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研究生: 宋彥霖
論文名稱: 公共工程於不同工期展延情形下管理費補償計算模式之研究
Compensation of Project Overhead Damages for Delay and Disruptions in Public Construction
指導教授: 李得璋
The-Chang Lee
口試委員: 王慶煌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 公共工程工期展延情形與時間關聯成本管理費補償計算模式。
外文關鍵詞: Construction Claim, Delay and Disruption, Time-Related Costs, Overhead Damage
相關次數: 點閱:424下載:0
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  • 國內對於因工期展延所衍生管理費補償於實務上多採「比例法」,按展延天數之比例調整管理費。然上述計算方式並未考量不同展延情形對承包商管理費支出的影響,以致補償計算金額有所偏差。鑑於承包商因展延工期所需增加支出之費用,會因不同之展延情形而有差異,本研究乃針對因不同工期展延情形所衍生的管理費補償計算問題,研訂適當之管理費補償處理方式。

    Overhead damage due to delay is a very controversial issue since it is very difficult to verify the costs incurred are linked to the delay and to determine extra resources used. However, the methodology for the calculation of the expense incurred has been widely debated. There are significant discrepancies with regard to current practices of calculating prolongation costs by the over-simplified proportion method. Factors should be considered in assessing overhead damage relating to different circumstances and their effects of the delay and disruptions. The objective of this study is aimed to assist in the quick and efficient calculation of the appropriate compensation for prolongation costs to facilitate delay and disruption claims assessment and their resolution.
    In this study, key issues and the major problems encountered in the calculation of damage of compensable delay of public construction were investigated first through extensive interviews with leading experts. Then, case studies(including 12 mediation cases,2 arbitration and 7 litigation cases )were conducted to explore the current practices of calculating overhead damages due to project delay. And various approaches for compensable damage with relate to the cost items that may incur due to owner caused delay were compared and analyzed. It is concluded that there are significant discrepancies in mediation and litigation with regard to the determination of jobsite overhead by the over-simplified proportion method currently employeed. Guidance set up in the SCL Delay and Disruption Protocol (UK) as well as in the MLIT Ordinance (Japan) are examined. Based on the results, taking account of the circumstances of the construction delay and the related expenses incurred, a modified method of pricing allocable overhead for dispute resolution are developed consequently.

    中文摘要Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 誌謝Ⅲ 目錄IV 表目錄Ⅵ 圖目錄VIII 第一章 緒論1 1.1研究動機與目的1 1.2研究範圍與內容3 1.3研究方法與步驟4 第二章 文獻回顧7 2.1工程展延管理費補償概要7 2.1.1工程展延之責任歸屬7 2.1.2工程展延費用補償9 2.1.3工程間接成本概要12 2.2工期展延管理費補償計算方式 14 2.2.1國內管理費補償計算方式概述14 2.2.2國外管理費補償計算方式概述15 2.3國內公共工程合約對於工期展延管理費補償相關規定之探討19 2.4國外工程合約對於工期展延管理費補償規定之探討 23 第三章不同工期展延管理費補償問題之探討26 3.1國內展延工期管理費補償問題現況26 3.2工期展延衍生「與時間關聯成本」探討 34 3.2.1展延補償項目屬性探討34 3.2.2「與時間關聯成本」與「非時間關聯成本」之比較38 3.2.3不同展延情形下對於人事相關成本與應補償工項之探討41 3.2.4不同工程階段及不同工程規模管理費補償之探討47 3.3 案例研討50 3.4小結61 第四章 不同工期展延情形管理費補償處理模式建立62 4.1量化模型建立62 4.2案例量化分析與探討67 4.3不同工程類型補償折減係數差異之探討83 4.4不同工期展延情形下工程管理費補償計算模式架構之建立93 第五章 結論與建議98 5.1結論98 5.2建議99 參考文獻102

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