到鎂基材料中,第二種方法使用浸漬法將鎂基材料與KF溶液混合,分別比較兩種不同製備方法下,含有氟化物的鎂基材料於純氫氣、氫氣中分別含有4 vol% CO2及36 vol% N2的不純氣體氣氛下,儲氫性質的表現。此外,在兩種不同製備過程後,再加入Graphene及Pd,探討材料儲氫性質的影響。

實驗結果顯示,不同比例的NbF5添加至MgH2後,分別於氫氣中含有CO2、及N2的不純氣體氣氛下進行儲氫,於添加5 wt%的NbF5實驗中,實驗於含有CO2的不純氣體氣氛下,材料吸氫能力幾乎消失,吸氫量僅有0.6 wt%,即使NbF5添加量增加至50 wt%,在氫氣中含有CO2的不純氣體的氣氛下儲氫,材料僅於第一次吸放氫循環吸氫量達1 wt%,而在氫氣中含有N2的不純氣體氣氛下儲氫,吸氫速率緩慢,20次循環後吸氫量僅剩下純氫氣吸放氫循環下最大儲氫量的20%。進一步測試顯示,MgH2添加10 wt%的NbF5於純氫氣下的吸氫速率最佳,但經長時間循環後儲氫量會下降。後續實驗中將AZ61鎂基材料加入NbF5、Graphene及Pd後,在長周期吸放氫循環中能維持穩定的儲氫量。

以浸漬法製備的氟化AZ61+KF,在氫氣中含有CO2的不純氣體氣氛中進行20次循環後仍有1 wt%的吸氫量,添加Graphene及Pd雖然能提升吸氫速率,對於材料總體儲氫量無明顯效果,並且於真空活化後再以純氫氣吸放氫循環後,材料能恢復75%的儲氫量;在含有N2的不純氣體氣氛中,吸氫速率減慢,最大儲氫量為1.7 wt%,再將材料於純氫氣氣氛下進行20次吸放氫循環後,材料儲氫量達到4.6 wt%,與第一次純氫氣氣氛活化階段下儲氫量相似。將吸氫曲線圖與動力學模型擬合後,發現材料於氫氣中含有CO2的不純氣體氣氛下儲氫會毒化材料並延緩吸氫反應,而含有N2的不純氣體則會覆蓋材料表面,阻礙氫化反應。

In this study, we employ two different methods to prepare magnesium-based materials containing fluoride. The first method involves adding NbF5 to the magnesium-based material through ball milling, while the second one uses an impregnation process to mix the magnesium-based material with a KF solution. The hydrogen storage properties of the magnesium-based materials containing fluoride prepared by these two methods were compared in pure hydrogen and in hydrogen atmospheres containing 4 vol% CO2 and 36 vol% N2. Furthermore, after preparation processes, graphene and palladium (Pd) were added to investigate their effects on the hydrogen storage properties of the materials.

The experimental results obtained from MgH2 added with different amounts of NbF5 tested for hydrogen storage in hydrogen atmospheres containing CO2 and N2 impurity gas are as following. The ability of MgH2-5wt%NbF5 to absorb hydrogen in an atmosphere containing CO2 impurity gas almost disappeared. The amount of absorbed hydrogen was only 0.6 wt%. Even with an increased NbF5 addition of 50 wt%, the storage capacity in hydrogen atmosphere containing CO2 impurity gas was only 1 wt% during the first absorption-desorption cycle. In hydrogen atmosphere containing N2, the hydrogen absorption rate was slow, and after 20 cycles, the amount of absorbed hydrogen reached only 20% of the maximum hydrogen storage capacity in cycles under pure hydrogen. Further tests results indicated that MgH2 -10 wt% NbF5 had the highest hydrogen absorption rate in pure hydrogen, but the hydrogen storage capacity decreased after prolonged cycling. In subsequent experiments, AZ61 magnesium-based materials added with NbF5, graphene, and Pd maintain stable hydrogen storage capacity during long-term absorption-desorption cycling.

The fluorinated AZ61+KF material prepared by using the impregnation method retained a hydrogen absorption capacity of 1 wt% after 20 cycles in hydrogen atmosphere containing CO2 impurity. While the addition of graphene and palladium (Pd) could enhance the hydrogen absorption rate, it had no significant effect on increasing the hydrogen storage capacity of the material. After vacuum activation and subsequent hydrogen absorption and desorption cycling in pure hydrogen, the fluorinated AZ61+KF material could recover 75% of its hydrogen storage capacity. In hydrogen atmosphere containing N2 impurity gas, the hydrogen absorption rate decreased, with a maximum hydrogen storage capacity of 1.7 wt%. After 20 hydrogen absorption and desorption cycles in a pure hydrogen atmosphere, the material reached a hydrogen storage capacity of 4.6 wt%, similar to the hydrogen storage capacity of the material observed during the initial activation in a pure hydrogen atmosphere. Fitting the hydrogen absorption curves to a kinetic model revealed that in hydrogen atmosphere containing CO2 impurity gas, the material experienced poisoning, which delayed the hydrogen absorption reaction. In contrast, in an atmosphere containing N2 impure gas, the nitrogen covered the surface of the material, hindering the hydrogenation reaction.

摘要 2 Abstract 6 誌謝 8 目錄 9 圖目錄 12 表目錄 23 第一章 前言 25 第二章 文獻回顧 27 2.1氫能源 27 2.1.1氫經濟與儲氫技術之介紹 27 2.1.2氣態儲氫技術 29 2.1.3液態儲氫技術 30 2.1.4固態儲氫技術 31 2.2金屬氫化物 32 2.2.1金屬氫化物儲氫理論 32 2.2.2 金屬間氫化物 34 2.2.3 鎂基金屬氫化物 35 2.3鎂與鎂合金 37 2.3.1 鎂/氫化鎂 37 2.3.2 AZ61鎂合金 39 2.4. 球磨法對於鎂基儲氫材料儲氫性質的影響 43 2.5 合金化與催化劑對鎂基儲氫材料性質的影響 46 2.5.1 鎂基材料合金化與催化劑的催化機制 46 2.5.2 氟化物於鎂基儲氫材料的催化效果 48 2.5.3 碳材料於鎂基儲氫材料的催化效果 50 2.6不純氣體對鎂基儲氫材料性質的影響 53 2.6.1 金屬儲氫材料於含有不純氣體氫氣環境下之反應 53 2.6.2 鎂基金屬氫化物抵禦不純氣體方法 58 2.7 研究動機 65 第三章 實驗方法 67 3.1實驗流程 67 3.2實驗材料 68 3.3鎂基儲氫材料製備及儲氫性能檢測 68 3.3.1 震動式高能球磨機 68 3.3.2 浸漬法製備氟化AZ61 70 3.3.3 Sievert’s Apparatus 測氫儀 70 3.4分析與檢測儀器 72 3.4.1 X光繞射分析儀 72 3.4.2場發式掃描電子顯微鏡 74 3.4.3高能量化學分析電子能譜儀 75 第四章 結果與討論 78 4.1 原材分析 78 4.1.1 MgH2原材料分析 78 4.1.2 AZ61鎂合金原材料分析 79 4.2添加x wt%(x=5,10,50) NbF5之MgH2在含有不純氣體的氫氣氣氛下的儲氫性質 80 4.2.1 MgH2+ 5 wt% NbF5 81 4.2.2 MgH2+10 wt% NbF5 93 4.2.3 MgH2+50 wt% NbF5 94 4.3 AZ61添加NbF5/Graphene/Pd於不純氣體的儲氫性質影響 100 4.3.1 AZ61+ 5 wt% NbF5之儲氫性質 100 4.3.2 AZ61+ 5 wt% Graphene +0.5 wt% Pd 105 4.3.3 AZ61+ MIX(5 wt%NbF5 + 5 wt% Graphene + 0.5 wt% Pd) 112 4.4浸漬法AZ61+ KF於不純氣體的儲氫性質影響 118 4.4.1 AZ61原材+ KF之儲氫性質 119 4.4.2 AZ61球磨5 hr + KF 121 4.4.3 AZ61球磨5 hr +KF與不純氣體反應再活化後儲氫性質影響 137 4.4.4 AZ61球磨5 hr+ KF+ Graphene+Pd 145 4.5不純氣體對含有氟化物的鎂基材料儲氫性質之討論 151 4.5.1不同氟化材料對鎂基材料在不純氣體中儲氫性質之比較 151 4.5.2動力學模型擬合 154 第五章 結論與未來展望 160 5.1 結論 160 5.2 未來展望 162 參考文獻 163

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