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研究生: 黃秋萍
Chiu-Ping Huang
論文名稱: 高活性非鉑觸媒膜電極組於鹼性膜燃料電池之研究
Highly active Pt-free catalysts membrane electrode assembly in Alkaline Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
指導教授: 黃炳照
Bing-Joe Hwang
口試委員: 杜景順
Jing-Shan Do
Li-Duan Tsai
Ming-Der Ger
Chen-Hao Wang
Wei-Nien Su
Bing-Joe Hwang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 鹼性膜燃料電池氫氣氧化反應氧還原反應膜電極組
外文關鍵詞: Alkaline Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction, Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Membrane Electrode Assembly
相關次數: 點閱:446下載:0
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另一研發重點為將非鉑鹼性觸媒導入膜電極組結構,NiRu/C非鉑陽極觸媒膜電極組之最大放電功率634 mW/cm2 (H2/O2),是鉑觸媒性能的60%;非鉑觸媒膜電極組最大放電功率僅239 mW/cm2 (H2/O2),因NiRu/C在高電流時出現的鈍化,造成氫氣氧化反應活性降低,導致膜電極組的放電性能無法繼續往上提升。PdNNi非鉑陰極觸媒之膜電極組之最大放電功率達1673 mW/cm2 (H2/O2),是商業化鉑系觸媒膜電極組性能的1.66倍,膜電極組的傳質阻力降低及電子轉移協同效應促使PdNNi非鉑觸媒膜電極組展現出優異的放電性能。

The noble metal platinum catalyst in the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is the main cause of the high cost of the fuel cell. The focus of this paper is on the development of highly-active nickel-based Pt-free catalysts, including NiRu/C of anode and PdNNi of cathode for anion exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFC). The NiRu/C anode catalyst prepared by the modified Watanabe method shows high hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) activity and outstanding durability. The HOR activity close to the commercial Pt catalyst results from the electronic effect and synergistic effect. Meanwhile, the production process is simple and can be scaled up. The PdNNi cathode catalyst prepared by sputtering deposition show high oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity. The electronic effect enhances the ORR activity close to Pt catalyst. The highly active Pt-free catalysts of NiRu/C and PdNNi have great advantages in cost and performance and show great potential to replace Pt-based catalysts.
Another research focus is to introduce the developed Pt-free catalyst into a membrane electrode assembly. The maximum power density of the NiRu/C anode catalyst membrane electrode assembly is 634 mW/cm2 (H2/O2), which is 60% of the performance of the Pt-catalyst based membrane electrode assembly. The performance of the Pt free catalyst based MEA is not as expected and the maximum power density is only 239 mW/cm2 (H2/O2). Since NiRu/C is passivated at a high current density, which decreases the HOR activity at high overpotential and, results in less improvement in performance of the membrane electrode assembly. The maximum power density of the PdNNi cathode catalyst membrane electrode assembly is as high as 1673 mW/cm2 (H2/O2), which is 1.66 times of the performance of the commercial Pt-based membrane electrode assembly. It can be concluded that reduced mass transfer resistance and electron transfer synergistically contributed to the improved performance of PdNNi cathode electrode.

摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 VI 圖目錄 IX 表目錄 XVI 符號索引 XVII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 燃料電池 2 1.3 燃料電池發展與現況 3 1.4 研究動機與目的 7 第二章 文獻回顧 10 2.1 鹼性膜燃料電池 10 2.2 非鉑陽極觸媒 13 2.3 非鉑陰極觸媒 20 2.4 非鉑觸媒設計策略 26 2.4.1 非鉑陽極觸媒 26 2.4.2 非鉑陰極觸媒 27 第三章 實驗設備與方法 29 3.1 實驗/分析設備 29 3.2 實驗藥品 30 3.3 觸媒電極與膜電極組製備 31 3.3.1 非鉑陽極觸媒 31 3.3.2 非鉑陽極觸媒電極 36 3.3.3 鉑系陽極觸媒電極 37 3.3.4 非鉑陰極觸媒/電極 37 3.3.5 鉑系陰極觸媒電極 39 3.3.6 電化學分析觸媒漿料 40 3.3.7 膜電極組組裝 40 3.4 材料鑑定與分析 41 3.4.1 X射線繞射(XRD) 41 3.4.2 感應偶合電漿光譜(ICP-AES) 41 3.4.3 X射線光電子能譜(XPS) 42 3.4.4 場發射顯微鏡(FE-SEM) 42 3.4.5 掃描穿透式電子顯微鏡(STEM) 43 3.4.6 理論計算(DFT) 44 3.4.7 X射線吸收光譜(XAS) 46 3.4.8 電化學分析 57 3.4.9 膜電極組測試 65 第四章 結果與討論 67 4.1 高活性NiRu/C非鉑陽極觸媒 67 4.1.1 NiRu/C觸媒之晶體結構特徵鑑定 68 4.1.2 NiRu/C觸媒之組成分析 69 4.1.3 NiRu/C觸媒之粒徑分佈 70 4.1.4 NiRu/C觸媒之原子結構鑑定 74 4.1.5 NiRu/C觸媒之電化學特性分析 82 4.1.6 NiRu/C觸媒之電子效應 87 4.1.7 NiRu/C觸媒之協同效應 98 4.1.8 NiRu/C觸媒製程簡化及綠化 100 4.1.9 不同合成方法NiRu/C觸媒之晶體結構特徵鑑定 102 4.1.10 不同合成方法NiRu/C觸媒之粒徑分佈 104 4.1.11 不同合成方法NiRu/C觸媒之電化學特性 108 4.1.12 放大規模生產的觸媒之電化學特性 114 4.1.13 放大規模生產的觸媒之粒徑分佈及元素分佈 118 4.1.14 小結 120 4.2 高活性PdNNi非鉑陰極觸媒 122 4.2.1 PdNNi觸媒之晶體結構特徵鑑定 123 4.2.2 PdNNi觸媒之原子結構鑑定 125 4.2.3 PdNNi觸媒之表面輪廓 127 4.2.4 PdNNi觸媒之電化學特性 130 4.2.5 PdNNi觸媒之電子結構 132 4.2.6 PdNNi觸媒之理論計算 136 4.2.7 小結 138 4.3 非鉑觸媒膜電極組 139 4.3.1 非鉑陽極觸媒膜電極組之性能 139 4.3.2 非鉑陰極觸媒膜電極組之性能 145 4.3.3 非鉑觸媒膜電極組之性能 151 4.3.4 小結 153 第五章 結論 154 第六章 未來展望 155 第七章 參考文獻 156

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